Wondering how to lose your stomach quickly and permanently? You need to know that the fat loss process depends on many factors. Diet and exercise are effective, but it is not enough to eat he althy and exercise to lose your belly. In fact, you need to change your lifestyle and introduce certain habits that will lead you to your dream figure. If you do not know how to lose your stomach through exercise and diet, read the article - thanks to the proven advice of a trainer you will learn how to lose your stomach in up to a month!
Questions " how to lose your stomach with diet " and " how to lose your stomach with exercise " flood forums and social networks. The web is full of tips on how to lose weight quickly and how to get a flat stomach. In the sheer volume of information, it is hard to spot the most effective ones - the more so as they are often formulated by laymen who have no idea about slimming.
It should be remembered that every organism is different, and the advice addressed to people should be universal, effective, but most importantly -safe . Therefore, we asked a fitness trainer who gives advice to people who want to lose weight on a daily basis how to lose your stomach in a month. Here are 10 of her diet and exercise tips.
1. Give up simple carbohydrates
How to lose your stomach with a diet?Exclude simple carbohydrates from it!Consumed frequently and in large amounts, significantly contribute to the accumulation of unnecessary kilograms in the abdominal area. Why is this happening?
This type of carbohydrate is very quickly absorbed into the body, which our metabolism does not fully cope with and does not fully absorb them, causing fat deposition. We eat simple carbohydrates every day and we are not fully aware of it, because this macronutrient is hidden, among others, in white flour, i.e. pasta, bread, white rice, sweets, jams and fruit. When you sweeten your tea, you also use simple carbohydrates! What if you drink several of these teas a day? Exactly!
Remember: eat simple carbohydrates only after training or until noon in the form of their he althiest version, i.e. fruit.Then the body, instead of turning them into adipose tissue, will use them in order to gaining energy.
ImportantSimple carbohydrates are:
- white wheat bread - instead of eating white rolls and white bread, replace them with whole wheat bread,
- sweets - replace them with dark chocolate and nuts,
- white pasta - replace them with whole grain pasta,
- sweet sodas - replace them with water with lemon, green tea and herbs,
- white rice - replace it with brown rice.
- sugar, syrups (agave, glucose-fructose) - give them up completely or replace them with natural sweeteners (stevia, xylitol).
2. Keep a balanced diet
To lose your stomach in a month, you should stick to a balanced diet. Give up fasting and fancy ways to lose a few extra pounds in a week. First of all, it will not have long-term effects and you will quickly get the yo-yo effect; second, you will destroy your precious he alth.
The only effective way to lose your stomach is to eat a diet rich in all the most important micro- and macronutrients, eaten at the right times and in the right amounts.Our body must be sufficiently nourishedto be able to burn fat and work on a high metabolic rate. What does a balanced diet mean in the fight for a flat stomach?
Such a diet should consist of lean proteins such as turkey, chicken, fish and yoghurt, plenty of vegetables, whole grains such as groats, rice and wholemeal bread. If you dream of a beautiful figure for the summer and are wondering how to lose your stomach in a month with the help of a diet, you need to beware of the following products during this period:
- fried and fatty foods,
- junk food,
- s alty snacks,
- sweets,
- cakes, cookies,
- highly processed products,
- sweet drinks and juices.
A balanced diet is first and foremost a diet tailored to you, so you need to watch your body and avoid anything that is harmful to it or causes various he alth ailments, e.g. bloating, gas, nausea.
- Menu for a flat stomach
- How to quickly drop your belly? 9 most important rules
- A flat stomach in a week - diet and exercise for 7 days
3. Drink plenty of water
Water is extremely important not only for people who want to lose their stomachs and lose weight. A man of 60% consists of it. Water improves digestion, accelerates metabolism, regulates body temperature, nourishes the body, eliminates water cellulite and firms the skin. These are just some of its great he alth benefits!
To lose your stomach you should drinkat least 8 glasses of mineral water a day.
Just think how bad you feel when you are thirsty. This is the first sign of dehydration. We feel dizzy, feel nauseous and feel faint. To prevent this from happening, water should be drunk frequently and in small amounts to keep the body properly hydrated.
4. Eat regularly
Regular meals are extremely important to maintain your dream figure. You should eat every three to four hours to keep your metabolism running smoothly.
Remember that the portions are not too large, because the body will not absorb all of them and may store a significant part in adipose tissue. By eating regularly, you do not allow you to feel hungry and store fat as a spare.
- Diet dinner up to 500 kcal - 7 delicious suggestions
- Recipes for dietary salads with chicken, egg, tuna
- Slimming cocktails - recipes for vegetable and fruit smoothies
5. Eat your last meal 2 hours before going to bed
For a flat stomach, it is best that you eat your last meal two hours before going to bed, because then your body will still have time to digest the food provided to it. When you go to bed with a full stomach, you may have trouble sleeping, as your digestive system will struggle to digest the foods you have provided and will not be able to produce the hormones serotonin and tryptophan needed for sleep.
6. Intertwine anaerobic and aerobic effort
The best example of anaerobic (anaerobic) and aerobic (aerobic) training is interval exercise, i.e. one that has a variable training pace. It's a good idea to use your whole body during interval training, because the more muscle you use, the better you burn fat.
See: Interval training at home - a sample set of exercises
Remember to exercise up to 4-5 times a week so that your body can regenerate properly.
And how to lose your stomach in the gym thanks to exercise? You probably already know that you will not burn fat from crunches. However, you will definitely get rid of it thanks to strength exercises. Good examples of strength training for the abdomen are:
- circuit training,
- FBW,
- TBC,
Thanks to the high dynamics of exercises, short rests between sets and a variable training pace, you will see satisfactory results after a month of exercise.
- Exercises for a flat stomach and sides
- Bungee fitness - what is it? What is the priceclasses?
7. Get enough sleep
Getting enough sleep is extremely important if you want to lose your stomach. Adequate sleep has a positive effect on the physical abilities of the body, burns excess body fat and has a great effect on metabolism.
Make sure you sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. Not getting enough sleep causes stress and leads to exhaustion, and these are not the allies of weight loss. Moreover,causes disturbances in the production of the hormones responsible for the feeling of hunger: leptin and ghrelin . As a result, during the day we feel like eating more often and we consume more calories.
8. Take care of your rest
Remember that it is during rest, after training, that we burn excess body fat. Proper regeneration is also important because our body must recharge the batteries for the next workouts. If he doesn't, we may develop an injury or other serious he alth problems.
Fat burning is a long-term and long-term process. Tired with too frequent physical exertion, the body reacts to our effects with stress, andstress causes the accumulation of fat tissue . So take care of stretching, relaxing in the bathtub and relaxing in the fresh air, and your body will thank you for it!
9. Help yourself with natural fat burners
If you are wondering how to lose your stomach in a month, natural fat burners will be a great ally in the fight for a perfect figure. Add a little pepper, red pepper, ginger and turmeric to your dishes. These products boost the metabolism and thermogenesis (and our body has to make a lot of effort to regulate the body temperature). Also drink green and red teas that remove toxins and excess water from the body, so they are great for reducing belly circumference.
Check: Natural fat burners - a list of 10 slimming products
10. Take it easy;)
Do not stress that for the second week you have been doing everything according to plan and your stomach is still not flat like a board. Its shape and appearance will always be influenced by many factors that do not depend on your efforts. You probably know well from the autopsy that rainy weather keeps water in your body, and before your period your stomach is bloated like a balloon.
The appearance of our belly may depend on many different factors. Not everyone has such a great metabolism as fitness stars, who have to work very hard for their radiator. Don't worry about it and don't compare yourself with others. Every organismhe's different! We have different proportions of muscles, different tendencies of fat deposition, different metabolisms and body types.
What type of body do you have? Take the TEST
When you follow the effects of your efforts, look only at yourself. Use a tape measure and measure your body composition from time to time. Do not constantly analyze your belly in front of the mirror, because it will not lose weight, and you will stress unnecessarily, get nervous and doubt yourself. It won't be good for your body - and if it doesn't function properly, your metabolism will slow down as well. Just follow the plan, take your time and take it easy, and you will lose your belly faster than you think! I know from my own experience that self-confidence, perseverance, forbearance and cheerfulness are the best fat burners! ;)