Focus T25 is a training plan by Shauna T. It has been specially developed for people who want to lose weight quickly but have little time for daily workouts. The Focus T25 is based on a 25 x 5 x 5 schedule: 25 minutes of exercise per day for 5 days for 5 weeks. It consists of two phases: Alpha and Gamma, which last 10 weeks in total. By training Focus T25, you can lose up to 17 kg and tone your body and shape it.
Focus T25is a training program whose motto is "it's all about time". Shaun T created it because he noticed how many people have trouble finding time for daily exercise, which usually must last at least 50-60 minutes (eg Insanity). So he decided to develop a training regimen that would be ultra-short and at the same time maximally effective. This is how the Focus T25 program was created, for which you only need to spend 25 minutes a day (except for weekends).
Focus T25 - what is it?
Focus T25 consists of three phases: Alpha, Beta and Gamma. The first two last 10 weeks and are mainly fat-burning cardio exercises. The last stage, Gamma, is optional and is intended for those who want to achieve peak performance and sculpt their muscles.
Each Focus T25 training session lasts only 25 minutes, but during this time you cannot take breaks - you should exercise non-stop, at top speed, from the first to the last minute.
The scheme of the Focus T25 program in the Alpha and Beta phases is the same - training sessions are performed 5 times a week, each lasting 25 minutes. On Friday - exceptionally - the training is repeated 2 times in a row to make the effects even better. Saturday is a day of rest - Shaun T advises taking body measurements during this time to keep track of your progress. Sunday is dedicated to stretching exercises.
Focus T25 - what exercises does it contain?
The exercises developed by Shaun T are endurance-related: they are dynamic, lively, and must be performed quickly and with maximum effort. They engage all muscle groups to work: legs, buttocks, biceps, triceps, straight and oblique abdominals, back, deep muscles.
No additional exercises are needed for the Alpha phase exercisesinstruments - they are mainly based on own weight. The only equipment you need is an exercise mat and a bottle of water. In the Beta and Gamma phases, weights or TRX tape are needed.
The detailed Focus T25 training schedule with a breakdown by week can be found in the tables below.
Focus T25 - Alpha phase
The Alpha phase is the stage where you train without any additional equipment. It aims to:
- burning as much body fat as possible;
- improved condition;
- learning the correct exercise technique;
- initial habituation of the muscles to exercise.
It consists of 5 workouts:
- Cardio- cardio training based mainly on various types of jumps and squats. The pace of your training increases very gradually, reaching its maximum at the end.
- Speed 1.0- cardio training to improve jumping, speed, agility and coordination. Contains stretching elements.
- Total Body Circuit- training including cardio and strength exercises with your own body weight, e.g. plank with a hand touching the opposite arm, push-ups, lunges, squats.
- Ab Intervals- cardio training combined with exercises for the deep abdominal muscles.
- Lower Focus- exercises focusing on the lower body parts, modeling the thighs and buttocks.
WEEK 1 | Cardio | Speed 1.0 | Total Body Circuit | Ab Intervals | Cardio + Lower Focus | Rest | Stretching |
WEEK 2 | Cardio | Total Body Circuit | Speed 1.0 | Cardio | Lower Focus + Ab Intervals | Rest | Stretching |
WEEK 3 | Total Body Circuit | Speed 1.0 | Lower Focus | Cardio | Total Body Circuit + Ab Intervals | Rest | Stretching |
WEEK 4 | Cardio | Total Body Circuit | Lower Focus | Total Body Circuit | Ab Intervals + Speed 1.0 | Rest | Stretching |
WEEK 5 | Total Body Circuit | Ab Intervals | Total Body Circuit | Cardio | Total Body Circuit + Lower Focus | Rest | Stretching |
Focus T25 - Beta phase
Focus T25 Beta, apart from fat burning, focuses on shaping the figure - giving it a slim, athletic shape and firmness. Muscles are slightly scratched but do not increase in volume.
The Beta stage consists of the following workouts:
- Core Cardio- training similar to the Alpha phase, but with an increased degree of difficulty.
- Speed 2.0- exercises increasing speed and agility carried out at a very fast pace.
- Rip’t Circuit- cardio exercises involving the upper body, legs and abdominal muscles in turn. To make them, you need dumbbells or resistance bands.
- Dynamic Core- exercises for deep muscles with increased dynamics.
- Upper Focus- training focused on strengthening all parts of the body above the waist - abdomen, chest, hands. For the exercises, you need additional equipment - weights or TRX tape.
WEEK 1 | Core Cardio | Speed 2.0 | Rip't Circuit | Dynamic Core | Core Cardio + Upper Focus | Rest | Stretching |
WEEK 2 | Dynamic Core | Core Cardio | Rip't Circuit | Upper Focus |
Rip't Circuit + Speed 2.0 | Rest | Stretching |
WEEK 3 | Core Cardio | Upper Focus | Speed 2.0 | Rip't Circuit | Dynamic Core + Speed 2.0 | Rest | Stretching |
WEEK 4 |
Rip't Circuit | Dynamic Core | Core Cardio | Dynamic Core | Speed 2.0 + Upper Focus | Rest | Stretching |
WEEK 5 | Rip't Circuit | Core Cardio |
Rip't Circuit | Dynamic Core | Rip't Circuit + Speed 2.0 | Rest | Stretching |
Focus T25 - see Gamma training fragment:
Focus T25 - Gamma phase
For those who want to not only lose weight, but also sculpt a six-pack and increase muscle mass, Shaun T has developed an additional program step - Gamma. It is shorter (it lasts 4weeks) and consists of 4 workouts, but they are more demanding than in the Alpha and Beta phases. Additional workload is required for exercise. The training is intended only for people who have completed the previous stages of Focus T25.
Focus T25 Gamma includes 4 workouts:
- Speed 3.0- Advanced high-intensity speed training.
- Rip't Up- training that shapes and strengthens the biceps, triceps, back and chest.
- Extreme Circuit- exercises to slim the figure and increase muscle mass at the same time. All training is done with the help of weights.
- The Pyramid- training to improve muscle endurance.
WEEK 1 | Speed 3.0 | Rip't Up | Extreme Circuit | The Pyramid | Speed 3.0 | Rest | Stretching |
WEEK 2 |
Rip't Up | Extreme Circuit | Speed 3.0 | The Pyramid |
Rip't Up | Rest | Stretching |
WEEK 3 | The Pyramid | Speed 3.0 | Rip't Up | Extreme Circuit | The Pyramid | Rest | Stretching |
WEEK 4 | Extreme Circuit | Rip't Up | Speed 3.0 | The Pyramid | Extreme Circuit | Rest | Stretching |

Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreThis will be useful to youFocus T25 - who is it for?
The program is intended for everyone, regardless of their fitness level, weight or age. It is even suitable for complete beginners. In the instructional videos, Tanya, the so-called modifier, i.e. a person who performs exercises with a reduced degree of difficulty. Thanks to this, anyone who cannot keep up with the program author can slow down the pace withoutfear that he will miss an exercise.
People who want to burn fat from the abdomen, thighs, buttocks or arms can benefit the most from Focus T25 training. Exercising with Shaun T also improves skin firmness, so that with fat loss, the skin will not sag, but will become firm and elastic.
Diet Focus T25
For optimal weight loss results, stick to a diet of 1,200 or 1,600 calories a day when using the Focus T25 training plan. To find out how many calories you should be consuming, just take this short test:
1. What's your gender?
a) male (+1 point)
b) female (+2 points)
2. How much do you weigh?
a) 60 kg or less (+1 point)
b) over 60 kg (+2 points)
3. Are you active on a daily basis?
a) no, I lead a sedentary lifestyle (+1 point)
b) I exercise moderately or intensively (+2 points)
Score the points. If the sum is 3, your daily calories should be 1,200 kcal. If you get over 4 points - you should eat 1600 kcal a day.
And here is the distribution of calories for individual meals for1200 kcal diet :
breakfast | 300 kcal |
snack1 | 150 kcal |
lunch | 300 kcal |
snack2 | 150 kcal |
dinner | 300 kcal |
Below you will find the distribution of calories for individual meals for1600 kcal diet :
breakfast | 400 kcal |
snack1 | 150 kcal |
lunch | 450 kcal |
snack2 | 150 kcal |
dinner | 450 kcal |