An anti-inflammatory diet is a nutritional plan that calms down chronic inflammation in the body and thus helps prevent many diseases with low-intensity chronic inflammation (including diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis) , atherosclerosis, cancer, Alzheimer's disease). Read the rules of an anti-inflammatory diet and find out which products to include and which should not be eaten.
Anti-inflammatory diet: what is it?
As a result of chronic stress, exposure to pollution, genetic predisposition, very little exercise and an inadequate diet, a large part of the population is exposed to diseases related to chronic inflammation.
Dr. Weil's anti-inflammatory dietis to be a response to the needs and a solution to the problems of increasingly ill communities. Recommendations for an anti-inflammatory diet can be modified in terms of calories and combine the anti-inflammatory effects of menus with weight loss.
The goal of the anti-inflammatory diet is not to lose weight, but to keep your body in optimal he alth.
The anti-inflammatory dietis based on foods with strong antioxidant potential and scientifically proven anti-inflammatory effects. Its recommendations and principles were formulated by Dr. Andrew Weila - an American specialist in nutrition and integrative medicine. Its primary task is to prevent and eliminate inflammation.
Inflammationis the body's normal reaction to injury, body damage or microbial attack. It allows for a quick recovery and prevents the spread of the disease.
Acute inflammation manifests itself:
- high temperature,
- feeling hot,
- redness, swelling and pain at the site of damage.
It is a natural and desirable defense response that mobilizes the immune system to react in a given place.
Chronic inflammation is dangerous to he alth, it takes a hidden form and gives no symptoms for a long time.
Chronic inflammation causes increasedoxidative stress , which is one of the triggersautoimmune diseases ,e.g.lupusirheumatoid arthritis .
Chronic inflammation is also listed among the causes ofatherosclerosis , cancer,Parkinson's diseaseandAlzheimer's disease,type 2 diabetes , allergies and others.
Stress, environmental pollution, drug use, drug abuse and - last but not least - diet are responsible for chronic inflammation.
Diet can be both anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory. An anti-inflammatory diet that inhibits and reverses changes caused by chronic inflammation is an element of the treatment of civilization diseases, and above all a way to prevent them.
Worth knowingAccording to the popular Best Diets U.S. ranking News, Dr. Weila is ranked 14th on the list of the best diets, 8th on the list of diets for heart he alth, 10th on the list of diets for he althy eating and 11th on the list of diabetic diets.
Its popularity is growing due to community interest in the effects of antioxidants and their role in general he alth and protection against common diseases.
Anti-inflammatory diet: what is it?
An anti-inflammatory diet is a nutritional plan that regularly provides the body with essential nutrients to help prevent and treat diseases related to chronic inflammation.
Dr. Andrew Weil is responsible for systematizing the knowledge obtained on the basis of scientific research and formulating recommendations for an anti-inflammatory diet - a lecturer at Harvard, a pioneer of integrative medicine, combining the traditional knowledge of the Far East with the scientific achievements of Western medicine, a well-known American expert in the field of nutrition and author of many popular books.
The anti-inflammatory diet according to his idea is a diet based on the Mediterranean diet but with a few additives such as green tea, dark chocolate and Asian mushrooms.
Anti-inflammatory diet: rules
The anti-inflammatory diet is based on fresh food, mainly vegetables and fruits, recommends eating a variety of foods to provide the body with a wide range of he alth-promoting ingredients, and encouraging the elimination of processed and fast food foods. It is to cover the body's needs, as it is not a slimming diet.
In an anti-inflammatory diet, it is recommended to include sources of carbohydrate, fat and protein with each meal, and the distribution of energy from macronutrients should be as follows:
- 40-50% energy from carbohydrates,
- 30% fat,
- 20-30% ofproteins.
Most of the carbohydrates in the diet should be low-processed, unrefined products with a lowglycemic index , e.g. groats and rice. Products containing white wheat flour and sugar should be excluded, especially bread, sweets and s alty snacks. It is also advisable to avoid products withglucose-fructose syrup .
It is recommended that you consume 40 g of dietary fiber daily by including plenty of berries, vegetables, and whole grain products. In an anti-inflammatory diet, you should strongly limit your intake of saturated fat, which is found in butter, cream, cheese and meat.
It is especially important to exclude products containing highly inflammatorytrans fats , present in hydrogenated (hydrogenated) vegetable oils from margarines and deep fry, which can be found mainly in sweets and confectionery, as well as ready meals and powdered soups. Recommended oils include olive oil and rapeseed oil, and desired fat sources are nuts and avocados.
It is very important to eat fish that provide omega-3 fatty acids. People who do not eat fish should take supplements with EPA and DHA acids.
In an anti-inflammatory diet, you should strongly limit animal protein and increase the amount of vegetable protein consumed from legume seeds and soy products.
In order to maximize the anti-inflammatory potential of your diet and protect yourself against diseases, you should include various sources of bioactive phytochemicals - make sure that the menu is varied, includes vegetables and fruits in different colors and follows the guidelines described in the pyramid anti-inflammatory foods.
The anti-inflammatory diet recommends taking a daily set of antioxidant supplements:
- vitamin C- 200 mg,
- vitamin E- 400 IU,
- selenium- 200 µg,
- carotenoids - 10,000-15,000 IU,
- folic acid- 400 µg,
- vitamin D- 2000 IU.
The anti-inflammatory diet is very varied - you can eat all kinds of products, and you only have to give up some of them.
Anti-inflammatory diet: the food pyramid
The food pyramid in the anti-inflammatory diet consists of 12 floors with products with the potential to inhibit inflammation and indications on the frequency of their consumption. The anti-inflammatory food pyramid was developed by Dr. Andrew Weil.
Foods to eat when following an anti-inflammatory eating plan include:
1.Vegetables(minimum 4-5 servings daily) - especially leafy greens (spinach, kale), cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage), carrots, beets, onions, beans, seaweed. They are a very good source of flavonoids and carotenoids with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential. It's best to choose vegetables from a wide range of colors to provide yourself with various nutrients. The vegetables can be eaten raw and cooked.
2. Fruit(3-4 servings a day) - the darker the fruit, the more antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredients they contain. Like vegetables, they provide flavonoids and carotenoids. It is advisable to eat a variety of fruits.
3. Grains(3-5 servings daily) - wild, brown and basmati rice, buckwheat and barley groats, quinoa, cereals are recommended products. Their task is to provide energy and minimize sudden spikes in blood glucose and insulin levels, which are conducive to inflammatory processes. Bread is not allowed.
4.pasta (2-3 times a week) - wholemeal flour, rice, beans are starchy additives allowed in an anti-inflammatory diet. It is important that they are cooked al dente, which means that they have a lower glycemic index and cause less fluctuation in blood glucose levels.
5. Legume seeds(1-2 servings a day) - beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas are rich in folic acid, magnesium, potassium and soluble fiber, which helps to eliminate toxins from the body. They are also a source of protein and have a low glycemic index, which helps to control blood sugar levels.
6. He althy fats(5-7 servings a day) - recommended sources of fat are extra virgin olive oil, organic, cold-pressed rapeseed oil, walnuts and hazelnuts, seeds, especially hemp seeds and linseed, chia seeds, avocados, fatty sea fish, eggs from hens fed withomega-3 fatty acidsand soy products. Their task is to provide anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidant polyphenols.
7. Fish and seafood(2-6 times a week) - Salmon, herring, sardines, tuna and mackerel are sources of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. Their consumption is even more important as they are one of the few sources of these valuable fats in food.
8. Soy products(1-2 servings a day) - tofu, tempeh, soy milk and soy dishes are designed to provide the right amount of antioxidant isoflavones. You should choose products made from whole soybeans, not soy protein isolate, like protein supplements andready meals.
9. Cooked Asian mushrooms(unlimited) - Shiitake, enokidake, maitake and other mushrooms contain ingredients that support the functioning of the immune system. They must not be eaten raw.
10. Protein sources(1-2 times a week) - Cheese, high-quality dairy, omega-3 fortified eggs, skinless poultry, and lean dairy products are foods that may appear on your anti-inflammatory diet, but you should limit their consumption .
11. Herbs and spices(unlimited) - these are dietary components with powerful antioxidant potential. You can use both fresh and dried.
12.Tea (2-4 cups daily) - Green, white and oolong tea are sources of catechins and other anti-inflammatory compounds. Brew them properly to maximize their he alth and flavor benefits.
13. Supplements(daily) - multivitamin and multimineral supplementation is intended to make up for deficiencies if a person on an anti-inflammatory diet is unable to follow it accurately. Particularly important supplements are vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, selenium, coenzyme Q10, vitamin D and fish oil.
14. Red wine(optional, no more than 1-2 glasses a day) - is a product with a well-known anti-inflammatory effect, mainly responsible for resveratrol and quercetin.
15. He althy sweets(occasionally) - unsweetened dried fruit, fruit sorbets and dark chocolate with a cocoa content of min. 70% of these are sweets that are allowed in the anti-inflammatory diet.
Anti-inflammatory diet: prohibited products
- sweetened drinks and fruit juices;
- white bread, white pasta and other refined flour products;
- shop sweets, donuts, buns;
- ice cream, cake creams;
- s alty snacks: chips, sticks, crackers;
- highly processed meats: sausages, canned food, sausages, cold cuts with a meat content of less than 90%, the weight of which is increased by spraying water with polyphosphates;
- trans fatty acids (hydrogenated vegetable oils);
- hard alcohol, e.g. vodka, whiskey, gin.
Daily caloric intake in an anti-inflammatory diet ranges from 2,000 to 3,000 and is dependent on gender, age, and physical activity.
Anti-inflammatory diet: menu
Day I
Oatmeal boiled in water with blueberries, chia seeds and cashew nuts
Second Breakfast
Strawberries + a handful of almonds
Buckwheat porridge with smoked tofu and mushrooms
Preparation:2/3 cups of buckwheat and 1/3 cup of dried mushrooms put on the frying pan, which previously heated the oil. Fry until the groats start to sizzle and smell. Pour 1/4 cup of broth or water and cook until boiling. Pour in liquid and cook until the groats are soft. Season with smoked paprika, s alt and pepper. Dice half the tofu cubes and fry with n oil until browned. Add chopped onion and fry until translucent. Put groats with mushrooms on a plate, put tofu on top, sprinkle with chives. Serve with pickled cucumbers or other vegetables.
Afternoon tea
Avocado paste with a clove of garlic, a pinch of s alt and a tablespoon of lemon juice + sticks of carrots
Tomato soup with lentils and coconut flakes
Preparation:1 large onion and 2 cloves of garlic, chop and fry in hot oil. Add spices: 1 teaspoon of grated ginger, 1/2 teaspoon curry, 1/2 teaspoon turmeric, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, a pinch of chili. Sauté for a while. Pour 2 cans of sliced tomatoes and 1 liter of water into the pot. Transfer the contents of the pan. Add a glass of red lentils, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, s alt to taste. Cook for about 30 minutes until the lentils are tender. Toast 4 tablespoons of coconut shavings in a dry frying pan. Add to soup, mix. Serve sprinkled with parsley.
Day II
Pure grain bread + millet pepper
Ingredients for a medium jar (several sandwiches): ¾ cup dry millet, 2 cups carrot or celery, coarse-mesh, 1 medium white onion, 3 teaspoons good tomato paste, 2 teaspoons rapeseed oil, 1 teaspoon sauce soybean, ½ teaspoon ground allspice, 1 teaspoon sweet smoked paprika (or regular hot), 1-2 tablespoons of yeast flakes, s alt, pepper
Chop the onion and fry it in oil in a hot pan. Add the grated carrots to this and simmer for a few minutes. Boil the millet semi-crust with 1½-2 cups of water. Add millet, spices and tomato puree to the stewed carrot with onion. Mix everything thoroughly and season with s alt and pepper. Transfer to a jar.
Second Breakfast
Soy yogurt + peaches
Baked tuna steak
Baked sweet potatoes topped with olive oil, sprinkled with a pinch of s alt and rosemary
Sauerkraut salad with onion and linseed oil
Afternoon tea
Boiled broad beans
Boiled broccoli + tomato + cucumber + hard-boiled egg + sauce with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, a clove of garlic and herbs pressed through the press
Smoothie: banana + pineapple piece + coconut milk
Rice flakes boiled in water with raspberries and chia seeds
Second Breakfast
Grain and seed crackers
Ingredients for two sheets of crackers : 1 cup sunflower seeds, ½ cup whole linseed, ½ cup pumpkin seeds, 4 tablespoons sesame seeds, 1½-2 cups oatmeal mountain, 2 tablespoons chia seeds, about 1½ cup water, 1 teaspoon maple syrup, 2-3 tablespoons coconut oil, 1 teaspoon s alt, favorite spices and herbs
Preparation:Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl. In the second, combine all the wet ingredients with the melted coconut oil. Add wet to dry ingredients and mix everything thoroughly with a spoon. Stir until the seeds and flakes have absorbed the water and the dough is quite thick and spreadable. Set aside the bowl for about 1-2 hours, until the dough has absorbed all the water. After this time, divide the dough into two parts. Put one part of the dough on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and a rolling pin wrapped with cling film, roll out the dough about 3 mm thick. Cut the dough into oblong rectangles. Put the tray in a preheated oven at 180 ° C and bake the crackers for about 20 minutes. After this time, turn them over and bake for about 10 minutes, until they are browned. Leave to cool down.
Rice noodles with spinach, garlic, radish sprouts and natural tofu
Hummus + sliced vegetables
Salad: arugula + lamb's lettuce + dried tomatoes + bell pepper + roasted salmon (not farmed!) + Cooked millet + olive oil + 1 teaspoon of honey + 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
The recipes come from