Dog castration is a procedure aimed at depriving an animal of its ability to reproduce. Often, however, this treatment is used simultaneously to influence the unwanted behavior of the dog.
Dog castrationis often confused with sterilization. In fact, both treatments make the dog sterile. However, castration involves excision of the testes and epididymides in males and ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus in females, and sterilization only involves cutting or ligation of the male's vas deferens and cutting the female's fallopian tubes.
Cutting out the so-called gonads, i.e. the testes and ovaries during castration, affects the animal's hormonal balance - it inhibits the production of sex hormones in them. This effect not only prevents the dog from reproducing, but also affects its behavior and he alth.
Bitch castration - influence on behavior
Castration and removal of ovaries in females causes the sexual cycle and related behaviors to cease in them. The female dog is not in heat, so she does not experience symptoms typical of this period, such as leaving traces by frequent urination, anxiety and attempts to run away in search of a male. The procedure also excludes the occurrence of imaginary pregnancies that occur when there is no mating. It is not only a he alth problem for an animal, but also a mental one.
Bitch castration - he alth benefits
Castrated female dogs are less likely to suffer from pyoma, endometriosis and tumors of both the reproductive organs and the mammary gland. According to research, castration also helps to prevent and even treat diabetes in dogs, especially in bitches, where hormonal changes may negatively affect glucose metabolism.
Dog castration - influence on behavior
In dogs, castration eliminates mate-winning behavior: fighting other males, vagrancy, and marking the area.
Dogs that attack other dogs, regardless of their gender, will not change their behavior without proper training, and aggression towards the owner is similar. However, if males attack other males, i.e. potential rivals - castration may be helpful, because it means that aggression results from sex drive.
But the sex drive behavior is notthe only ones that change after castration. Very often, this procedure is performed in order to eliminate the dog's unwanted reactions. Castrated dogs are believed to become less aggressive, more tolerant and easier to handle.
This effect, however, is increasingly being questioned. A 2006 study shows the opposite. According to them, from 20 to 50 percent. dogs after castration (both male and female) showed more aggressive behavior than before the procedure. About 30 percent. animals showed anxiety, hyperactivity and hypersensitivity to touch.
Interestingly, these changes were only observed in some breeds, while in others there was indeed a change in character and behavior for the better - dogs became more balanced, emotionally stable, and amenable to training. According to specialists, this is only evidence that castration can have a positive effect on the behavior of a dog only if it is accompanied by appropriate training. Therefore, they recommend that you introduce behavioral therapy before deciding to castrate.
Dog castration - he alth benefits
Proponents of dog castration emphasize that this procedure has a positive effect on the animal's he alth. Most often it is said that there is a lower risk of developing diseases of the genital organs: e.g. prostate and testicular diseases in males, as well as anal adenomas.
Castration - when to perform the procedure?
The duration of the procedure depends on the breed of the dog. It should occur fairly early, shortly after the animal is sexually mature. Small dogs mature quickly, so in their case castration can be done at the age of a few months, large dogs mature later.
In addition, in the case of large breeds, it is recommended to wait until the dog reaches its final height - hormone deficiency can affect the development of bones and muscle tissue.
Bitches should be castrated earlier - usually a period of about 3 months after the first heat is recommended, but dogs may undergo this treatment a little later - if it is not necessary to eliminate aggressive behavior in the male, it may be even the second year of life .
According to an expertdr inż. Jacek Wilczak, nutrition expert in the Noteć Valley, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Warsaw University of Life SciencesPrinciples of dog's diet after castration
Basic dietary management in bitches and dogs after sterilization and castration should consist in administering the amount of energy that will cover the demand, but will not activate the mechanisms accumulating the storage of spare ingredients. So body weight should be controlled and treatedit is a basic procedure in the prevention of obesity - especially in those breeds that are genetically predisposed to obesity.
There are no dietary ingredients that are the direct cause of overweight or obesity - only too much of them can lead to such diseases. Each of the nutrients is necessary for the proper functioning of the body, a diet without any of them is a deficient diet.
When pointing to diet ingredients, the amount of which predisposes you to overweight and obesity, you should focus primarily on their quantity and quality. Undoubtedly, the formation of overweight and obesity is favored by too much fat and carbohydrates in the diet. The choice of weight reduction / slimming diet should be done in cooperation with a dietitian or veterinarian.
There are many low-calorie diets on the market, intended both for slimming animals and for maintaining their body weight after losing weight, so it is always possible to choose the right food for the animal's needs.
Commercial slimming foods provide the right amount of all nutrients, but with a reduced energy value. Therefore, you should give slimming food, and not a smaller amount of normal maintenance food, because reducing the dose of such food may result in deficiencies of some nutrients (e.g. protein).
ImportantThe earlier the castration is performed, the greater the chances of its positive effect on the dog's he alth - it is estimated that the procedure performed after the fourth liquid does not protect, but only reduces the risk of neoplasms or pyomatosis. According to research, castration before the first heat reduces the risk of breast cancer in bitches by as much as 95%.
Dog castration - negative he alth effects
Like any surgical procedure, castration can also be dangerous for an animal. Although this type of knitting is now routinely performed in almost every veterinary clinic, the administration of anesthesia or the surgical intervention itself always carries a risk of complications. It is not recommended to use this treatment in dogs that have problems with blood clotting or suffer from heart disease or cancer.
Castration can also have a negative impact on your dog's later he alth. One of the ailments resulting from the excision of gonads is urinary incontinence - this is more common in bitches, especially obese ones.
Doctors also note that neutered dogs are more likely to suffer from ruptures of the anterior cruciate ligament in the knee joint, hypothyroidism and sarcomas. Castration also favors male breedingprostate cancer, as opposed to the disease it prevents. It is worth mentioning here that these conditions are a more common problem than prostate cancer.
ImportantCastrating both bitches and dogs is a way to stop them from reproducing uncontrollably. It reduces the number of stray animals filling shelters and shelters for pets, and prevents puppies from being put to sleep.
Dog castration - before and after the procedure
Before the procedure is performed, the vet should order basic tests that will qualify the dog for surgery and assess whether it is possible to administer an anesthesia. This is morphology, heart and kidney examinations, etc. The date of castration is important in the case of bitches - the operation is best performed 3-4 months after heat. The dog must be he althy and not immediately after vaccinations.
The pet must not eat or drink anything for 24 hours prior to the procedure. The castration procedure does not take long, but requires the dog to be left under the care of a vet until it wakes up from anesthesia. You must not give your pet food or water for the first hours after the treatment. You also have to watch over it so that it does not scratch the wound - a special jacket or collar is put on for this purpose. The dog will be weakened, so you should not take him outside - it is better to allow any physiological needs to be de alt with at home. It is also worth limiting the animal's activity for a few days, and change the dressing 1-2 days after the procedure.
The cost of castration is several hundred zlotys.
Worth knowingIf the wound after the surgery does not heal, and the dog is very weakened, it does not take care of it, even though it has been more than a day since the surgery, be sure to contact the veterinarian with him.

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