Exercises that burn the most calories need to be in good shape. If you want to lose weight, you should include them in your workouts. Check which workouts burn the most calories, i.e. which are the most "profitable" for us.
In order toburn as many calories as possiblein one workout, you need to be in good shape. That is why beginners should rather not make such a big effort. It is worth working on your endurance successively first, and then gradually include more and more demanding forms of training.
You can also try to divide the training into 2 or 3 parts: one should be done e.g. in the morning, another at noon, and the last in the evening.
To avoid injuries in such demanding training sessions, always start with a good warm-up.
Here'sranking of workouts that burn the most calories . All these workouts are the top calorie burners among physical activities, but in the end you will find record holders. Workouts lasting one hour predominate (we provide time frames, otherwise).
Kick-boxing develops the body in a holistic way. In training, kick-boxers must take care of the impact strength, flexibility and speed of movement. Legs, arms and core are heavily involved. To get good punches and kicks, you need a lot of effort. During one hour of training, you have the chance to burn582 calories .
Sprint uphill or down stairs
Running is a very good way to burn calories. And running up stairs or uphill runs require even more endurance. Training on the stairs is one of the most interesting and comprehensive forms of running training. It will help to improve the static and dynamic strength of the muscles, stabilize the ankle, knee and hip joints and improve the condition.
Number of calories burned per hour:639 .
Skipping rope
Skipping rope is an exercise from the FBW series, because it involves the whole body, not only the legs. Skipping rope will burn a lot of calories in one workout, but it also requires a lot of endurance. For an average build person, it can be even more than 10 kcal per minute, so at a speed of 100-120 hops per minute -660 kcal and more .
Skipping rope has the advantage that you can jump everywhere: at home, at the gym, in the park.To make the training even more effective, choose a heavier rope that will involve your hands and arms even more.
See also: Challenge: 30 days of skipping rope
Road riding
Cycling in road conditions is a less demanding terrain than, for example, mountain biking, but even during an hour ride, if you really get involved and don't let go of the pace, you will burn704 kcal . To know if your body is working properly, measure your heart rate.
See here: Physical Activity Measuring Devices
For comparison, the cycling intervals on a stationary bike are 568 kcal / hour.
Martial arts
The term "martial arts" refers to various types of hand-to-hand combat or combat with the use of melee weapons (eg sticks, sword, saber). In common consciousness, they constitute a uniform group of disciplines in which the main emphasis is placed on learning how to throw blows in order to defeat the opponent or effectively defend against him. The most popular of them come from the Far East. We can choose:
- judo
- ju-jitsu
- aikido
- kung-fu
- tai-chi.
During one hour of martial arts training session you will burn up to744 kcalwhile building and modeling your muscles. The more muscle mass, the more efficiently your body will burn fat.
The rowing machine will not burden your joints, and at the same time "consume" a lot of calories. This is because it involves all muscle groups: from the hands, through the core, to the calves. It will raise your heart rate to the desired training maximum, which is of great importance in slimming training. Rowing will also work well in natural conditions on the water.
Unlike regular recreational skateboarding, if you really get the pace up and start skating aggressively, you can get rid of even800 kcalin an hour. For recreational riding, it will be half as much.
It doesn't matter if you choose indoor climbing walls or rock climbing (or mountain climbing for experienced climbers), it will bring you many benefits:
- you will improve your metabolism
- you will increase maximum muscle strength,
- you will strengthen joints and bones
- you will increase the total efficiency of the body
- you will improve your physical endurance and motor coordination
- you will improve the balance of the body.
Remember that going up burns far more calories than going down. The average person will sleep818 kcalfor an hour.
- Wall climbing for beginners
- Bouldering - low altitude climbing
Butterfly style swimming
According to Swimming.org data, the butterfly is at the top of the list of swimming styles that burn the most calories, becausewill burn them in 30 minutes . While it's one of the most difficult ways to swim, it puts all your muscles to work, making it a very intense workout. The butterfly style technique requires tremendous strength and coordination.
Riding a bicycle on a varied terrain at a speed of about 24 km / h costs about840 kcalper hour with an average build. Conversely, if you accelerate to 30 km / h and keep this pace, you will burn almost900 km / h . Riding a bike in the field is much more effective than spinning. It requires the body to overcome the force of wind and hills.
All the benefits of cycling
What we really mean is a quick run for an hour in which you will put the maximum effort. He is the king of the most calorie-burning workouts. Just look at the silhouettes of experienced runners.
Running for an average body builder will burn over 1000 kcal per hour. This is a typical endurance effort, so if you are just starting out, systematically increase your running parameters. Don't jump into deep water right away or you will get injured.
Read also: How to run properly?
Check what exercises for burning calories are proposed by one of the best fitness trainers, Chris Heria