Itchy skin in a child can have many different causes - itchy skin can be a symptom of many different diseases. In addition, according to specialists, itching of the skin is much more troublesome for a child than pain. Check the causes of itchy skin. Why does your baby's skin itch?
Itchy skinis the result of irritation of the nerves in the skin.Itchy skin in a childcan occur both after an insect bite and be caused by allergies or parasites. You always need to diagnosethe causes of your baby's itchy skin- until you know it, you can only alleviate your baby's itchy skin symptoms.
Itchy skin in a child: causes
The causes of itchy skin in a child can be many - from a trivial mosquito bite to serious kidney or liver diseases. the most common causes of itchy skin in children are:
- allergy to food, drugs, cosmetics
- dry skin, aggravated in winter
- diseases of the skin and mucosa, e.g. infections caused by fungi or viruses
- parasites, m im. scabies, lice, fleas, whipworms, pinworms
- enterovirus infection
- impetigo contagious
- folliculitis
- hyperkeratosis of the skin
- atopic dermatitis (AD, atopic eczema, scabies)
- diseases of the kidneys, liver, diabetes, arthritis;
Itchy skin in a child: treatment
If you cannot find the cause of your baby's itchy skin, or if your baby's skin lesions are severe, consult your doctor. He will order the appropriate tests, and after determining the appearance of itchy skin in the child, he will select the appropriate treatment.
Itchy skin in a child: home care
To moisturize your baby's skin, use emollients, i.e. moisturizing and lubricating preparations - they will alleviate itching, as well as lubricate and moisturize the skin. You can bathe your baby in water with the addition of natural starch, i.e. potato flour, or a mild solution of potassium permanganate. The use of evening primrose oil is also recommended. Have Fenistil drops or Fenistil gel (ointment for itchy skin), calcium, and prescription antihistamines on hand.