The ketogenic (ketogenic) diet is one of the high-fat and low-carbohydrate diets. If you want to feel extra light and feel great, exclude carbohydrates from your daily menu and replace them with fats. This method is used, inter alia, in in the treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy in children. Find out what the ketogenic diet is about.
The ketogenic diet( ketogenic ) is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet.
The main source of the body's energy is carbohydrates. When they are missing, the body begins to look for other "fuel". They are fats, specifically ketone bodies formed in the process of fat breakdown (the so-called ketosis). However, they only provide 70% of the orgasm. needed energy, so he is malnourished.
After a few days of using the ketogenic diet, a person enters a euphoric state (this is how doctors define the effects of ketones) - he feels great, he is cheerful and light. After 2-3 months, everything passes. Loss of appetite, drowsiness and constipation appear, the smell of sweat, urine and breath changes, thirst increases.
Principles of the ketogenic diet
The daily diet consumes about 35 percent. fats, 50 percent carbohydrates and 15 percent. proteins.
However, in a ketogenic diet, fat may constitute 80-90 percent. supplied energy, and the remaining 10-20 percent. is a total of protein and carbohydrates.
The ketogenic diet can be used in two variants:
- 3: 1 fat intake - 3 grams of fat per gram of protein and carbohydrate
- fat consumption in a 4: 1 ratio - 4 grams of fat per gram of protein and carbohydrates
In a ketogenic diet, you should eat 3 main meals a day and 2 snacks.Meals should be eaten approximately at regular intervals.
Indications for the use of the ketogenic diet
The ketogenic diet has found application in the treatment of drug-resistant epilepsyin children and in some congenital errors of metabolism (e.g. congenital lack of GLUT-1 glucose transporting protein).
There are also other indications for its use, such as:
- Rett syndrome,
- Dravet team,
- epilepsy with myoclonic-astatic seizures (Doose syndrome),
- tuberous sclerosis.
Considersalso treatment supporting the ketogenic diet in:
- autism,
- Alzheimer's disease,
- Parkinson's,
- other types of epilepsy or certain encephalopathies.
The ketogenic diet cannot be used by people with a diseased liver, kidney, pancreas and diabetes.
Ketogenic diet in epilepsy
It has not yet been understood why the ketogenic diet reduces the frequency of seizures. A high supply of fats with a small amount of carbohydrates in the diet leads to changes in fat metabolism, similar to starvation.
Ketone bodies are formed from fat in the liver:
- acetone,
- acetoacetate
- betahydroxybutyric acid,
They penetrate the central nervous system and constitute an energy substitute for neurons due to the lack of glucose .¹
Ketosis, i.e. a high concentration of ketone bodies, is observed in the patient's blood and urine. However, they are only indirectly responsible for the anticonvulsant effect.
Suspected ketone bodies:
- cause an increase in the activity of enzymes that synthesize γ-aminobutyric acid (or GABA - acts as the main neurotransmitter with an inhibitory effect in the entire nervous system), which slows down the stimulation of neurons;
- activate the potassium K2P receptor and the sodium-potassium pump, which raises the seizure threshold.
In addition, ketone bodies can protect nerve cells, including against damage against free radicals (reduce oxidative stress).
Currently, there are several versions of the ketogenic diet in the treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy:
- traditional, based on short-chain fatty acids,
- based on fats rich mainly in medium-chain fatty acids (MCT),
- modified Atkins diet.
The traditional ketogenic diet generally follows a 4: 1 or 3: 1 diet, i.e. for 4 or 3 g of fat you get 1 g of protein and carbohydrate in total. Dietary fluids are limited to 60-665 ml / kg b.w./d .
The diet begins in a hospital, under the supervision of a doctor and dietitian, and begins with a 1-2-day fast.
Then the amount of energy and nutrients is gradually increased up to the values determined according to the assumptions of the diet.
Further treatment is at home and usually takes 2-3 years. During this time, the rules of the diet should be strictly adhered to, as any deviation from the norm may contribute to epileptic seizures.
- Low-carbohydrate diet - menu for the week
- Low Carb Diet For Diabetics: 6 Important Rules
Ketogenic diet - remember to replenish some vitamins
A ketogenic diet leads to a deficiency of certain nutrients. Therefore, when using it, remember to supplement with calcium, vitamin D, water-soluble vitamins and some microelements.
Ketogenic (ketogenic) diet for cancer?
Some people argue that the cathogenic diet can be used to treat obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, and even cancer. However, specialists emphasize that there is no evidence confirming the effectiveness of the use of the ketogenic diet in people struggling with malignant tumors.
Moreover, switching to a catogenic diet during cancer may result in complications resulting from the increased amount of metabolic products in the body.
Do you have a valid BMI?
Ketogenic diet for weight loss
During the ketogenic diet, the body does not derive energy from carbohydrates, but from the consumed and own fats and proteins, which is used by people who want to get rid of unnecessary kilograms. In addition, ketone bodies inhibit the feeling of hunger.
Ketogenic diet - side effects
Side effects may appear while following a ketogenic diet. At the beginning, the patient may complain about:
- constipation or diarrhea,
- vomiting,
- abdominal pain, which usually disappears after the body adapts to the diet.
The accompanying symptoms are:
- fatigue,
- sleepiness,
- loss of appetite,
- feeling thirsty.
Gout and hyperuricemia (increased uric acid concentration in the blood) may occur with prolonged use of a ketogenic diet.