Running bore you and going to the gym is difficult? Relax, you can also lose weight at home without having specialized equipment. For fat burning, cardio training or intervals are best. If, on the other hand, you care about body shaping, it is worth introducing strength exercises to your daily training.

You can also lose weight at home . All you need is a bit of self-discipline and the effect is guaranteed. You also do not need to have specialized equipment. All you need is a mat, a sports outfit and a positive attitude.The type of exercise should depend on what effects you want to achieve . Other exercises will burn fat, and others will allow you to model individual parts of the body.What workouts can be done without leaving home?

Interval exercises at home

The best way to speed up your metabolism and burn fat is with interval exercises. Intervals are workouts of increased intensity and a fairly short duration that engage 80% of the body muscles to work.

They consist in performing a large number of repetitions of a given exercise in series separated by short breaks.

Interval workouts have a significant advantage over cardio exercises in terms of the rate of fat burning. You can burn up to 3 times more calories with interval training than with traditional aerobic exercise.

The most effective interval workouts that you can easily do at home include:

  • tabata,
  • cross fit,
  • or HIIT training.

The advantage of these trainings is that you can do them not only at the gym, but also at home.

Remember that these are high-intensity exercises. Therefore, in the beginning, start exercising no more than 2 times a week. Over time, you can start increasing your training frequency to 4-5 times a week.

You only need 25 minutes of regular exercise to quickly notice the results.

Cardio exercise at home

A good way to get rid of excess body fat and strengthen the condition are aerobics, i.e. cardio training. It consists in stimulating the work of the heart. Aerobic exercise for about 30-45 minutes at 60-70% of your maximum heart rate(HR max).

Remember that they should not be performed for less than 20 minutes. The first 20 minutes are carbohydrate burning, and then fat burning begins.

Aerobic exercise includes all kinds of activities that stimulate the heart, i.e. running, swimming, cycling, etc.

You can also do cardio training at home. Examples of aerobic exercise are:

  • fat burning training,
  • skipping rope,
  • jackets,
  • run in place,
  • skipy etc.

It is also worth investing in machines for home use, on which it will be possible to perform aerobic training. I am talking about a stationary bike, cross trainer or stepper.

Strength training at home

As a supplement to fat burning training, it is worth doing strength exercises. They will allow you to model your figure or focus on specific parts of the body, e.g. strengthening the buttocks, back muscles, arms, thighs, etc.

Contrary to appearances, strength exercises do not have to be performed in the gym. They can be successfully done on a mat, even without specialized equipment.

The simplest and most effective strength exercises performed at home include:

  • exercises using your own body weight (push-ups, squats, plank, etc.),
  • strength exercises with theraband and miniband,
  • weight training (dumbbells or kettle).
