Chlorogenic acid has many properties. One study showed that chlorogenic acid reduces the absorption of sugar, thus helping people struggling with diabetes. Apparently, it's also a good slimming product. However, despite this, opinions about chlorogenic acid are divided among scientists. What is the effect of chlorogenic acid? What are the side effects of its use? What are the natural sources of chlorogenic acid? Are the products with chlorogenic acid offered by the pharmacy always wholesome? What is the price of chlorogenic acid?
Chlorogenic acidis caffeoylquinic acid, CGA for short, and green coffee extract. It has many properties, the most famous of which are slimming properties.
- Chlorogenic acid - what is it and where is it?
- Chlorogenic acid and slimming
- Chlorogenic acid and diabetes
- Chlorogenic acid in cancer chemoprevention
- Chlorogenic acid - antibacterial and antifungal properties
- Chlorogenic acid - side effects and contraindications
- Chlorogenic acid - where to buy, what is the price?
Chlorogenic acid - what is it and where is it?
Chlorogenic acid is an antioxidant commonly found in plant tissues. It occurs in quite large numbers in: ¹
- green coffee - unlike green coffee beans, roasted coffee beans contain much smaller amounts of this compound, because it is broken down during thermal treatment
- cocoa seeds
- chokeberry and blueberry fruits
- mulberry fruit and leaves
- in herbal spices
Chlorogenic acid is also found in honey. Research shows that the following acids are dominant in honeys: chlorogenic, coffee and ferulic .² Their content in domestic honeys is quite varied (from 0.3 to 103.2 mg / kg). Lime, buckwheat and heather honeys turned out to be the most abundant in these phenolic acids, containing on average 36.6; 17.3 and 20.3 mg / kg of the above phenolic acids. The lowest levels of chlorogenic, coffee and ferulic acid were found in multiflorous, rapeseed and acacia honeys .²
Besides, chlorogenic acid and its isomers make up about 90 percent. all relationshipsphenolic compounds found in potato tubers. It is also present in tea, tomatoes, and eggplants.5
Another source of chlorogenic acid is yerba mate and nettle.
Chlorogenic acid content in selected products:
Product | chlorogenic acid content mg / kg ( mg / dm3) |
raw coffee beans | 60,000 |
coffee brew | 500 |
blueberry | 2,000 |
raw potatoes | 1 400 |
plum | 500 |
cherry | 400 |
boiled potatoes | 300 |
peach | 250 |
apple | 200 |
apricot | 180 |
blackberry | 50 |
blackcurrant | 50 |
Source: Nebesny E., Budryn G., Phenolic acids - their properties, occurrence in plant raw materials, absorption and metabolic changes, "Bromatologia i Chemia Tooksykologiczna" 2006, No. 2
Chlorogenic acidand slimming
Ischlorogenic acida good remedy forslimming ? Some argue that chlorogenic acid reduces the amount of sugar absorbed in the digestive tract. This leads to the body being forced to use up previously accumulated reserves. In this way, it is supposed to support weight loss.
The slimming properties of chlorogenic acid prove, among others, clinical trials of Norwegian scientists that were carried out on 12 he althy volunteers. They were served instant coffee enriched with chlorogenic acid. It turned out that it reduced glucose absorption by 6.9%. compared to the control group.
Chlorogenic acid reduces the absorption of sugar from the gastrointestinal tract and improves the sensitivity of tissues to insulin.
A second, comparative, randomized, double-blind 12-week study investigated the effect of chlorogenic acid on the body weight of 30 overweight people. The subjects were divided into two groups. One got instant coffee with chlorogenic acid and the other without chlorogenic acid. The mean weight loss in the group taking chlorogenic acid was 5.4 kg, and in the group taking normal coffee it was 1.7 kg.6
The researchers therefore concluded that soluble coffee enriched with chlorogenic acid appears to have a significant effect on the absorption and use of glucose from the diet. This effect - if coffee is usedfor an extended period of time - it can reduce your body weight and fat tissue.
However, you cannot draw too broad conclusions from a study with such a small number of participants. In addition, doctors also pay attention to the large amount of caffeine contained in the green coffee extract. A strong stimulant effect can induce a weight loss effect, so it is not certain whether the main substance for slimming is caffeine or chlorogenic acid. It is also not known whether the slimming effect is permanent. It seems that after discontinuation of chlorogenic acid, body weight may increase again, i.e. the "yo-yo effect".
You can risk a statement that chlorogenic acid as a dietary supplement can be helpful in reducing body weight, provided that the diet is modified at the same time. However, it cannot be ruled out that body weight will increase again after discontinuation of this compound.
Chlorogenic acid and diabetes
Chlorogenic acid lowers blood sugar levels, therefore it can be used by people struggling with diabetes. This is what follows, inter alia, from research by scientists from the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania (USA).3
Non-diabetic subjects (both male and female) were given 100 mg to 400 mg of the extract daily in a water capsule, and were then tested for glucose tolerance. At the end of the study, tests showed that green coffee extract was effective in lowering blood sugar levels in every participant.
Those taking the highest dose, 400 mg, experienced the greatest drop in blood glucose, although all doses resulted in a significant reduction in blood sugar.
"If chlorogenic acid can affect glucose levels in a normal person, it should do even better for diabetics because they have a problem," said study author Joe Vinson.
The researchers also noted that they noticed that participants who consumed this green coffee extract for a period of 22 weeks lost around 10 percent of their intake. body weight.
Chlorogenic acid in cancer chemoprevention
Chlorogenic acid is of great importance in the chemoprevention of neoplastic diseases. The presented results of experiments carried out on animals indicate the high effectiveness of chlorogenic acid as a protective agent of liver cells against poisoning with carbon tetrachloride and with cob alt and cadmium isotopes .¹
Where do these properties come from? Chlorogenic acid belongs to the group of phenolic acids, which are a group of plant chemopreventive compounds. Chlorogenic acid has the ability to block carcinogens formed onby metabolism of some carcinogenic substances.5Chlorogenic acid has the ability to inactivate free radicals.
Chlorogenic acid is also an anti-inflammatory agent, shows choleretic properties, inhibits the transformation of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the central nervous system .¹
Chlorogenic acid - antibacterial and antifungal properties
Studies have shown that chlorogenic acid inhibited the growth of bacteria and yeast and mold fungi and dermatophytes, such as: golden staphylococcus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, faecal streptococcus, blue oil rod, Candida albicans, Penicillium chrysogenum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes.4
Chlorogenic acid - side effects and contraindications
Most studies on chlorogenic acid show that it is a fairly safe dietary supplement.
However, one study showed that the use of chlorogenic acid in combination with a high-fat diet not only does not contribute to weight loss, but also does not protect experimental animals against the adverse metabolic consequences of such a diet.7
Other studies suggest that high doses of chlorogenic acid may increase the inflammatory response.
Due to the high caffeine content, such preparations are not recommended for pregnant women and very young people under 16 years of age. People who suffer from heart disease or hypertension - also should not reach for supplements with green coffee.
If we use chlorogenic acid in the prescribed doses, it will be completely safe.
Worth knowingChlorogenic acid - where to buy, what is the price?
Chlorogenic acid can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is most often green coffee bean extract in the form of tablets containing chlorogenic acid (800 CGA). It is available on the market as a dietary supplement. Prices range from 20 to even 40 PLN (depending on the number of capsules).
1. Parus A., Antioxidant and pharmacological properties of phenolic acids, Postępy Fitoterapii 2013, No. 1
2. Hołderna-Kedzia E., Kedzia B., The occurrence of phenolic compounds in bee honey, "Postępy Phytoterapii" 2008, No. 4
3. Green coffee bean extract has anti-diabetic benefits,
4. Kedzia B., Hołderna-Kedzia B., Antimicrobial activity of plant derivatives of phenol, Postępy Phytoterapii 2012, No. 3
5. Gawlik-Dziki U., Phenolic acids asbioactive food ingredients, "Food. Science. Technology. Quality" 2004, No. 4
6. The effect of chlorogenic acid enriched coffee on glucose absorption in he althy volunteers and its effect on body mass when used long-term in overweight and obese people.
7. Supplementation of a high-fat diet with chlorogenic acid is associated with insulin resistance and hepatic lipid accumulation in mice.
8. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, linear dose, crossover study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a green coffee bean extract in overweight subjects