Wheatgrass is a rich source of healing chlorophyll. Chlorophyll inhibits inflammation, cleanses the body of heavy metals and other toxins, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, improves liver function and strengthens the circulatory system. Check what other healing properties wheatgrass has and how it can be used.
Wheatgrassis packed with nutrients: amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Wheatgrass is available in the form of preparations, but it can also be grown at home and eaten processed (juice) or as an addition to food.

Wheatgrass: he alth benefits of chlorophyll
Wheatgrass owes its he alth-promoting properties mainly to the high content ofchlorophyll(a green dye formed in the photosynthesis process). The high concentration of oxygen in chlorophyll allows more of it to be delivered to the blood. As a result, there is an increase in the number of red blood cells and an increase inoxygen concentration in the bloodwith regular drinking of wheatgrass juice, which contributes to the improvement of blood parameters. It has a positive effect on the circulatory system, increases blood flow through the heart.
Chlorophyll protects against radiation and free radicals, neutralizes carcinogenic compounds. It has an antibacterial effect and removes toxins from the body. The antiseptic effect of chlorophyll makes it suitable for the treatment of wounds, ulcers, infections, chronic inflammations of the inner ear, sinusitis, skin inflammations and skin diseases (psoriasis) and parasitic infections.
A high concentration of chlorophyll also affects the digestive system: it improves digestion and prevents constipation.
How to grow wheatgrass at home?
- Soak the wheatgrass seeds (you can buy them at your he alth food store) in lukewarm water for 10-12 hours.
- Then pour out all the water, leave only the seeds and pour water over the next 2 to 3 days until the petioles appear.
- Pour about 3-4 cm of soil into the container and sow the germinated seeds. Remember to sprinkle it all over with water.
- Leave the breedingcovered for a few days (use a paper towel or newspaper for this), remember to keep it moist.
- When green grass with a height of 2 cm appears, put the cultivation tray in a sunny place, water the crop daily.
- When the plant is 12-15 cm tall, cut the grass for juice.
Wheatgrass: a source of vitamins and minerals
Wheatgrass is a source of all B vitamins, vitamins A and C, E and calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and sodium in the right proportions.Vitamin Aimproves the appearance of the skin, has a beneficial effect on eyesight.Vitamins E and Care powerful antioxidants, protect against free radicals, preventing the development of chronic diseases: diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.Calciumhelps build strong bones and teeth. In addition, calcium and potassiumregulate the work of the heart , restore the pH of the blood.
Wheatgrass: source of enzymes
Young wheatgrass contains a large amount of enzymes:
- indole (protecting against cancer),
- superoxide dismutase (neutralizing free radicals),
- catalase (which breaks down hydrogen peroxide, causing cell damage).
In addition, wheatgrass contains the PYD1 enzyme, which stimulates the repair of damaged DNA molecules.
Wheatgrass: juice or tablets?
Wheatgrass comes in the form of capsules and tablets, as well as extracts and juices. It is also available as seeds that are grown indoors or outdoors in well-composed kits. Most often, wheatgrass is used in the form of juice. It is drunk on an empty stomach in order to increase the absorption of nutrients.
Nutrients from wheatgrass tablets are less absorbed than from fresh juice, therefore their effectiveness and therapeutic effect is several times lower. In addition, the grass extract can be added to tea or other drinks, or consumed as smoothies. Young wheatgrass leaves can also be chopped and added to salads, soups or sandwiches.
Wheatgrass juice - dosage
It is recommended to use 30 ml of wheatgrass juice daily in he althy people, 30-90 ml in diseases. Wheatgrass is recommended for patients suffering from chronic diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, insomnia, skin diseases, constipation, flatulence, nausea and cancer.
Wheatgrass juice - external use
Wheatgrass is alsoused externally:
- cleanses and nourishes the skin of the face,
- slows down cell aging,
- strengthens hair,
- reduces skin inflammation,
- accelerates the healing of wounds and bruises by stimulating blood circulation,
- has a soothing effect on burns, rashes, ulcers.
How to prepare wheatgrass juice?
Put a large amount of green wheatgrass into a small amount of warm, boiled water. Blend or blend the grass to release the juice into the water. Leave the extract prepared in this way in a cool place for two hours. Squeeze through the gauze, separating the solids from the juice. You can also use a juicer.