Calorie table - fruit will allow you to properly select the ingredients of your daily menu. Check how many calories the fruit has: the list includes both domestic fruits - apples, pears, plums, and exotic fruits - oranges, figs, lemons. Here is a table of the calories contained in fruits.
The fruit calorie tablewill be useful not only for people who want to eat he althy food, but also for those who want to lose unnecessary kilograms and are on various diets, especially reducing diet - its main the assumption is to reduce the calorific value of daily meals.
When reading thefruit calorie tableit is worth bearing in mind the recommendations of the Food and Nutrition Institute, which clearly show that fruit should be eaten as often as possible and in as much quantity as possible - together with vegetables make up half of the ingredients in our daily menu, although the proportions are that 3/4 of a serving is to be vegetables and fruit - 1/4. Fruits and vegetables are at the core of the food pyramid developed by the Institute of Jewish Economics (right after physical activity), so they are essential products in a he althy diet.
How many calories do fruits have: the least caloric fruits
1. The least caloric fruit - watermelon
Watermelon delights when it comes to its low calorie - 100 g of this fruit contains 30 kilocalories. However, it should be remembered that the weight of one slice of watermelon is about 350 g, and although the fruit consists of 92 percent water, vitamins and minerals contain little. In watermelon, however, we can find antioxidants that delay the process of events and reduce the risk of cancer, as well as an amino acid that supports muscle regeneration - citrulline. Watermelon is also a diuretic and improves metabolism.
2. The least caloric fruit - strawberries
It's hard to find a person who would not like strawberries - fortunately, they are not only tasty, but also low in calories - 100 g of strawberries contain 32 kcal. Strawberries contain pectin, improving intestinal peristalsis, which makes them suitable for people on a diet. They are also diuretic, they cleanse the body of toxins. Strawberries are also a rich source of magnesium, which helps the tissues to maintain proper insulin sensitivity, helping in the process of reducing body fat.
Read also: Strawberry diet - is it possible to lose weight by eatingstrawberries?
3. The least caloric fruit - apples
The good news for Poles who like these fruits is the fact that apples are one of the least caloric fruits. 100 grams of these fruits contain 52 kilocalories. In addition, apples contain pectins that cleanse the body of toxins - a type of water-soluble fiber that makes you feel full when it swells. In addition, regular consumption of apples protects against constipation, strengthens teeth and even reduces the risk of a heart attack. Apples also have a low glycemic index of 38.
When calculating the caloric value of your daily meals, take into account that a medium-sized apple weighs 150 g.
Read also: Apple diet - what is it?
How many calories do fruits have: the most caloric fruits
1. The most caloric fruits: bananas
Bananas are one of the favorite fruits of Poles - no wonder, since they cover 20 percent of the daily requirement for vitamin C, 12 percent - for vitamin B6, they are a source of dietary fiber, potassium and antioxidants. Unfortunately, they are also one of the most caloric fruits - there are 88 kcal in one banana, and they also have a high glycemic index - 72 if the fruit is ripe and 59 if the banana is unripe. A high glycemic index means an increase in glucose levels, and thus - a burst of insulin and the rapid appearance of hunger.
2. The most caloric fruits: dried plums
Dried plums, like other dried fruits (dates, figs), contain little water, which makes them high in calories - 100 g of plums contain 240 calories. However, it is worth remembering that you do not have to give them up while on a diet - they have a low glycemic index - 29, they are filling and constitute a more valuable - more concentrated - source of nutrients than raw fruit. Dried plums contain plant mucus and fiber, which makes them laxative.
3. The most caloric fruits: avocado
Another high-calorie fruit is avocado - there are 160 calories per 100 grams of fruit. Nevertheless, it is recommended to eat it while on a diet. Because although it contains a lot of fat, but mainly unsaturated fatty acids, lowering cholesterol in the blood and accelerating metabolism. Avocados support the digestive system and are recommended even to pregnant women because it contains folic acid.
Avocados also have a very low glycemic index - 10.
Read also:
- When is it best to eat fruit?
- Fruit diet -cleansing with slimming
Why is it worth eating watermelons
Calorie table - fruit
How many calories does fruit have?Below is a full table of fruit calories - usually we give the number of kilocalories contained in 100 grams of the product, in other cases - the number of kilocalories contained in one piece.
gooseberry | 44 |
pineapple | 50 |
tinned pineapple, 1 slice | 84 |
watermelon | 30 |
avocado | 160 |
banana | 88 |
blueberry | 57 |
peach | 39 |
lemon | 29 |
blueberries | 43 |
cherries | 50 |
dried dates | 277 |
dried figs | 249 |
pomegranate | 83 |
grapefruit | 42 |
pear | 57 |
apples | 52 |
blackberries | 43 |
kiwi | 61 |
raspberries | 52 |
mandarins | 53 |
mango | 60 |
melon | 34 |
apricots | 48 |
nectarines | 44 |
orange | 47 |
white currants | 56 |
black currants | 63 |
red currants | 56 |
wild strawberries | 33 |
renklody | 45 |
dried plums | 240 |
fresh plums | 46 |
strawberries | 32 |
cherries | 50 |
Source: U.S. Department of Agirculture

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