Post-workout supplements are dietary supplements whose task is to regenerate the body after training. There are more and more post-workout supplements on the market, whose task is to support post-workout regeneration. In all this thicket, it is difficult to choose those that can actually turn out to be valuable. Check which ones are worth paying attention to.
To choose the right post-workout supplement, ask a question about the training goal we have set ourselves and what kind of training we are dealing with. A different type of support will be needed by an athlete training endurance, and another by a strength training person. The same applies to people practicing sports both professionally and as amateurs.
Post-workout supplements - anabolic window
The anabolic window is the name of the time immediately after training, during which the body is supposed to use nutrients most efficiently for the purpose of regeneration and muscle development. It lasts 2-3 hours, but most people will agree that the first 60 minutes are the most important.
Find out more: Rest after training - 7 tips on how to regenerate the body to maintain the effects of exercise
The most effective option to accelerate muscle regeneration is the consumption of carbohydrates immediately after training, the amount of which depends on factors such as the length of training, its type, body weight and, above all, daily energy requirements. After 20 minutes, when the level of insulin increases, you should consume a protein supplement, which will allow for more effective transport of amino acids to the muscles. These servings are approximately 30-50 g of carbohydrate and 25-30 g of protein.
It all comes down to two factors. The first is to speed up your recovery. Research shows that the body is only able to re-synthesize 5% glycogen per hour. The second is to prevent catabolism, where the body draws energy by breaking down proteins from its own muscles.
The truth is, however, that catabolism always affects the entire body and we will also achieve this state during the reduction of body fat. Unfortunately, it is not possible to burn fat without losing some muscle mass. The body enters the state of catabolism in and after stressful situationsintense efforts.
The anabolic window plays an important role, and when used correctly, it will positively affect the process of glycogen resynthesis and accelerate regeneration.
Glycogen re-synthesis and regeneration can be accelerated. It is, to a large extent, a matter of fitness, genetics and he alth of the body.
First of all, no car will run without fuel, only the engine may get stuck. Secondly, the type of fuel supplied will also affect the durability and service life of the engine. This means that it is important to supply your body with not only calories in the form of carbohydrates and proteins, but also vitamins after exercise.
Post-workout supplements - what are the effects?
The effects we get after using supplements will depend on factors such as the number of trainings per week and day, age, level of training and exercise intensity.
There is a lot of talk about it, for example, to supplement with carbohydrates before training. However, amateur trainers may not need it in practice. So this issue is debatable.
The same applies to the consumption of protein in the form of supplements, and even more so with BCAAs. Of course, we are talking about people who train recreationally. In the case of people practicing competitive sports, or even people who work physically and train, the situation is completely different. Such people need supplementation to achieve the training goal and not to exhaust the body.
Carbohydrate supplementation before training is a highly debatable issue, because most amateur trainers do not require it.
The primary task of supplements is to replenish nutrient deficiencies. These deficiencies are most often caused by a poor diet. So, first of all, you should take care of proper nutrition. Then it is worth paying attention to nutrients that accelerate post-workout regeneration.
ImportantIn addition to the supplements you can find below, you should also consider supplementing with vitamin D3, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids on a daily basis.
Post-workout supplements - protein
Protein is the basic building block of our body. Its adequate amount in the diet provides the amino acids necessary for the regeneration of muscle fibers damaged by training and for the proper functioning of the endocrine system.
Providing protein after exercise inhibits the catabolism process and, according to research, promotes the growth of lean body mass. Whole protein, although it contains 4 kcal per gram, works better during reduction than BCAA alone.
Protein givesdefinitely better results than the BCAA itself, not only during reduction, but also during building muscle mass.
The body needs to use some energy to digest and assimilate amino acids. Branched chain amino acids, the popular BCAAs, can be isolated from the complete aminogram and converted into energy as needed. Protein supplementation will work best after intense and long-term strength training.
As for the effectiveness of protein, there is no question about it. The protein supplement contains an easily digestible substance, which will be a great solution for people who cannot eat a meal quickly or are building their figure. For people training amateurs, it will be much more important to provide the right amount of protein simply from food during the day. If they will be able to eat a meal for about 1-1.5 hours after exercise, they do not necessarily need to invest in nutrient.
Post-workout supplements - creatine
Creatine is the best-studied dietary supplement for athletes. It is worth noting that no studies have shown the superiority of any other form over the proven monohydrate. This means that it is not worth overpaying for some more expensive forms of creatine. Most of the creatine is stored in the muscles, but its amount from food is not enough to fully saturate it.
The average person has a saturation of 60-80%. Thanks to supplementation, this saturation can reach 100%. To achieve this, the most sensible option is to consume 3-5 grams of monohydrate daily. For athletes, however, sometimes as much as 5-10 grams a day are needed. In order to accelerate regeneration, the best solution is to take creatine after training. This supplement makes the muscles able to generate more strength and better withstand long exertion.
Post-workout supplements - BCAA
BCAA branched amino acids is one of the supplements that raise the greatest doubts as to their effectiveness. They can be used during long-distance runs where protein would overload the stomach. In this case, it is worth combining them with carbohydrates, thanks to which they will better protect the muscle mass during exercise.
For people who want to build muscle, BCAA is completely unnecessary. According to research, protein with a full aminogram gives much better results. There are also enough amino acids in their body, which is due to a positive caloric balance. So if I were to recommend someone to buy supplements, BCAA would not be among those considered necessary.
Post-workout supplements - carbo
Carbohydratesare the most popular post-workout supplement. It is not for nothing. Carbohydrates are the basic source of energy for the body. The easier they are absorbed, the better.
After exercise, the glycogen stores are depleted. So the body will want to start the process of rebuilding the stocks. In addition, energy will also be needed to regenerate the muscles. Training increases the metabolism, which means that the body will use more fuel.
An additional advantage of consuming carbo immediately after training is the fact that a hormone called insulin is released. It is considered a very strong anabolic hormone. This is due to the fact that it facilitates the transport of creatine and amino acids to muscle cells. Carbo consumption will be especially recommended for people training endurance sports.
Remember!The post-training period is very important for all athletes. Amateurs, however, do not have to pay as much attention to it as professionals. They can afford a longer break between training and providing the body with nutrients. It is important not to consume antioxidants after training as they will impair muscle strength adaptation. The best post-workout supplements will therefore be creatine, carbohydrates and protein.
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