Do you have trouble concentrating? Do you keep forgetting something? Take a look in the kitchen, you will find products there that will help you keep a good mind, and you will forget about memory problems. What should a diet for problems with memory and concentration include?
Do you live on the run, are you stressed and distracted, do you keep forgetting something? Think about relaxation - it always helps. But in addition to this, it is necessary to change the diet. The enormously complex army of neurons inthe brainand the entire nervous system, sending out millions of impulses every day, needs a solid base of nutrients.
Ifdietdoes not get enough of them, the functions of the nervous system may be impaired. Then it becomes more difficult for you to concentrate, you have minor problems withmemory , in addition you lack energy and good humor. Therefore, you should eat 4-5 meals a day regularly - this will ensure a constant supply of nutrients that nourish the nervous system.
Diet for memory and concentration: bread and grain
To strengthen the nervous system, each meal should contain 2 thin slices of bread or 2-3 tablespoons of groats or pasta, or 4 tablespoons of muesli or 2 medium potatoes. They are rich in carbohydrates from which glucose is released in the body - the best fuel for the brain. If it is lacking, e.g. when we are hungry, the brain works at a slower speed, it is harder to concentrate, and we get tired faster.
Processed grains and potatoes contain a lot of complex carbohydrates - starch. It is digested slowly, and it gradually and gently raises blood sugar levels. Thanks to this, neurons do not lack energy for a long time. Grain preparations, especially those made of whole grain, are also distinguished by the content of vitamin B1. It is a component of enzymes involved in obtaining glucose from carbohydrates. It is also essential in the conduction of impulses between nerve cells.
Diet for memory and concentration: eggs
A diet that is good for the brain cannot lack eggs (3-4 a week, and in the case of problems with cholesterol 1-2 a week). The yolk containslecithin , which is one of the most important phospholipids found in every cell in the body. Its main task is to support the functioning of the nervous system. Lecithin improves memory and speeds upinformation exchange in the brain.
Diet for memory and concentration: fish
When composing your menu, remember to eat portions (approx. 150 g) of sea fish 2-3 times a week. It is one of the best sources of omega-3 unsaturated fats. These, in turn, build the brain and are a component of the cell membrane of neurons, we also need them for the production of neurotransmitters, i.e. substances that transmit nerve impulses. Omega-3 fatty acids also stimulate the secretion of serotonin, which improves the mood. But that's not all.
According to scientists, a diet high in omega-3 fats lowers the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Linseed oil, rapeseed oil and olive oil have similar properties. They also have a lot of vitamin E, which slows down the aging of nerve cells.
Diet for memory and concentration: meat
For the sake of gray matter, it is worth making sure that a portion (150 g) of meat or 2-3 slices of sausage appears on the menu once a day. They contain a lot of B vitamins, especially vitamin PP (niacin). Its deficiency causes memory impairment, problems with concentration and association as well as insomnia.
Meat is the best source of wholesome protein (used for the production of brain tissue and enzymes in the brain), as well as iron that is well absorbed by the body. It improves the blood supply to the brain, which makes it better nourished and can work at a higher speed.
Diet for memory and concentration: vegetables
It's best to add a serving (i.e. a cup) of vegetables to each meal. Not only do they contain a lot of minerals (magnesium, zinc, silicon), they are rich in vitamins: C, beta-carotene and folic acid, as well as antioxidants - flavonoids and anthocyanins. They protect the neurons from damage by free radicals. As a result, they can prevent the degeneration of nerve cells, delaying age-related dementia, and preventing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
This is primarily how berries (blueberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, chokeberry) work. Similar properties have celery, carrots, green peppers and oregano. The content of luteolin (an antioxidant from the flavonoid group) has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body and reduces age-related memory deficits.
Diet for memory and concentration: chocolate
If you have an important exam, eat 2-3 cubes of chocolate, preferably dark. This is a great energy boost for the brain.
The sugars contained in chocolate are quickly digested, quickly raise the level of glucose in the blood, unfortunately for a very short time - after a dozen or so minutes the brain becomes hungry again. Therefore, chocolate is a good way to get a quick boost for a few minutesbefore the exam.
But chocolate, especially bitter chocolate with a cocoa content of over 70%, also has plenty ofmagnesiumnecessary to generate energy for the brain. This element improves memory and concentration, has anti-stress properties and alleviatessymptoms of depression . Magnesium is also found in pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, nuts, especially Brazil nuts, cashews and peanuts. It is also included in legumes, cereal products (buckwheat, dark bread), spinach, cheese, tomato juice, bran flakes, sesame seeds and tofu.
Diet for memory and concentration: the menu for the whole day
- Breakfast: a softly sprinkled egg with dill, 2 slices of whole grain bread with soybeans, thinly spread with margarine, with a slice of lean meat, tomato and 1/2 paprika pod, a glass of cocoa with skim milk
- 2nd breakfast: a small (150 g) packet of blueberry yoghurt, a handful of hazelnuts and walnuts, a glass of orange juice
- Lunch: broccoli cream soup with wholemeal croutons sprinkled with a spoon of parsley, pollock baked in foil with onion, 2-3 tablespoons of brown rice, Chinese cabbage salad, carrots and apples seasoned with vinaigrette and sprinkled with roasted pumpkin seeds
- Afternoon tea: avocado salad with orange
- Dinner: celery salad, a glass of tomato juice

Eat it:
- wholemeal and wholemeal bread, muesli and cereals, wholemeal pasta, buckwheat, brown rice
- potatoes
- dark chocolate, cocoa
- bananas, oranges, kiwi, lemons, grapefruits, berries (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blueberries, chokeberry)
- nuts (Brazil, hazelnuts, walnuts, peanuts), almonds
- sea fish (cod, salmon, pollock, tuna, mackerel)
- eggs
- linseed and rapeseed oil, olive oil
Avoid this:
- fast food and highly processed foods - high in s alt, simple sugars and saturated fats, and low in vitamins and nutrients to support the nervous system and brain
- alcohol - reaches the brain just 6 minutes after drinking, causes disturbances in the functioning of the hippocampus (the part of the brain responsible for memory) and accelerates the aging of nerve cells
- excess s alt - is the main cause of hypertension, which disrupts the proper functioning of the nervous system, worsens memory and increases the risk of dementia
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