Kumquat is a fruit that has numerous properties and nutritional values. However, most people only wonder how to eat kumquats. Meanwhile, kumquat is a source of beta-carotene, which supports the work of eyesight, vitamin C, which strengthens immunity, and antioxidants that protect against cancer. Check what other he alth effects kumquat has, where to buy and what is the price of this fruit.

Kumquatsisfruitresembling a small orange. However, unlike it, the rind of the kumquat is soft and thin, and therefore edible. Therefore, the answer to the questionhow to eat kumquatsis: you can eat it with the skin on.Properties and nutritional values ​​ kumquat - otherwise named "golden orange" or "dwarf orange", it was first appreciated in China, where it comes from.

It was brought to Europe in the mid-nineteenth century by a Scottish botanist - Robert Fortune. A common species of kumquat isFortunella margaritaSwingle. Due to its highnutritional value , this exotic fruit is becoming more and more popular in Europe.

Currently, kumquat fruits are grown in China, North America, South America, Africa, the Middle East and the Mediterranean countries, primarily in Greece.

Kumquats - 10 amazing properties

  • Kumquat rejuvenates the skin

100 g of kumquat contains approx. 44 mg of vitamin C. Thanks to this, the fruit has a very good effect on the skin. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals that are responsible for the aging process of the skin and damage to its cells. It slows down the aging process, delays the formation of wrinkles and has a protective effect.

CHECK: How much vitamin C does different citrus have? Which are the he althiest?

In addition to fighting free radicals, vitamin C is involved in the production of collagen, which is responsible for regenerating and rejuvenating processes.

  • Kumquat protects the skin from sunburn

In addition, vitamin C helps protect the skin against the harmful effects of UV rays. Thanks to this, it protects it from sunburn.

Kumquat is a rich source of beta-carotene, which is a provitaminvitamin A. 100 g of the fruit contains as much as 155 mg of beta-carotene. Therefore, kumquat has a positive effect on the skin.

  • Kumquat supports the treatment of skin diseases

Beta-carotene also plays a significant role in the fight against acne. It also prevents discoloration during tanning.

  • Kumquat protects against eye diseases

Beta-carotene contained in kumquat also protects against eye diseases, incl. glaucoma, cataracts or night blindness.

  • Kumquat reduces the risk of cancer development

Kumquat contains flavonoids that have anti-cancer properties. The antitumor activity of flavonoids results from their antioxidant activity and inhibition of DNA replication. As a result, there is no increased development of cancer cell production in the body.

  • Kumquat prevents atherosclerosis

In addition to the anti-cancer effect, the flavonoids found in kumquat have a positive effect on the condition of the circulatory system and prevent atherosclerosis.

  • Kumquat strengthens the immune system

Due to its high vitamin C content, kumquat, like other citrus fruits, supports the immune system. It is worth eating this fruit, especially in the fall and winter season, as it prevents colds and upper respiratory tract infections.

  • Kumquat supports digestion

Kumquat solves digestive problems and helps detoxify the body. It is also recommended for people suffering from constipation. In addition, it contains riboflavin that regulates energy metabolism.

  • Kumquat can be consumed by people with diabetes

It is worth adding that kumquat has an average glycemic index of 40, so it is advisable for people with diabetes to consume this fruit.

  • Kumquat to lose weight

Kumquat is the perfect fruit for people who are on a diet or struggling with obesity. It is low in calories -100 g of kumquat contains only about 70 kcal .

Thanks to this, you do not have to limit your consumption of these fruits, quite the opposite. They can become a he althy snack with a unique taste and many nutritional values.

Kumquat - nutritional values ​​(in 100 g)

Energy value - 71 kcal

  • Protein - 1.88 g
  • Fat - 0.86 g
  • Carbohydrates - 15.9 g
  • Fiber - 6.5 g
  • Water - 80.85 g


  • Calcium - 62 mg
  • Iron - 0.86mg
  • Magnesium - 20 mg
  • Phosphorus - 19 mg
  • Potassium - 186 mg
  • Sodium - 10 mg
  • Zinc - 0.17 mg


  • Vitamin C - 43.9 mg
  • Thiamine - 0.037 mg
  • Riboflavin - 0.09 mg
  • Niacin - 0.429 mg
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.036 mg
  • Vitamin A - 290 IU
  • Vitamin E - 015 g

Data Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

Kumquats - how to eat?

Kumquat fruits can be eaten in many forms. They are most often eatenraw . From other citrus fruits, kumquat has a thin, delicate, sweet skin, so it can be eaten without peeling.

However, you should remember to wash the fruit thoroughly. Kumquat is not as juicy as other citrus fruits, so it is perfect as an addition to salads, meat or desserts, both fresh and candied.

It is also used in processing. Kumquat fruits are suitable for making marmalades, jams and compotes. Alcohols made of kumquat are popular in Greece.

Kumquats - where to buy and what is the price?

Kumquats are not grown in Poland, but you can buy them in supermarkets and grocery stores. When choosing these fruits, pay attention to theirsoftnessandcolor .

They should be intense orange with a firm skin. Choose fruit that is not bruised or damaged. They can be stored for about 5 days at room temperature, and for up to 3 weeks in the refrigerator.

The price of a kumquat is around PLN 30-35 per kg.

Kumquats - types

There are as many as6 types of kumquats . The most popular and typical species isFortunella margarita , i.e.pearl kumquat .

A special type of kumquat isFortunella japonica , meaningJapanese kumquat . It is the only species whose kumquat fruit is round.

Compared tomargaritas, japonicais more resistant to cold and can be grown in the ground in our climate. However, the most resistant cold-resistant kumquat species isFortunella obovata . It is also characterized by the largest fruit size and a characteristic concave top.

The leaves of the tree are also bigger and wider. Suitable for home cultivation. The other species areFortunella polyandra ,Fortunella crassifoliaiFortunella hindsi .

Kumquat and pregnancy

Kumquat fruit due to its high contentnutrientsare recommended for pregnant women . They strengthen immunity and help fight periodic infections, resulting from the bactericidal and antifungal properties of kumquat.

In addition, kumquat improves digestion, so it can be helpful in flatulence and indigestion during pregnancy. It also helps to cleanse the body of toxins.

Eating kumquat during pregnancy has virtually no contraindications. However, citrus fruits can cause allergic reactions, so if you notice any symptoms, stop consuming the "dwarf orange".
