Bakalie is not only an addition to cakes or a cake decoration. Nuts, almonds and dried fruit - plums, apricots, figs, raisins, dates - should be a regular part of our diet. Dried fruits are a source of valuable nutrients - vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Apricots, plums orraisinsreplace sweets, and uns altednuts- fattening snacks, e.g. crisps.Dried fruitscontain little water, a lot of sugar and are quite caloric:
- from 300 kcal per 100 g (dried fruit),
- up to 600 kcal (nuts).
Therefore, people who are slimming should not exceed the daily dose of 100 kcal (this is the number of dried plums, 2 dried apricots and almonds, 10 raisins). The advantage of dried fruits is high fiber content: figs and almonds have 13 g, apricots and plums 10 g, nuts and raisins 8 g (per 100 g). Dried fruits are a rich source of beta-carotene, vitamin E, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and phosphorus.
We are happy to decorate Christmas cakes with candied fruit: orange and lemon zest, pineapple, papaya, gooseberry, cherry. Whole or sliced fruits are saturated with sugar, therefore they retain firmness, shape, color and taste, but have no particular nutritional value. To some (cherries and papaya) a red dye is added - E 127.
Dried fruits: raisins
They are distinguished by the content of iodine necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and phosphorus, which regulates the acid-base balance. Raisins lower cholesterol, deacidify the body, prevent osteoporosis, strokes and heart attacks. It is worth recommending them to men because they protect against prostate cancer.
Dried fruits: nuts
They are a good source of protein for people on a vegetarian diet. They provide polyunsaturated fatty acids, e.g. gamma-linolenic fatty acids, which have an anticoagulant effect and prevent heart disorders. They are a treasury of antioxidants: vitamin E (slows down the aging of the body and makes it harder for "bad" cholesterol to stay in the walls of the vessels), selenium (prevents cancer) and ellagic acid (provokes the process of destroying cancer cells). Pregnant women should munch them, because nuts have a lot of folic acid necessary for the proper development of the fetus. They are also suitable forpatients with anemia, exhausted and intensively working mentally.
Bakalie: almonds
They have a lot of magnesium, vitamins E, PP and B group, thanks to which they support the work of the nervous system, improve memory and concentration, and act as an antidepressant. They should be reached by people exposed to constant stress, hard working physically, at risk of atherosclerosis or a heart attack.

Dried fruits are not recommended for people on a slightly digestible diet, suffering from irritable bowel syndrome or peptic ulcer disease. Nuts can cause allergies in young children. Moreover, they burden the gastrointestinal tract in convalescent patients. Figs, dates and raisins can cause or worsen migraine symptoms. They contain a protein containing tyramine, which causes headaches.
Bakalie: figs
They are the most effective in eliminating constipation. They are a rich source of zinc which supports the functioning of the endocrine system. They detoxify and deacidify the body, have antibacterial properties, and support the treatment of stomach ulcers. They are recommended for cardiovascular diseases, anemia and gastritis.
Bakalie: dates
They contain natural salicylates that act like aspirin. They have anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant properties. They are recommended for high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases. They are a natural laxative.
Dried fruits: dried plums
They are a rich source of pectins that swell in the digestive tract and fill the stomach, providing a feeling of fullness for a long time. Plums are also rich in potassium, which regulates blood pressure and the body's water balance. We recommend them to obese people, people with hypertension and those taking dehydrating drugs (they increase the excretion of potassium from the body).
Dried apricots: dried apricots
Already 10 pieces of these fruits cover the daily requirement for vitamin A. Apricots also provide calcium and boron (prevents the loss of calcium and additionally allows you to maintain an appropriate level of estrogens). Therefore, they should be eaten by postmenopausal women, especially those at risk of osteoporosis. Dried apricots must be soaked to remove the preservative - sulfur dioxide.
TRY RECIPE: How to make dried compote? We give you a good recipe
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