You are obese and want to exercise to lose weight, but being overweight makes it difficult for you to move? Start with simple so-called adaptive exercises. You can do them sitting at home. You will need a towel, a 0.5 liter bottle of water and a chair. Adaptive exercises will prepare your body for greater physical effort.
For people withoverweightandobesityregularexerciseand changing your diet are the most important elements of a successfulweight loss . You will not effectively reduce your body weight and keep it constant without moving. This also applies to the treatment of people with the most advanced obesity, i.e. the third degree. It is often referred to as morbid obesity. At this stage of obesity, your body mass index (BMI) is 40 and above. In practice, this means that people with morbid obesity are those who weigh over 100 kg. For them, the optimal solution will besitting exercises , which will allow the body to gradually get used to exercise without the risk of straining the joints and the circulatory system.
Exercise for obese people - what to watch out for?
Disease symptomobesityis excess body fat . It is distributed in different parts of the body. Mainly on the stomach and chest, thighs and buttocks. The more advanced obesity is, the more this tissue is.
Excess body fat hinders the proper functioning of all organs and systems of the body. Fat tissue strains the joints and bones - mainly the legs and spine. It prevents the obese person from being able to walk, stand, turn around and perform simple self-service activities, e.g. dressing. Fat tissue also builds up around the heart, bronchi and lungs, causing symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, pain in breathing and a stinging sensation in the chest with every strenuous effort.
For the body of an obese person, overburdened with too much fat and unprepared for exercise, intense training may be harmful and even life-threatening. The physical activity of very obese people must therefore be very carefully adapted to their individual endurance and other diseases, especially:
- heart and circulatory system diseases,
- type 2 diabetes,
- diseasesdegenerative joint disease,
- sleep apnea,
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Physical activity in people with morbid obesity must also be increased and modified gradually. If you impose too high a pace of exercise at once, it can lead to heart failure, heart attack, stroke, stroke and even death in very obese people.
If you suffer from obesity, the so-called huge, and you want to start moving more, start with simple and safe exercises, the so-called adaptive while sitting. Thanks to adaptive exercises, you will prepare your body for more effort.
We present a sequence of exercises that you can do while sitting in your home or garden. You need a comfortable outfit, a towel, a 0.5 liter water bottle and a chair.
Sitting exercises for obese people - training plan
To start with, do 3 series of each exercise. With each training session, add more repetitions to get 15 - 20 repetitions in one set. Do adaptive training 3 times a week for 6 weeks.
Walk or walk at your own pace for 5 minutes. If your knees start to hurt, hold on to the back of the chair to shift some of your weight onto your arms.
Workout Phase 1 - Warm-up:
Sit on the chair. Straighten your spine, lift your head up, pull your shoulders down. Remember to hold this position in the next phases of your exercise. Also, remember to breathe regularly. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
Phase 2 of training:
While still sitting in the chair, slightly turn your head alternately - once to the right side and once to the left side.
Phase 3 of training:
Raise your shoulders and make both circular movements at once.
Phase 4 of training:
Arrange your arms perpendicular to your body and make circular movements of both arms and forearms simultaneously.
Phase 5 of training:
Place your palms with the palms facing you, place them at the height of the breastbone and press in a pulsating manner.
Phase 6 of training:
Lower your arms along your torso. Keeping your arms and elbows close to your body, bend your forearms to bring your hands closer to your shoulders.
Phase 7 of training:
Perform the so-called cat's back, that is, bend your back into a light headband, and then straighten up by sticking your chest forward.
Phase 8 of training:
Grab a plastic bottle filled with water in your hands - one end on the right and the other end on the left. Extend your straightened arms with the bottle forward first, then to the left and right.
Phase 9 of training:
Sitting onin an upright position, place one leg on the ground at a right angle - so that the knee is above the ankle. Extend the other leg at the knee and hold it, counting to 5. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
Phase 10 of training:
While still sitting upright in the chair, cross your legs at the ankles, press them together, and then lift them up, straightening both legs at the knees at the same time.
Phase 11 of training:
While still sitting upright in the chair, place your legs at right angles, so that your knees are just above your ankles. Then, without lifting your heels off the ground, lift the toes of your feet up.
Phase 12 of training:
While still sitting upright in the chair, place your legs at right angles, so that your knees are just above your ankles. Place a towel under your feet and then roll it up with your toes.
Workout Phase 13 - Mute:
At the end of the entire training unit, take three deep breaths in and out.
Remember to stretch!
At the end of your workout, do some stretching exercises. You can find an example set in the video below.
Anna Podsiedlik-Ciebiera shows stretching exercises for obese people supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity. This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content of people suffering from obesity.
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