Orange juice has numerous properties and nutritional values. According to the position of the Food and Nutrition Institute, a glass of 100% fruit juice (200 ml) can replace one of the daily servings of fruit. Check the properties of orange juice and how to choose the good one in the store.
Orange juiceis the juice obtained from the pulp of ripe oranges. There are freshly squeezed juices available on the market, which are obtained by pressing or squeezing raw oranges. These juices may or may not be pasteurized, but in the latter case their shelf life is short. They also require refrigerated transport and storage conditions (these are e.g. daily juices).
On store shelves you can also find 100% pasteurized juices, which are reconstituted from concentrated fruit juice.
As defined, 100% juice is a product obtained from one or more species of he althy, ripe, fresh, frozen or chilled fruit. It has the color, taste and smell of the fruit from which it is obtained. To 100% fruit juice, you can add pulp and pulp cells that were previously separated.
It is forbidden to add any artificial substances, including dyes, preservatives and flavors. In December 2011, the European Parliament decided to ban the addition of sugar to fruit juices (including 100% fruit juices), which sanctioned the common practice. These juices contain only the sugar found in the fruit from which the juice was produced.
What is the production process of 100% orange juice from concentrated fruit juice? The orange is squeezed out of juice. The aromatic substances are then extracted and collected from the squeezed juice so that they do not get damaged during the concentration of the juice. (they are repeated during the production of juice reconstituted from concentrated juice) .¹
Then the water in the juice is removed / evaporated. Then, concentrated juice is produced. The next stages of production are water and aromas restoration and pasteurization. This is how the juice from concentrated fruit juice is made, which causes distrust among some consumers.
Wrong. Both freshly pressed and commercially available 100% orange juice have a solid complex matrix of nutrients that have a beneficial effect onhe alth. Sometimes they are even better at the presence of certain nutrients. Research shows that 100% orange juice contains over 3 times more highly bioavailable flavanones than freshly squeezed juice.
Orange juice - he alth properties
- treasury of vitamin C
One cup of orange juice (200 ml) provides 70 mg of vitamin C, which means it covers about 90% of your daily requirement for this vitamin. The adult reference vitamin C intake is 80 mg / day .¹
Vitamin C has many important functions in the body - incl. supports the immune system, facilitates the absorption of iron, it is also needed for the production of collagen.
- richness of folate
The folate content of one glass (200 ml) of orange juice is approximately 46 μg (approximately 23% of the DV), which is a good source of this vitamin. The adult reference folate intake is 200 μg / day .¹
- source of potassium
One 200ml glass of orange juice contains about 19% of the RDA for this ingredient, the same as one large orange. The reference potassium intake for adults is 2,000 mg / day .¹
- treasury of polyphenols
Polyphenols are natural antioxidants. They sweep away free radicals from the body, which correspond, among others, to for the aging process.
In orange juice, hesperidin (depending on the variety of the orange and production methods) is the most abundant in orange juice, and in the lower amounts: narirutin, didymin and vicenin-2.
Orange juice does not contain much fiber. 1 cup (200 ml) provides approximately 1.0 g of this nutrient. Slightly more fiber, about 1.2 g, is found in a glass of juice with pulp particles .¹ For comparison - an orange weighing 200 g provides about 3.8 g of dietary fiber.
- How to choose a good juice?
- JUICE, nectar, drink - what's the difference?
- Juice detox. Juices for cleansing the body
Orange juice - nutritional values, calories
Per 100 g
Caloric value - 44 kcal Protein - 0.7 g Fat - 0.2 g Carbohydrates - 10 g (including sugars - 8 g) Fiber - 0.2 g
Minerals(% of RDA for an adult)
Phosphorus - 17 mg Potassium - 200 mg Sodium - 1 mg Calcium - 11 mg Iron - 0.2 mg Magnesium - 11 mg Zinc - 0.05 mg Copper - 0.044 mg Selenium - 0.1 µg
Vitamin B1 - 0.09 mg Vitamin B2 - 0.03 mg Niacin - 0.4 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.04 mg Folates -30 µg Vitamin C - 50 mg Vitamin A - 200 IU Vitamin K - 0.1 µg
Source: USDA
100% orange juice and freshly squeezed juice
It is often assumed that pasteurized 100% orange juice is inferior to freshly squeezed juice in terms of nutrient content.
However, a direct comparison of these types of juice shows that 100% orange juice available in the store is an equally good source of vitamin C.
Vitamin C levels in 100% orange juice are well above the legal threshold of 12mg per 100ml to identify a product as a vitamin C source2 , even after the juice has been stored at refrigerator for 56 days.
In other studies, 100% orange juice showed a vitamin C content of 20 mg per 100 ml for up to 10 months when stored at 4 ° C3 . This vitamin C level was also maintained when the juice was stored at 18-20 ° C for up to 6 months.4
100% orange juice is also one of the few natural sources of hesperidin, a polyphenolic compound found in the white inner skin of citrus fruits, which has anti-inflammatory properties and improves the elasticity of blood vessels. 5
The effect of polyphenols in orange juice on the antioxidant system and markers of oxidative stress was verified in the work of Rangel-Huerta et al.6 . Research shows that regular consumption of orange juice can help protect DNA from lipid damage and peroxidation, as well as modify antioxidant enzymes. Research, such as that conducted by Morand et al.7 , shows that hesperidin can lower blood pressure and improve the properties of endothelial cells, thereby increasing blood vessel protection.
Scientists also tested the bioavailability of hesperidin in pasteurized orange juice compared to oranges.
Although oranges contain 2.4 times more hesperidin than 100% orange juice, people ingest exactly the same amount of hesperetin (a metabolite of hesperidin) whether they consume fruit or juice. This proves the nutritional equivalence of both of these products in terms of hesperidin.
The lower hesperidin uptake from fruits is most likely due to the reduced solubility of hesperidin in the digestive juices, as well as the higher content of pectin (a type of fiber) in the fruit, which makes it difficult to absorb hesperidin.8Comparing available in stores and freshly squeezed juiceorange, about three times more hesperetin appears in the plasma after consuming 100% orange juice from cardboard, which has a higher hesperidin content due to the more efficient juicing process.9
Unlike vitamin C, hesperidin is much less susceptible to the negative effects of oxygen and temperature. It shows a 2% reduction in the level after 6 months of storage at 4 ° C and a 9% reduction after 6 months of storage at 18 ° C.
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreWorth knowingNew data from SGF International10shows that 100% orange juice provides even greater amounts of hesperidin than vitamin C - about 104 mg of hesperidin in a glass of juice (200 ml), and thanks to its high digestibility provides a level similar to that in fruit.
The same data from SGF International11also confirms that a glass (200 ml) of 100% orange juice can provide up to 90 mg of vitamin C, which may be over 100% the Nutrient Reference Value (NRV), the recommended daily amount that will help you maintain overall good he alth.
This portion of juice also provides approximately 21% of the reference intake of folate and approximately 17% of the reference intake of potassium. This means that 100% orange juice contains enough vitamin C, folate and potassium (≥7.5% NRV per 100g), therefore the nutrition claims for these ingredients can be used.12
Juices and their types. What is worth knowing?
Source: TVN
The article uses materials from Fruit Juice Matters.