Try training for a slim figure, thanks to which you will burn fat and shape the most problematic parts of the body: thighs, buttocks, abdomen and arms. This is the perfect set of exercises for women who want to achieve the effect of a slim, slim figure without excessively developed muscles. There are two types of training: for beginners and advanced. See how to exercise to get a perfect figure in no time.
Perfect figure trainingshould consist of cardio exercises that burn fat and strength exercises that shape the figure. The main areas of the body subjected to such training are the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and arms - the places most prone to fat gain. Thanks to regular exercise, you will make them slimmer, toned and give them a nice, athletic look without expanding your muscles.
Try a comprehensive training without equipment, thanks to which you will achieve your dream figure.
Perfect figure training - rules
The training is intended for both beginners and advanced users. People who are just starting their adventure with fitness can start with the basic variant, and after a few weeks move on to more difficult versions of exercises.
Training should be performed 3 times a week with at least one day break between training sessions. For each exercise, you will be told how long or how many repetitions it should take to complete it. You can take 15-second breaks between exercises.
It is important to warm up your muscles well before training. For this purpose, you can perform several general development exercises, e.g. jog in place, rompers, arm circles, torsion, hip circles. An equally good option is to warm up on a stationary bike or stepper.
Which exercises burn the most calories?
1. Leg cardio exercise: side skips
Stand straight, tilt your torso slightly forward, bend your arms in front of you. Move into a squat position with your knees slightly bent. Jump to the right side, then to the left side, first tearing one and then the other leg off the ground (the point is not to keep your feet together while jumping, but to jump freely from one leg to another). Exercise all the time on bent knees.Repeat the exercise for 40 seconds (advanced: 60-90 seconds).
2. Cardio exercise for thighs and glutes: jumps low to the ground
Put one leg far in front of you and the other leg behind you - so that you can stand wide apart. Bend your legs to a right angle. Jump from foot to foot while keeping your knees low. Remember to keep your back straight. Repeat the exercise for 20 seconds (advanced: 30-40 seconds).
3. Exercise for the thighs and buttocks: sumo squats
Stand wide apart. Point your toes outwards. Bring your palms together in front of you at chest level. Bend your knees and lower your torso low enough that the angle between your thighs and lower leg is 90 degrees. Then straighten your legs and return to a standing position. Do 20-30 of these squats.
Advanced people can hold a weight of any weight with both hands.
4. Exercise for the shoulders and chest: push-ups on the knees
Move to the support facing forward on straight hands. Place your hands approximately shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees so that your thighs and torso are in a straight line. Bend your arms and try to lower your torso low enough that your chin is just above the ground. Then straighten your arms and come back to the starting position. Do 10-15 push-ups.
A more difficult variant for advanced people is the classic push-up, i.e. the same exercise only without supporting yourself on the knees (legs and torso form a straight line).
ImportantWhen exercising, remember to breathe properly - this will give your muscles a better oxygen and make it easier for them to work. Exhale as you tighten a muscle, and choke it when you relax it.
5. Exercise for triceps: triceps push-ups
Sit on your feet, put your torso on your thighs, and stretch your arms far forward. From this position, lift your thighs and buttocks, bend your arms and transfer all your weight to your arms. In the final phase of the movement, your chin should be a few centimeters above the ground (do not lie down with your whole body on the ground! Keep your torso above the ground). In this exercise, the most important thing is that the elbows are as close to the body as possible - this increases the work of the back muscles of the arms, i.e. the triceps. Come back to the starting position by straightening your arms and tugging your buttocks backwards. Since the exercise is difficult, all you need to do is do 5 repetitions.
More advanced people can perform 15 such push-ups.
6. Buttocks Exercise: Front Leg Raise
Provide front support on the forearms. Lift your right leg back and up, pointing your foot towards the ceiling. Try to tense your buttock as much as possible.Then lower your leg, keeping your knee just off the ground, and lift it back behind you again. Keep your back straight and your lumbar still stationary. Do 20 repetitions on each side.
Advanced people can make their task difficult by attaching additional weight to the legs - thanks to this, the buttock muscles will work even more intensively.
7. Exercise for the outside of the thighs: lifting the bent leg to the side
Stay in the forward support position, but this time leaning on straight arms. Make sure there is a right angle between the thigh and the lower leg. Raise the bent leg to the side so that the calf is level with your torso, parallel to the ground. Then lower your leg. Repeat 15 times on each side.
Advanced people can add extra weight to their legs or increase the number of repetitions to 20-30 for each leg.
8. Exercise for the inside of the thighs: butterfly
Lie on your back and bend your knees. Raise your hips so that they form a straight line with your torso and thighs. Place your hands behind the nape of your neck. Place your feet on your heels and set a width slightly wider than the width of your hips. Bring your knees sideways wide enough to feel your inner thighs stretch. Then bring your knees inward. Make a pulsating, rhythmic movement: abduction, adduction, abduction etc. Repeat for half a minute.
9. Exercise for the rectus abdominals: classic crunches
Lie on your back and bend your legs. Place your hands behind your head. Perform traditional abdominal presses, tearing only the shoulder blades off the ground. Remember that the head is an extension of the spine and that the abdomen is constantly tense. Keep your elbows wide apart. Do 20 repetitions.
A more difficult variant of the exercise is to perform crunches with raised legs and bend them at right angles.
10. Abdominal oblique muscle exercise: exercise bike
Stay lying on your back. Raise your legs at a right angle (so that your thighs are perpendicular to the floor). Place your hands behind your head, open your elbows. Pull your right knee once and then your left knee towards your chest. At the same time, raise your torso to shoulder height and touch the opposite knee with your elbow. Do 20 such shortcuts on both sides (advanced: 30 or more).
11. Lower Abdominal Exercise: Legs Up
Lying on your back, straighten your legs and lift them perpendicular upwards. For better comfort, place your hands under your buttocks. While lifting your hips, push both joined legs up towards the ceiling and then lower them. It is important that you do not help yourself by pushing your arms while exercising - only work with your abdominal muscles.Do 15 repetitions.
Advanced people should try to extend the time of lowering the hips as much as possible by using only the abdominal muscles (not bumping up on the hands).
12. Exercise to strengthen the whole body: plank
Lie on your stomach and bend your arms at a right angle (your shoulders should be above your elbows). Rest on your toes and evenly lift your legs, hips, and torso off the ground. Tighten your abdomen sharply, keeping your whole body in a perfectly straight line. Keep your head up - it should be an extension of the spine. Hold this position for 30 seconds (with time you can extend the exercise time to 60 seconds).
Advanced variant: while in the plank position, take your right leg off the ground, bend it at the knee and pull it towards the right elbow. Return to the starting position and do the left leg exercise. Repeat alternately 15 times on each side.
End training
At the end of your workout, spend 10 minutes thoroughly stretching your muscles. If you feel up to it, do a 20-minute cardio workout, such as on an exercise bike. Aerobics after strength exercises are a good way to accelerate the reduction of body fat - thanks to them, the fat burning process can extend up to 48 hours after exercise.