The celery diet is a slimming diet that cleanses the body of toxins. Celery, which is the basis of a slimming treatment, is low in calories, and thanks to the fiber content, it gives you a feeling of satiety for a long time, preventing the attacks of wolf hunger. In addition, it speeds up the metabolism, and thus the detoxification process. Check what the celery diet is all about.
Celery dietis a weeklyslimming dietandcleansingin which the main role as indicates the name, plays celery. This bulbous vegetable not only cleanses the body of toxins and promotes weight loss, but also strengthens the immune system (it has more vitamin C than the famous lemon). Celery is also a well-known aphrodisiac.
Celery diet - celery slimming and cleansing properties
Celery is one of the least caloric vegetables, especially celery, which has only 13 kcal per 100 g. It is also a source of fiber, which contains almost 2 g / 100 g. In addition, celery facilitates digestion (especially of fats), stimulates metabolism, which promotes weight loss and the process of detoxifying the body of toxins. Modern phytotherapy recommends celery to people who have problems with the nervous system because it has a calming and antidepressant effect, which is beneficial for people on a diet. Celery also has a diuretic effect, thanks to which it removes excess water from the body, which reduces swelling and contributes to temporary weight loss.
ImportantCelery may cause allergies
Celery is one of the food allergens. It is especially common in people with rhinitis caused by hypersensitivity to pollen. All because of the furanocoumarin contained in celery.
Celery diet - rules
During the 7-day slimming treatment, one (and only one, since celery can stimulate the appetite) meal per day should be celery, preferably raw. The glycemic index of raw celery and those after heat treatment, e.g. cooking, is completely different. Raw celery has an IG of 35, but cooked as much as 85. Raw celery has an IG of 15, but when cooked, it also rises sharply. The glycemic index in a slimming diet is very important because the lower it is, the better it protects againstsudden spikes in glucose, and thus - against hunger attacks. Therefore, during a slimming treatment, it is better to reach for celery in the form of salad, and not in the form of, for example, soup-cream. Celery juice with apples is especially recommended. When drunk on an empty stomach, it cleanses the body of toxins and improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails (if used regularly, of course).
Celery diet - how much weight can you lose?
The celery diet allows you to get rid of about 1 kg, but thanks to the removal of water from the body you will feel even lighter.
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreThis will be useful to you- A fresh and he althy celery is one whose stalks are firm, undamaged and breakable easily, and the flesh is without holes or rust stains.
- Celery can be kept in the fridge for up to a week. Do not wash it beforehand, just wrap it in a plastic bag.
- Celery has a tendency to turn blue, so first cut it, then peel it and wash it thoroughly. Finally, sprinkle it with lemon juice to prevent darkening.