"Skinny fat" is a term for a slim person who weighs little, but has cellulite and sagging skin. Although such shortcomings are easy to hide under clothes, going to the beach in a bikini outfit can expose figure shortcomings. Find out what exercises and diet should be used by skinny fat people to get rid of sagging skin around the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and arms.
"Skinny fat"is an English term meaning "skinny fat". The so-called "skinny fat men" look slim in tight-fitting dresses that cover the body, but as soon as they take off their clothes and show up in a bikini, it turns out that their figures are far from perfect … Cellulite, shaky, jelly-like skin or folds on the back are the main signs of being "skinny fat". Although not visible at first glance, they affect many slim girls as well as men.
It turns out that those who appear lean, with a normal BMI, but proportionally low muscle mass, may have greater he alth problems and a risk of premature death than those who are overweight and have a high BMI. Research on how the amount of muscle mass in the human body affects he alth was conducted at the University of Alberta in Canada.
How to fight the "skinny fat" effect despite the impeccable figure? Here are 5 effective tips for skinny fat men.
1. Train with weight
Some girls don't have to work for a slim figure - they got it as a gift from nature and no matter how much they exercise and how they eat, their weight stands still. Nevertheless, the condition of their skin may be the same or even worse than that of their rounder friends. The main culprits are laziness and lack of exercise. The skin of people who play sports regularly is more flexible and produces more collagen than girls who do not move at all.
To get rid of "skinny fat", "skinny fat" should start regular training. Strength exercises with your own body weight or with light weights will give you the best results. It is worth focusing primarily on the arms, back, abdomen, thighs and buttocks, i.e. those areas that are most exposed to loss of firmness and cellulite. Squats, lunges or hip lifting while lying on the back are especially effective for the lower body parts. To get rid of saggy shoulder skin (also known as pelicans), try dumbbell exercises.
2. Be active every day
People who are "skinny fat", contrary to appearances, also struggledeal with excess body fat, but in their case it is unevenly distributed, and therefore it is more difficult to fight it. Strength exercise can improve the appearance of the skin, but it will not significantly affect metabolism and fat reduction. Therefore, lean fat men, in addition to weight training, should actively spend time every day. Instead of sitting in front of the TV or computer - jogging or roller skating. Instead of going everywhere by car - choose a bike or a quick walk. This is not about breaking records or exercising until you drop (you're relatively thin after all), it's just about spending more time on the move. Thanks to this, the body will be able to cope with the surplus of energy more easily and the fat will be burned immediately instead of being deposited on the buttocks.
3. Eat he althy
Many girls who eat highly processed foods, junk food, drink sweet carbonated drinks and … do not gain weight. However, such an unhe althy diet has a huge impact on the condition of the skin and sooner or later it will lead to the "skinny fat" effect.
If you dream of firm, taut skin, not shaky jelly, be sure to change your eating habits. Discard ready-made, store-bought food and eat meals prepared with only fresh, unprocessed ingredients. Replace s alty snacks with nuts or vegetable chips. Instead of eating unhe althy sweets full of hydrogenated fats and sugar, choose fruit and dried fruits (their sugar content is much he althier and does not affect insulin spikes so much). Also limit s alt in your diet - it affects the retention of water in the body and the formation of cellulite.
Remember not to drastically reduce the caloric value of your meals and eat differently - restrictive diets are reserved for real fat people.
Bikini training - how to exercise, not to be ashamed to go to the beach in a swimsuit? How to look good naked? 10 ways to have a beautiful body Exercise for cellulite. The best exercises for cellulite
Look at: What does the inside of an obese person look like, but is thin on the outside?
Source: Good morning TVN / x-news
Worth knowingWearing tubes contributes to "skinny fat"
"Skinny fat" is manifested primarily by unevenly distributed fatty tissue in the lower parts of the body. Its uneven accumulation is often caused by the stagnation of lymph in the legs - thus the removal of harmful metabolic products is difficult and cellulite appears on the thighs.
What affects cardiovascular stasis? The main sins of girls are frequent wearing tight tubes, longsitting still, crossing one leg.
If you want to get rid of the "skinny fat" effect, wear tight pants less often - choose feminine skirts and dresses. Do you have a sedentary job? Get up and walk for 5 minutes at least once an hour, and change your posture frequently while sitting. And don't cross your feet! This has a very bad effect on the appearance of the legs.
4. Drink plenty of water
The cause of cellulite in thin girls, the main sign of "skinny fat", is often water retention. Water remains in the tissues due to lack of exercise, wearing tight clothes, walking in high heels, consuming too much s alt or taking birth control pills. In this case, it is best to change your harmful habits and drink more water throughout the day. Paradoxically, the more water we drink, the better the body is able to remove excess water from the tissues.
Two liters of still mineral water a day, preferably with the addition of lemon juice, is a proven way to eliminate cellulite and cleanse the body of toxins.
5. Use body scrubs and firming creams
Skinny fat, such as cellulite, must also be fought from the outside - with firming creams and peels. It is important to combine the application of the cream with a few-minute massage, which will stimulate blood circulation and break down fat cells. A dry massage with a thick bristle brush brings very good results, or you can use a Chinese cupping massage.
After the massage, apply a firming and slimming preparation - its composition should include active ingredients such as caffeine extract, collagen, elastin, vitamin E, algae, hyaluronic acid.
In addition, during the bath, it is worth taking a vigorous peeling that will improve the blood supply to the skin, moisturize it and smooth it. You can reach for ready-made preparations from the store or prepare a peeling yourself, e.g. by mixing finely ground coffee with fragrant oil.