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The South Beach diet is a good solution for those who focus on effective and he althy weight loss without the yo-yo effect. Here's a sample one-day menu for each of the three stages of the South Beach Diet.

The South Beach Dietisn't just abouta slimming diet- this nutritional plan also helps regulate your cholesterol and insulin levels.The South Beach Dietmenu varies depending on which stage of your diet you are in. Try our menus.

South Beach diet stage I: one-day menu

  • Breakfast

180 ml vegetable juice, vegetable quiche, coffee or tea with skim milk

  • Morning snack

1 partially skim mozzarella cheese stick

  • Lunch

Slices of grilled chicken breast on romaine lettuce, 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinaigrette or 2 tablespoons of low-sugar sauce, flavored sugar-free jelly

  • Afternoon snack

Celery stuffed with 1 light cream cheese triangle

  • Lunch

Grilled salmon with rosemary, steamed asparagus, salad (mixed leafy vegetables, cucumber, green peppers, cherry tomatoes), olive oil and vinegar to taste or 2 tablespoons of low sugar sauce

  • Dessert

Vanilla cream with ricotta

We recommend

Author: Time S.A

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South Beach diet stage II: one-day menu

  • Breakfast

1 cup of fresh strawberries, oatmeal (1/2 cup of traditional oatmeal mixed with 1 cup of skim milk, simmered and sprinkled with cinnamon and a tablespoon of chopped walnuts), coffee or tea with skim milk

  • Snackmorning

1 hard-boiled egg

  • Lunch

Mediterranean Chicken Salad

  • Afternoon snack

Raw pear with cream cheese light cream

  • Lunch

Salmon fillet stuffed with spinach, roasted mixed vegetables, salad (mixed leafy vegetables, cucumber, green peppers, cherry tomatoes), olive oil and vinegar to taste or 2 tablespoons of low sugar sauce

  • Dessert

Strawberries dipped in dark or dark chocolate

South Beach diet stage III: one-day menu

  • Breakfast

Half of grapefruit, protein omelette with salsa sauce, 1 slice of multi-grain bread, decaffeinated coffee or tea with skim milk and sugar substitute

  • Lunch

Sandwich with ham and Swiss cheese on rice bread, 1 fresh apple

  • Lunch

Roasted sirloin steak, spinach cream, "South Beach" mashed potatoes, fresh mozzarella salad with tomatoes

  • Dessert

Chocolate-dipped apricots

menu based on Arthur Agatston's book "The South Beach Diet", published by Rebis

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