Try side exercises that will shape your waist and hips. Thanks to the exercises, you will get rid of stubborn fat folds and get a nice waistline. The proposed exercises for the sides give very good results, because they not only strengthen the abdominal muscles (especially the transverse ones), but also increase the metabolism, thanks to which you burn fat faster.
Exercises for the sides , to be effective, should, on the one hand, increase the pulse and, on the other hand, strengthen the abdominal muscles, model the waist and hips. This combination guarantees the best results in a short time. That is whyexercises for the sidesshould be performed at a fast pace, so that the pulse constantly fluctuates in the range of 130-140 beats per minute - heart rate of this value promotes fat burning.
The following exercises will help you eliminate the sides, which is nothing else than the fat accumulated on the hips. By the way, you will get a slim waist and strong deep abdominal muscles, which promote proper posture and prevent back pain.
How to exercise to get rid of bacon - tips
Perform each of the following exercises for the sides in two series for 30 seconds at a fast, even pace. Rest for 10 seconds between exercises (with time when you get fit, you can reduce it to 5 seconds). Do this training at least 3 times a week. For even better results, repeat the whole thing twice.
Remember to warm up your hips for 5 minutes before training - focus primarily on warming your hips well.
Exercises for the sides: 1. Rompers
Jump at a steady pace as you stride and bring your hands together above your head. After jumping out, bring your legs back together and lower your arms alongside your body.
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Find out moreSide exercises: 2. Elbow-knee
While jumping, lift the bent knee up diagonally and connect it with the opposite elbow. Perform the exercise alternately, joining once the right elbow andleft knee, once left elbow and right knee. Exercise dynamically at a brisk pace.
See the 20-minute training of Fit Mom Ani Dziedzic focused on the sides
Exercises for the sides: 3. Lunges to the side
Stand straight while slightly straddling. Lunge your leg to the side, bend your knee, and push your hips back into a squat (the other leg remains straight at the knee). Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise alternately.
This will be useful to youTo get rid of the sides, do the following exercises 3 times a week, on the other days use cardio training, for example:
- riding a stationary or conventional bike
- running
- cross trainer
- stepper
- training on the stairs
Exercises with hula hoop are also very helpful in reducing hip fat and shaping the waist.
Exercise for no less than 30 minutes, because after 20 minutes your body begins to burn stored fat reserves.
Side exercises: 4. Side plank
Lie on your side. Support on your forearm and, tightening your abdomen, lift your hips up. For 30 seconds, try to keep your entire body in one straight line from head to toe, resting only on the forearm and the edge of the foot. In the second set, repeat the exercise on the opposite side.
Exercises for the sides: 5. Plank sideways with lowering the hips
Adopt the position from the previous exercise. Lower your hip low to the ground (but don't put it down completely! Your muscles stay taut) and lift it up. Repeat the movement at a pace for 30 seconds, in the second series, switch sides.
Exercises for the sides: 6. Side crunches
Lie on your back. Join the legs together, bend the knee slightly and place it sideways on the ground (upper back stuck to the floor). Place your hands behind your head (but don't braid them) and tighten your abdomen. Repeat the exercise for 30 seconds, in the second set, switch sides.
Exercises for the sides: 7. Russian twist
Sit on the floor. Join the legs together, bend your knees and raise your calves parallel to the ground. Tighten your abdomen tightly and tilt your torso slightly backwards. Twisting your waist left and right, touch the floor on both sides of your body with both hands.