Macadamia nuts (macadamia nuts) have many nutritional values and he alth properties. These nuts, with a delicate buttery flavor, can help prevent lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. In addition, macadamia nuts are used in the kitchen, and the oil obtained from them - in cosmetics.
Macadamia nutshave uniquepropertiesandnutritional values.Of all the nuts, macadamia nuts contain the most fat, most of which are unsaturated fats, the regular consumption of which has a positive effect on he alth. Macadamia nuts also contain large amounts of potassium that regulates blood pressure, phosphorus responsible for strong bones and niacin that supports the nervous system. In addition, macadamia nuts have a unique, slightly buttery flavor, which is why they areusedin the kitchen. On the other hand, macadamia oilobtained from nutsis used in cosmetics. American policemen have also found a practical application for them - crushed nuts pretend to be crack during transactions to expose gangsters.
Macadamia nuts - how many calories do macadamia nuts have?
Macadamia nuts are the fattest (more than 75% fat) and the most caloric nuts - 100 g provides as much as 718 kcal. They can be matched only by pecans, which in 71 percent. consist of fat and provide 691 kcal (per 100 g). Brazil nuts are the third most calorific nut (67.10 g of fat and 659 kcal per 100 g).
1 macadamia nut weighs 3 g and provides less than 22 kcal.
Most of the fats in macadamia nuts are he althy unsaturated fats that help to maintain the proper level of cholesterol and have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system - they protect against coronary heart disease and heart attack. In addition, they play an important role in keeping the brain working properly. These "good" fats also help…. lose weight. Scientists have long recognized that people who eat nuts tend to be thinner than people who do not include these foods in their diets. Therefore, they can be eateneven on a slimming diet - you just have to remember about moderation.
Worth knowingMacadamia nuts - nutritional values (in 100 g)Energy value - 718 kcal Total protein - 7.91 g Fat - 75.77 g Carbohydrates - 13.82 g (including simple sugars 4.57) Fiber - 8.6 gVitaminsVitamin C - 1.2 mg Thiamine - 1.195 mg Riboflavin - 0.162 mg Niacin - 2.473 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.275 mg Folic acid - 11 µg Vitamin E - 0.54 mgMineralsCalcium - 85 mg Iron - 3.69 mg Magnesium - 130 mg Phosphorus - 188 mg Potassium - 368 mg Sodium - 5 mg Zinc - 1.30 mg
Fatty acids
saturated - 12,061 g monounsaturated - 58,877 g polyunsaturated - 1,502 g
Data Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Macadamia nuts reduce the level of total and "bad" cholesterol
A diet rich in macadamia nuts lowers the level of total cholesterol and its "bad" LDL fraction in men and women with moderate hypercholesterolemia (elevated blood cholesterol levels), argue researchers from Pennsylvania State University (USA) in the journal "Journal of Nutrition ". The 5-week experiment involved 25 people with moderate hypercholesterolaemia - 15 women and 10 men - who were divided into two groups. The former followed a macadamia nut diet and the latter a typical American diet. It turned out that the level of total cholesterol and its "bad" LDL fraction in the first group is lower than in the second. Researchers emphasize that MUFA monounsaturated acids, which are very rich in macadamia nuts, are responsible for this effect, and they recommend including them in a diet that prevents cardiovascular diseases.
Worth knowingMacadamia nuts dangerous for dogs
Macadamia nuts are he althy for humans, but poisonous to dogs. Eating even a single nut by your pet can cause symptoms such as walking disorders, fever, vomiting, and even death. It is believed that the toxins contained in macadamia nuts are responsible for this. However, it is not known what these toxins are and why they pose a threat to the he alth and life of dogs. Other nuts are not poisonous to dogs, but they should not be given to your pet because they are greasy and difficult to digest, which can cause stomach discomfort in your pet.
Macadamia nuts reduce the risk of … death
Researchers at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and the Harvard School of Public He alth in Boston (USA) went a step further, who say that eating macadamia nuts regularly, as well as other nuts, contributes to reducing the likelihood of death from differentcauses by up to 20 %¹
"The most obvious benefit seems to be a 29 percent reduction in the likelihood of dying from heart disease. But we also saw a significant reduction in mortality - 11 percent - from cancer," says co-author Charles S. Fuchs .¹ These are very reliable data because the study was conducted for 30 years in a group of nearly 120,000 people who regularly completed questionnaires on their eating habits.
It has long been discovered that people who eat nuts regularly have a much lower risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, colorectal cancer and other serious diseases. Thus, nuts allow you to enjoy he alth and a longer life.
ImportantMacadamia nuts go rancid very quickly!
Due to the fact that macadamia nuts contain a lot of fat, they quickly go rancid. To prevent this from happening, they should be purchased in packs, not those sold in bulk, by weight. Those in packets are protected against air, light and moisture, which slows down the harmful oxidation process. After opening the package, put the nuts into an airtight container.
Be careful with macadamia nuts, which have a moldy, musty flavor. These nuts can contain molds called aflatoxins, which can cause serious digestive ailments.
Macadamia nuts and diabetes
Macadamia nuts, like other nuts, are more effective in controlling glucose and "bad cholesterol" (LDL) levels in people with type 2 diabetes without increasing weight, according to a study by scientists from St. Michael's Hospital and University of Toronto.² Patients with type II diabetes were divided into three groups. The first group received cookies (muffins) every day, the second - a mix of nuts (almonds, pistachio, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, peanuts, and macadamia and cashew nuts). The third group got both muffins and nuts. The group receiving only the nut mix was the group that benefited the most. Uns alted nuts, whether eaten raw or roasted, help to better regulate blood plasma sugar and cholesterol levels without contributing to obesity .²
Macadamia nuts and pregnancy
According to researchers at Dana-Faber Children's Cancer in Boston, pregnant women should consume nuts. They found that children of mothers who ate nuts during pregnancy were less likely to be allergic to the food. They found that children had a nut allergy a third less often if their mothers ate nuts during pregnancy .³ Nuts were consideredBrazil, hazelnuts, Italian, macadamia, pecans, almonds, pistachios, cashews and peanuts.
However, not everyone shares this view. Other studies suggest that the consumption of nuts by pregnant women has no effect on the incidence of allergies in their offspring, or on the contrary - it is conducive to allergies.
So what's the official stance on eating nuts during pregnancy? Current international recommendations neither recommend nor recommend eating nuts during pregnancy.
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreMacadamia nuts - use in the kitchen
Macadamia nuts, due to their creamy taste, are often used in cakes, cookies and sweet creams. However, they also go well with garlic and anchovy sauces. In the kitchen, you can also usemacadamia nut oil , e.g. for salads.
Macadamia nuts - use in cosmetics
Macadamia oil regenerates the skin, rebuilds the lipid layer of the epidermis and prevents water loss from the skin. Intensively moisturizes, tones, softens and smoothes. It can be used for the care of the whole body.
Nutritionist: Nuts are a good source of B vitamins as well as iron and magnesium
Source: x-news.pl/TVN Meteo Active
1. Eating nuts reduces the risk of death. Nutty diet good for diabetes, http://naukawpolsce.pap.pl/aktualnosci/news,383405,orzechowa-dieta-dobra-na-cukrzyce.html 3. During pregnancy, it is worth eating nuts, http://naukawpolsce.pap.pl/aktualnosci/news,398562,podczas-ciazy-warto-jesc-orzechy.html
4. A macadamia nut-rich diet reduces total and LDL-cholesterol in mildly hypercholesterolemic men and women, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18356332