Young barley, chlorella, spirulina, green coffee, or maybe hemp seeds … Which of the fashionable dietary supplements would be the best for you? How can they help you stay he althy and beautiful?
In tablets or powder, dissolved in water and added to cocktails - green dietary supplements are still fashionable. Young barley, chlorella, green coffee, hemp seeds and spirulina have more and more followers. Research proves that these products are rich in ingredients, full of proteins, vitamins and trace elements.
Research on their effects on the body is also ongoing, and their pro-he alth benefits are still being discovered. Some of the supplements can have a great effect on the appearance of the skin, others will prevent diabetes, and others will prevent the development of kidney stones or protect the liver from the effects of drinking alcohol. Many are also credited with slimming and supporting metabolism. That is why it is worth taking an interest in them and enriching your daily menu with them.
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Young barley will take care of your skin
Young barley contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. First of all, antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene. It also contains a lot of B vitamins as well as iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc. This composition greatly affects the quality and appearance of the skin. After 2-3 weeks of treatment, it gains a nice, he althy color, becomes radiant, smoother and more elastic.
Green barley also contains a lot of chlorophyll, which has a de-acidifying effect, which helps the body maintain an acid-base balance. This is a good solution for people who do not like to drink water with lemon (which is a well-known "deacidifier") on an empty stomach.
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This dietary supplement also provides us with soluble (juice) and insoluble (grass) fiber and amino acids. All this means that in addition to its antioxidant properties, green barley also has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and antiviral properties, soothes stomach pains and speeds up metabolism. The latter feature makes it a valuable ally of weight loss and lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
Read more aboutbarley benefits:Green barley - properties and application
Chlorella - master of detox
Chlorella is obtained from single-celled green algae from the family of green algae. In addition to a large amount of vitamin B and chlorophyll, it has iron, cob alt, zinc and iodine. The latter ingredient is very desirable in the diet because it ensures the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.
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Chlorella is also considered a natural antibiotic, as an anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiviral substance. This property results, among others, from because it stimulates the production of a protein in the body called interferon, which helps to fight pathogens.
However, the best known is chlorella's ability to remove toxins, heavy metals and other harmful substances that are found in industrially manufactured food or cosmetics.
Every day it is worth drinking it or swallowing it on an empty stomach, about half an hour before a meal, because then it works most effectively. Especially people who overload their liver, smoke and have weakened immunity should reach for it. It also helps with problems with concentration, memory and excessive nervousness.
Learn more about the benefits of chlorella:Chlorella - action, properties and nutritional value of superalgae
Hemp supports circulation
They do not contain psychoactive substances. They have a lot of easily digestible protein, omega fatty acids in very good proportions and gamma-linolenic acid. Thanks to this, hemp seeds (not to be confused with cannabis) regulate blood cholesterol levels and prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases.
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The minerals of hemp, such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron support the proper secretion of hormones, regenerate the body's cells and contribute to the nice appearance of the skin and nails.
It is also worth mentioning the cleansing and slimming properties that are due to the high fiber content. We can choose from shelled and unshelled seeds, from which you can prepare baked goods, add them to salads or cocktails. Remember, however, that they are quite caloric.
Read more about the benefits:Hemp seeds and hemp oil: properties and application
Green coffee will help reduce waist size
Green, unroasted coffee beans and the powdered extract of these beans contain a lot of chlorogenic acid, which is not only a natural antioxidant that prevents premature aging of the body, but alsosupports weight loss. In combination with the caffeine present in this acid, it reduces the absorption of sugars from food in the digestive tract, preventing their accumulation and conversion into fat. This forces the body to use up the existing energy reserves, and thus accelerates fat burning.
There are also other acids in green coffee, incl. salicylic and gallic, which in combination with chloragenic acid have cholagogic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. They can also help to lower the fever during an infection.
Two cups a day of green coffee poured with boiling water should be drunk especially by people at risk of type II diabetes and the development of kidney stones. Green coffee also boosts the metabolism and has a good effect on the mind, memory and concentration.
And how does the slimming chlorogenic acid in green coffee work exactly?
Spirulina rejuvenates
It is, next to chlorella, the most popular dietary supplement obtained from sea algae. It consists mostly of protein, including 8 essential amino acids, which our body cannot produce on its own.
Spirulina contains over 20 times more beta-carotene than an equal amount of carrots and more vitamin B2 than any other food. There are almost 4,000 active substances in it. This makes it an ideal dietary supplement, especially for menopausal women and the elderly.
A large amount of vitamin B12 means that people suffering from anemia should also reach for spirulina. In turn, gamma-linolenic acid lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, preventing the development of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
Spirulina also provides vitamin F and nucleic acid to help oxygenate the body's cells. Better oxygenation also means better nutrition and, as a result, stronger hair, nails and skin.
In Japan, research on the effect of this algae on strengthening the body's immunity is underway. Scientists associate this effect with the presence of easily digestible calcium in spirulina and its healing effect on urticaria and viruses such as influenza. This green dietary supplement should be taken like any other - half an hour before a meal.
And here you will find out what else will do for you: Wonderful spirulina - seaweed with GLA acid

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