Wondering how to lose weight after pregnancy? Immediately after giving birth, a young mother should focus on rest and regeneration, and then start exercising. On the other hand, an appropriate diet, started in the first weeks after childbirth, will certainly accelerate the loss of extra pounds. Check what are the ways to lose weight after pregnancy.
How to lose weight after pregnancy ? Many a young mother asks herself this question. First of all, losing weight should start with regeneration and diet, and only then start regular physical activity. The diet must be adapted to the condition of the mother and child, as the nutrients consumed by the mother will go to the breastfed child in her milk.
Training can start a few weeks after giving birth, and not too strenuous physical activity after a few days. However, it's not just diet and exercise that can help you lose weight quickly after pregnancy.
For tips on how to lose weight after giving birth, read the following best practices for getting back into a lean body quickly.
- Use a proper diet
- Drink lots of water
- Move
- Take care of regeneration
- Help yourself with natural fat burners
- Apply firming massages
6 Ways To Lose Weight After Pregnancy
Here is a list of the most effective ways to lose weight after childbirth, which will allow you to quickly and safely get your dream figure.
1. Use a proper diet
If you are wondering how to lose weight after giving birth, you should start a balanced and well-chosen diet right after the appropriate dose of rest. What does it mean? Your diet must contain products containing micronutrients such as iron, B vitamins, magnesium, vitamin C and D. It must be such food that will provide you with energy and nourish your body and accelerate the process of fat burning, and at the same time will be safe for the baby you are feeding.
Examples of products recommended during this period are:
- coarse grains, wholemeal pasta, rye and wholemeal bread;
- green leafy vegetables, e.g. lamb's lettuce, spinach, arugula, beetroot;
- red pepper, green cucumber, citrus fruits (e.g. grapefruit,orange), forest fruits (e.g. blackberries, blueberries, wild strawberries);
- lean white meat (turkey, chicken, fish);
- grains and seeds.
To lose weight after pregnancy, you should also follow these rules:
- Start the day with breakfast eaten at least 30 minutes after waking up. . This will stop the process of fat deposition, muscle catabolism and put your metabolism on the right track. You don't need to eat right away when you wake up. Let your body wake up so that your stomach can not only digest what you eat, but also absorb the nutritional value of your food.
- Eat regularly . Ideally every 3 hours. Providing meals at regular intervals will not result in excessive fat deposition.
- Eat small meals but often . This will inhibit hunger pangs and will constantly fuel the metabolism.
- Avoid simple carbohydrates in the afternoon . Simple carbohydrates (or simple sugars) are best eaten right after exercise, if you can do it, or during the first part of the day. The best simple carbohydrates are fruit. Avoid other products because they make it harder to lose weight after childbirth - they include sweets, white flour products.
Avoid these foods in your diet if you want to lose weight quickly after pregnancy
- sweets, cakes;
- sweet carbonated drinks;
- s alty snacks;
- canned food, sausages, pates and other highly processed products;
- fast-food;
- alcohol (it is even forbidden for breastfeeding mothers);
- deep-fried products;
- white flour products such as bread, rolls, buns, pasta etc.
2. Drink plenty of water
In order to lose weight quickly after childbirth, the first thing you need to do is stay hydrated. In the rush of daily activities and duties, we often forget to hydrate our body, which results in slower metabolism, dry skin, improper work of internal organs and the nervous system. The human body is 70% water. Without a daily supply of at least 2 liters of fluid, the body will not function properly.
Water, in addition to its he alth-promoting effect, also accelerates metabolic changes taking place in our body. In addition, by drinking 2 liters of water a day, we get rid of water cellulite! When we do not supply ourselves with enough fluid, our body stores its reserves to prevent dehydration. Water is also a transporter of the most important minerals and vitamins,and those during breastfeeding are especially important for both the mother and her baby.
Drinking water is not only a way to lose weight after pregnancy, but also a he althy habit that is worth developing for the rest of your life.
How to get rid of your stomach after childbirth?
3. Move
The first month after giving birth is especially important to the he alth of the mother. After pregnancy, all forms of exercise should be consulted with the attending physician. It is he who can professionally judge when mom can do physical exercise. Below are some general recommendations.
- About 2 weeks after giving birth
The first two weeks after giving birth should be spent on recovery and rest. Movement, however, is inevitable, but also necessary. Short walks, stretching exercises and some yoga exercises are allowed. This will help the young mom slowly regain a slim figure, but also prepare her for more demanding types of training.
You don't have to look far for a solution to lose weight after pregnancy. Daily play with your baby will have a positive effect on losing extra pounds. If the mother is after cesarean section, she should pay special attention to the healing scars and not to stress the abdominal area.
- About 3-4 weeks after giving birth
After more than 3 or 4 weeks, you can start practicing more demanding forms of exercise than those listed above. However, it should be remembered that every woman is different and the length of time she will be ready for regressive effort depends on her body.
At the beginning, it is good to start with pilates exercises, because they relieve the spine, make muscles slimmer and effectively burn calories. To increase fat reduction and to lose weight as quickly as possible after pregnancy thanks to exercise, you can do aerobic training (long walks or riding a stationary bike), during which fat is burned during exercise, and exercise with light dumbbells or water bottles. However, do not overstress your abdominal muscles. You should wait for this batch until about two months after giving birth.
4. Take care of regeneration
The first two weeks after giving birth are especially important for a woman's body. Then we should not be tormented by the question of how to lose weight after pregnancy, but all our time should be spent on proper regeneration. By the way, it is she who will effectively affect the acceleration of the weight loss process. The appropriate amount of sleep is around 8 hours for each person. If we get enough sleep every day, our body functions properly and our metabolism works onhigh speed, which significantly accelerates fat burning.
What is more, in a dream the regenerative processes take place with double the force, which affects both the reduction of fat and the increase of muscle mass. It is during rest that our muscles grow, previously activated with appropriate training.
To lose weight after childbirth, you should also avoid excessive stress, because the increased level of cortisol affects the process of fat deposition. Yoga, stretching and breathing exercises can help to calm down.
5. Help yourself with natural fat burners
To lose weight as soon as possible after childbirth, use natural fat burners. These include: green and red tea, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon. Of course, do not overdo it and add symbolic amounts of these ingredients to your dishes. Remember that you need to take care of your and your baby's he alth after giving birth, especially if you are a nursing mother.
Check: Recipes for slimming smoothies with ginger and turmeric
6. Use firming massages
How to lose weight after giving birth? By alternating massage with warm and cold water. It perfectly stimulates blood circulation, firms the skin and accelerates metabolic changes in the body. You can also use massages with the help of specialized massagers, which will additionally firm the skin. Maybe they will not directly affect the weight loss process after pregnancy, but they will certainly give an excellent slimming effect.