The table of calories contained in vegetables will allow you to check how caloric are those foods that should form the basis of our diet. So check how many calories vegetables have - incl. cauliflower, potatoes, carrots, onions and beets.
Calorie table - vegetableslargely proves that vegetables are not only he althy, but also low in calories. Remember that vegetables should form the basis of your diet - according to the recommendations of the Food and Nutrition Institute, they should constitute half of the meals you eat every day. So see howcaloric content of vegetables is presented .
How many calories do vegetables have - the least caloric vegetables
1. The least caloric vegetables: green cucumber
One of the least caloric vegetables is green cucumber - 100 g of the product contains only 15 kcal. Its properties are largely similar to … a watermelon. Both products contain a lot of water - a cucumber is composed of 96 percent of it - and it is mainly because of this that it is low in calories. On the other hand, they have little nutritional value. Cucumber peel is very beneficial, as it contains sterols that lower blood cholesterol. Green cucumber also has a beneficial effect on the digestive process, accelerates fat burning and the removal of toxins from the body. Cucumber has a low glycemic index - 15.
2. The least caloric vegetables: zucchini
Zucchini has the same calorific value as cucumber - 100 g of the product contains 15 kcal. Zucchini supports metabolism, it is also rich in potassium, preventing water retention in the body, and thus - accelerating weight loss. Zucchini is used in a detox diet because 90 percent of its content is water.
3. The least caloric vegetables: sauerkraut
How many calories does sauerkraut have? A little more than green cucumber and zucchini - 19. Its use is recommended for people who are slimming due to its high fiber content and the fact that it quickly makes you feel full. Sauerkraut contains B vitamins, vitamin C, niacin and vitamin E, as well as beta-carotene and minerals.
Read also: How does the cabbage diet work?
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How many calories do vegetables have: the most caloric vegetables
1. The most caloric vegetables: beans
Both white and black beans are very caloric - they contain 333 and 341 kcal, respectively. However, people who are slimming do not have to give up on it - it is a rich source of fiber and quickly satisfies the feeling of fullness. In addition, it contains lecin and minerals: calcium, phosphorus, potassium.
2. The most caloric vegetables: peas
Peas contain a little less calories than beans - 293. However, it is worth remembering that it contains large amounts of dietary fiber, B vitamins (including pantothenic acid and folic acid), minerals, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K. The glycemic index of cooked peas is 22.
3. The most caloric vegetables: corn
100 grams of corn on the cob contain 86 kcal, yet it is worth consuming in moderation. Why? It contains antioxidants: beta-carotene and lutein, it is a valuable source of selenium, omega-3 acids, vitamin E and fiber. however, it has a high glycemic index of 65.
Vegetables - calories table
How many calories do vegetables have?Check it out thanks to our table!
Calorie table: vegetables (kcal / 100 g)
eggplant | 25 |
chocwinka | 17 |
broad beans | 72 |
broccoli | 31 |
Brussels sprouts | 43 |
beetroot | 43 |
red beet | 49 |
onion | 40 |
horseradish | 48 |
zucchini | 15 |
chicory | 23 |
garlic | 149 |
beetroot | 40 |
pumpkin | 26 |
white beans, dry | 333 |
red beans, dry | 337 |
black beans, dry | 341 |
mungo beans | 341 |
green beans | 31 |
dry peas | 293 |
green peas, pods | 81 |
kale | 49 |
squash | 18 |
cauliflower | 25 |
kohlrabi | 27 |
capers, tablespoon | 23 |
white cabbage | 25 |
red cabbage | 31 |
sauerkraut | 19 |
savoy cabbage | 27 |
artichokes | 47 |
tomato ketchup | 112 |
alfalfa sprouts | 23 |
soy sprouts | 118 |
corn, cob | 86 |
canned corn | 61 |
carrot | 41 |
cucumber | 15 |
tomato | 18 |
Source: US. Department of Agriculture
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