Aerobics is the best form of exercise for slimming people. One hour of such training allows you to burn an average of 400-500 kcal. See how many calories you lose by training different types of aerobics: TBC, ABT, fat burning, zumba, aqua aerobics, running, cycling, nordic walking.
Aerobics(aerobic exercise) is so effective atburning caloriesbecause it increases oxygen exchange during exercise. As a result, the body burns fat more intensively than, for example, during strength exercise.
To get the most benefit from your aerobic exercise, train for at least 30-40 minutes with a heart rate of no less than 120-130 beats per minute. See which form of exercise is best for such training and will burn the most calories.
Classic aerobics: 500 kcal less
By the term "aerobics" we most often understand group exercises accompanied by rhythmic music. This is what TBC classes look like - from the English "total body conditioning", ABT, or "abdominal, buttocks, thighs" (belly, buttocks, thighs) and fat burning. They combine cardio (i.e. increasing the heart rate) and strength effort, the purpose of which is to increase muscle endurance.
In TBC and ABT, additional devices are often used, e.g. dumbbells, steppers, balls, rubbers. Participants of the classes perform a choreographic arrangement with fitness exercises - steppes, squats, jumps, swinging arms, legs, etc.
TBC, ABT and fat burning are offered by many fitness clubs. Such workouts are also available on DVDs, so you can practice without leaving your home. This type of aerobics allows you to burn approx. 500 kcal per hour.
Which exercises burn the most calories?
Dance aerobics: 450 kcal less
In classical aerobics, the emphasis is on fitness exercises that largely engage the muscles of the entire body. Such training requires a lot of repetition and may be too monotonous for some. If you're looking for more variety, zumba, bokwa fitness or slavica dance might be a good choice. Such exercises are more energetic and give you more freedom. They are definitely closer to dancing than typical fitness training. At the same time, they are very effective in fat burning - one hour of such classesis 450 kcal less.
See also: Home aerobics - a set of exercises for beginners
Water aerobics: over 500 kcal less
Aqua aerobics can be trained by anyone, but it is especially recommended for people who are overweight and have problems with the skeletal system. Exercising in the pool relieves the joints, and water resistance additionally increases the effectiveness of the effort. The training is done in water up to the chest, so swimming is not necessary.
Depending on your body weight, aqua aerobics allows you to burn from 400 to over 500 kcal.
Check also: Ewa Chodakowska's Turbo Challenge - rules, effects, opinions about training
This will be useful to youYou will get even better weight loss results if you useinterval training (HIIT) . It involves alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise (performed at maximum intensity) with breaks for more moderate cardio exercises. Training can be based on any type of endurance or strength exercises: running, cycling, jumping rope, squats, push-ups, etc.
See the interval training plan for cyclists and runners.
Aerobic exercise: up to 540 kcal less
If you're looking for a more traditional way to burn fat, go for jogging, biking, or dynamic Nordic walking. These forms of physical activity are also aerobic training. One hour of walking with poles is about 360 kcal less, the same time of cycling helps to burn 400 kcal. However, jogging gives the best results - 60 minutes of jogging allows you to lose about 540 kcal.