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The optimal diet proposed by Kwasniewski is a low-carbohydrate diet. It assumes eating three fatty meals a day, limiting vegetables and fruits, and eliminating bread and sweets from the menu. Is Kwasniewski's optimal diet he althy and recommendable?

Optimal dietdeveloped by Dr.Kwaśniewskiego , is based on the consumption of the most fatty products, while excluding or minimizing the consumption ofcarbohydrates . The author of the diet (a doctor and dietitian practicing in a sanatorium) believes that pork, offal, lard, butter, fatty sauces and cheese can be eaten without restrictions. You have to give up sugar, sweets, bread and fruit. An optimal diet promotes those products that everyone who cares about he alth and well-being should limit. The diet promises to lose about 5 kg per month.

Kwasniewski's optimal diet: rules

3 meals a day are recommended. The diet is based on eggs, dairy products and meat, cheese is an important element, but eaten without bread, but with cream, butter and mayonnaise. We avoid carbohydrates - during the day it is allowed to provide the body with no more than 50 g (e.g. 2 thin slices of bread).

Recommended products:

  • all types of cheese
  • eggs - over 4 a day
  • offal, meat jellies, cartilage, fatty broths
  • any type of meat, preferably fatty, pork, all types of cold cuts (the best - brawn)
  • fish, canned fish, poultry, preferably a fatty goose, duck
  • a lot of fat - butter, lard, bacon, goose lard, sunflower oil, olive oil, good margarine. According to the author of the diet, fats of animal origin are much better than vegetable fats
  • fat milk and cream up to 1/2 liter a day
  • all vegetables, mushrooms, mushrooms up to 300 g daily
  • one potato a day (fries in lard or tallow)
  • lots of fluids, no sugar
  • nuts, sunflower seeds, mayonnaise, spices, coffee, tea or - better - unsweetened fruit juices (drink them after diluting them in the amount of 2-3 tablespoons per glass of hot or cold water)

Prohibited products:

  • sugar, sweets, honey
  • fruit and fruit preserves (jams, compotes)
  • rice, groats, bread
  • cakes, noodles, dishesflour
  • potatoes (in large amounts), potato flour
  • peas and beans
  • other plant-based products
  • sweetened liquids
  • s alt - use as little as possible until it is completely discontinued

Kwasniewski's diet: advantages

The diet provides the right amount of protein. Eliminating sweets and s alt is also beneficial. The author of the diet ensures that all minerals (including sodium) are present in the right amounts and proportions in the supplied products.

Kwasniewski's diet: disadvantages

Diet by far exceeds the daily requirement for fat, including saturated fatty acids. There are also too many eggs. A huge disadvantage of the diet is the restriction of carbohydrate intake (grains and fruits), which provide minerals and fiber. And fiber is very important: it supports the intestinal function, protects against cancer, lowers cholesterol, stabilizes glucose levels. It is not a diet for people who want to eat he althily! Besides, 3 meals a day is not enough. In the light of current research, the main source of calories should be cereal products, vegetables, fruit, skim milk and its products, lean meat and fish. A properly composed diet is to provide mainly plant-based, not animal-derived fats.

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