Popcorn is one of the most popular snacks in the world, but few people know how many calories popcorn has and what are its properties and nutritional values. Popcorn is a rich source of polyphenols and dietary fiber, but it is prepared with the addition of a large amount of fat, s alt or sugar. Check if the popcorn is he althy.
Popcornis a snack whosepropertiesandnutritional values were first appreciated by the inhabitants of Mexico, which is the cradle of popcorn. The history of popcorn dates back to 3600 BC, but the first documented records of it date back to 1820. Popcorn, on the other hand, was popularized only in the 1890s by the owner of a candy store - Charles Cretos, who invented a machine for the production of this delicacy and began selling roasted corn kernels on a large scale in his shop.
Popcorn is obtained by roasting specially selected corn kernels at high temperature, which are expanded due to a sudden reduction in pressure. 90 percent The corn used to produce popcorn is not genetically modified, but the popcorn may contain pesticide residues, so it is worth choosing organic popcorn.
- Popcorn - properties
- Popcorn - nutritional values
- Popcorn - from microwave, frying pan
- Popcorn - use in the kitchen
Popcorn - properties
Popcorn is a rich source of dietary fiber - 100 g of popcorn contains 10 g of this nutrient. It has a beneficial effect on the body: it improves digestion and prevents diabetes. It also has a positive effect on the circulatory system.
Additionally, popcorn is a source of polyphenols - compounds with antioxidant properties that scavenge free radicals. However, the bioavailability of popcorn-derived antioxidants has not been studied. In addition, popcorn provides vitamins and minerals.
Popcorn contains a significant amount of manganese, the mineral responsible for the formation of connective tissue and bones. Manganese supports bone building (especially in people prone to bone weakness such as postmenopausal women) and protects against osteoporosis, arthritis and osteoarthritis. In addition, manganese ensures the proper functioning of the nervous system andpancreas.
Doesmean thatpopcorn is he althy ? Unfortunately, no, because popcorn is prepared with the addition of a large amount of fat, s alt or sugar - ingredients that have an adverse effect on he alth.
In addition, popcorn can cause allergy symptoms such as swollen lips and difficulty breathing. In addition, it should not be consumed by people with inflammatory bowel conditions, because it irritates the digestive tract and causes unwanted reactions.
Worth knowingS alted popcorn - nutritional values (in 100 g)
Energy value - 500 kcal
Protein - 9.00 g Fat - 28.10 g
- saturated fatty acids - 4.89 g - monounsaturated fatty acids - 8.17 g - polyunsaturated fatty acids - 13.42 g
Saturated fat - 8.17 g Monounsaturated fat - 15.9 g Polyunsaturated fat - 13.42 g
Cholesterol - 0.0 g Carbohydrates - 57.2 g Fiber - 10.0 g
Minerals(% of RDA for an adult)
Calcium - 10.0 mg (1%) Sodium - 884.0 mg (60%) Phosphorus - 250.0 mg (36%) Potassium - 225.0 mg (6%) Magnesium - 108.0 mg (2 7%) Iron - 2.78 mg (28%) Zinc - 2.64 mg (24%) Copper - 0.221 mg (25%) Selenium - 7.3 µg (13%) Manganese - 0.879 mg (38 %)
Vitamin B1 - 0.134 mg (10%) Vitamin B2 - 0.136 mg (10%) Vitamin B6 - 0.209 mg (16%) Niacin - 1.55 mg (10%) Vitamin B12 - 0.0 µg ( 0%) Folates - 17.0 µg (4%) Vitamin C - 0.3 mg (0.3%) Vitamin A - 1.0 µg (0.1%)
Source: Nutritional Value: USDA,% of the Recommended Daily Allowance based on the IŻŻ Nutrition Standards, 2022
Popcorn - from microwave, frying pan
Popcorn comes in many different forms. The one available in cinemas is very caloric, contains small amounts of vitamins and minerals, and is also a source of s alt.
Microwave or pan-roasted popcorn, on the other hand, is produced with the use of hydrogenated oils, which are rich in trans fatty acids. Additionally, it contains additional substances: sweeteners, butter, fragrances. And the package contains a chemical compound - perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) - which causes thyroid problems and ADHD.
GOOD TO KNOW:PFC - toxic substances in food packaging
The he althiest popcorn is made from organic corn in vegetable oil with the addition of herbs, spices or garlic.
Popcorn - use in the kitchen
Popcorn is most often served s alted or sweetened, but the way it is served varies depending on the region. In AmericaNorthern popcorn is eaten s alted, with butter, toffee, or spices. In Peru, popcorn is sweetened with sugar or condensed milk, while in Mexico popcorn is served with hot sauces, cheese or butter.
Chocolate with popcorn and strawberries
Source: x-news.pl/Dzień Dobry TVN