Scabies is a group of skin conditions that produce symptoms such as severe itching, redness, and dry skin. The best known type of scabies is summer scabies. Other types of this disease include Hyde nodular scabies, gestational scabies, and psychogenic scabies. What are the causes and symptoms of scabies? What is the treatment?

Scabiesis a group of atopic skin diseases. Scabies was even synonymous with atopic dermatitis in the past, but they are separate diseases. The name "scabies" comes from the main symptoms of severe itchy skin eruptions.

Scabies - causes

1) Nodular scabies (aka Picker's nodules, Hyde nodular scabies)

Nodular scabies is a chronic disease that may develop as a result of atopy or have other causes, such as infections (e.g. bacteria from theMycobacteriaceaefamily or HIV virus) . Nodular scabies can coexist with systemic diseases (the most common are chronic kidney disease and hepatopathies, i.e. liver diseases).

Is scabies contagious? No, scabies cannot be caught.

2) Summer scabies

It belongs to photodermatoses, skin diseases, the common feature of which is the appearance of symptoms under the influence of light, e.g. ultraviolet radiation (sun, solarium), and sometimes also infrared radiation.

3) Besnier's scabies (gestational scabies)

The disease affects pregnant women. The causes of their skin lesions are unknown. It is presumed that the presence of atopy in the patient or her family members predisposes to its development. The prevalence is estimated at 2%. all pregnancies.

4) Psychogenic scabies

It is revealed under the influence of stress, psychological trauma and other similar psychogenic factors.

Scabies - symptoms

1) Nodular scabies

Characterized by the formation of purple nodules from a few millimeters to about 2 centimeters in diameter. Skin lesions can affect any part of the body, but most often they occur on distant parts of the limbs (i.e. from the knees down and fromdown the elbows) and buttocks with atopy.

2) Summer scabies

Erythema, itchy lumps and vesicles are located in exposed places and appear in spring, within a few or several hours after the skin is exposed to the sun.

The main symptoms of scabies are itching, redness, dry skin.

Symptoms lessen after repeated exposures, and usually towards the end of summer, sun tolerance develops. In winter, this "immunity" gradually fades away, and in spring the disease becomes more severe. Summer scabies usually begins in childhood or early adolescence, more often in women than in men.

3) Besnier's scabies (gestational scabies)

Pregnant women (usually between 20 and 34 weeks gestation) develop itchy patches (scaly lumps), usually on the proximal extremities and upper torso. Accompanying symptoms may be crosscuts (a defect in the skin) and scabs. The disease does not pose a threat to the he alth of the mother and child.

4) Psychogenic scabies

Redness, itchy lumps and vesicles appear.

Scabies - treatment

1) Nodular scabies

Strong glycosteroids are applied topically in special dressings or triamcinolone is injected intra-focally. Laser therapy and cryotherapy may be helpful in soothing skin lesions.

2) Summer scabies

Topically, the skin is treated with preparations containing steroids and immunosuppressants. It is forbidden to expose the skin to the sun. It is also necessary to use sunscreen.

3) Topical antipruritic drugs and steroids are used in the treatment. Scabies in pregnant women disappear after delivery, leaving discoloration, and rarely recur in subsequent pregnancies.

4) Psychogenic scabies

It is necessary to eliminate the factor responsible for the development of the disease. Topical antipruritic drugs can be used.
