Diet pills can help you if you exercise regularly, eat less and count calories, yet losing weight is not having the expected results. If you want to increase the effectiveness of weight loss, reach for slimming preparations. You can choose from appetite suppressant tablets, tablets to reduce fat absorption and heat generating tablets.
Diet pillsare designed to helplose weight , but they will not replace diet and exercise. The diet pills are only used for a few weeks, up to two months. If you choose to do so, you need to change your eating habits during this time and move regularly. Only then will you have a chance to keep your appetite in check after you stop taking the pills. There are three basic types of diet pills in pharmacies.
Diet pills that suppress appetite
This group includes bioslank, lean, slim trio, pineapple. They contain plant fibers that absorb water and swell in the stomach (methylcellulose, agar, xanthan). As a result, you feel full and have a lower appetite. The preparations are usually taken half an hour before a meal and washed down with a glass of still water.
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Find out moreDiet pills, reducing fat absorption
Preparations such as chitinin, chitochrome are very popular among people fighting overweight or caring for their figure. These specifics include chitosan obtained from the shells of crustaceans (shrimps, krill or crabs), which is not absorbed by the body. It behaves like a sponge - it perfectly absorbs water and binds fat in the digestive tract. It is removed with the stool.
However, remember to drink a lot of water while taking preparations that reduce fat absorption. Warning! Since they are effective in limiting the body's absorption of fat, taking them cansignificantly reduce the absorption of necessary vitamins, which just dissolve in fat (A, D, E).
So if you are taking ready-made vitamin kits, take at least a two-hour break between swallowing them and taking one of these selected slimming supplements.
Weight loss pills
Those who sit at a desk for hours on end can lose excess weight by taking advantage of thermogenic substances that stimulate the body's heat production. These are, for example, slinea, L-carnitine 500, super fat burner.
Note! Some of them can cause an increase in blood pressure or make the heart beat faster. They must be given up by elderly people and people with cardiovascular ailments.
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