The MIND diet is a diet that aims to improve the functioning of the brain and nervous system. It shows promising results in preventing Alzheimer's disease, which affects many elderly people. The MIND diet not only affects the mind, but also promotes he alth in other areas. At the same time, it is easy to use and does not require many sacrifices. What exactly is the MIND diet?
What is the MIND diet?
The MIND dietis a diet that aims to improve the functioning of the brain and nervous system. Thanks to its use, you can significantlyreduce the risk of neurodegenerative brain diseases.By increasing the proportion of food products in the diet that positively affect the work of the brain, it isa means of preventing Alzheimer's disease.
The name of the MIND diet suggests that init floats on the state of mind.MIND is an acronym for "Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay". The MIND diet protocol usesa combination of the DASH diet and the Mediterraneandiet, which are considered to be one of the he althiest in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and have a positive effect on overall he alth. Both ways of eating have taken what most affects the state of the brain and made some modifications.
The author of the MIND diet isMartha Claire Morris, an epidemiologist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago , who studies the effects of nutrients on the body. Her group prepared a dietary protocol to reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, based on research on the Mediterranean diet and DASH, and the individual food ingredients and their effects on the state of mind, as tested in humans and animals.
The effectiveness of the MIND diet in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease was confirmed in a nearly 5-year study, but the author herself emphasizes that in order to get a complete picture of the impact of diet on the state of mind, further in-depth studies are needed.
What is the MIND diet?
The MIND diet has been recognized by the U.S. News & World Report forone of the he althiest diets , and at the same time the easiest to use. Following its rules is simple and even in the long-term use it should not be difficult. The main advantage of the diet isno spicy foodrestrictions on the products used.
The MIND dietrecommends certain groups of food, and restricts others , but does not require absolute abandonment of them. The basis of the diet are products rich in vitamins C, E and B group vitamins, antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids, i.e. ingredients that have a positive effect on the work of the brain. The main difference between the MIND diet and the DASH diet, and the Mediterranean diet that is its prototype, is the need tointroduce plenty of green vegetables . In the MINDdiet, food is divided into 15categories, 10 of which are recommended to be eaten and 5 should be limited.
Give it a try
Author: Time S.A
An individually selected diet will allow you to positively affect cognitive and perceptive functions, and at the same time eat he althy, tasty and without sacrifices. Use JeszCoLisz, the innovative online dietary system of the He alth Guide, and reduce the risk of depression, Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. Enjoy a well-chosen menu and the support of a dietitian today!
Find out moreWhat should you eat in the MIND diet?
Products recommended in the MIND diet
- Green vegetables , such as spinach, lettuce, broccoli - at least 6 servings a week, preferably 3 servings a day;
- Other vegetables- at least one portion a day;
- Nuts- 5 servings per week;
- Berries- at least 2 servings per week;
- Legume seeds- at least 3 servings per week;
- Whole grains- 3 or more servings per day;
- Fish- especially fatty sea fish - at least once a week;
- Poultry- twice a week;
- Olive oil- as the basic fat for cooking;
- Wine- a glass a day.
Products that should be restricted in the MIND diet
- Red meatand its preserves - less than 4 servings per week;
- Butter and margarine- less than a tablespoon per day,
- Cheese- less than a serving per week,
- Baking and sweets in any formi - less than 5 servings per week,
- Fried and fast food products- less than a serving per week.
Vegetables in the MIND diet are best eaten raw , then they will provide more vitamins and antioxidants. In case of problems with the digestive tract, raw vegetables can be replaced with cooked vegetables. However, the beneficial effects of the diet will be noticeable a little later.
Whole grainscereal products eaten 3 times a dayare designed to provide B vitamins, which are responsible for the functioning of the nervous system.5 times a week you should eat a handful of nuts or seeds , which they contain unsaturated fatty acids which are the building blocks of cell membranes, numerous minerals and vitamin E - a strong antioxidant. On other days, eat half a cup of legumes, which provide protein, B vitamins and fiber.
Oily sea fish are very important - a source of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids, which have a huge impact on the nervous system, inhibit inflammatory processes and have a protective effect on the circulatory system.The menu should include at least one serving of fish per weeko.
You should eat blueberries, blueberries, raspberries and other berries at least twice a week , which help to get rid of toxins from the body and affect the he alth of brain cells.
Find out why you should eat blueberries!

The MIND diet protocol recommends drinking a glass of wine every day as research shows thata small amount of alcohol is better for your brainthan eliminating it altogether. Olive oil as a source of monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants should be the staple fat used in cooking.
Read also: High-protein diet, or how to lose weight by eating protein
How does the MIND diet affect your he alth?
MIND diet and Alzheimer's disease
The MIND diet was developed as anutritional protocol to prevent Alzheimer's disease . This disease usually affects people over 65 years of age, is a result of the loss of nerve cells in the brain and leads to a gradual deterioration of memory, cognitive abilities, speech and orientation disorders. There is no effective drug for it, and only in Poland, about 250,000 people suffer from Alzheimer's. In the United States, it is around 5 million people.
The effectiveness of the MIND diet in this area was confirmed by a study that lasted 4.5 years and was conducted on 923 people from the Chicago area aged 59 to 98 years. During a 54-month follow-up, it was found that people who strictly followed the dietary recommendationsthe risk of developing Alzheimer's disease decreased by 54%.Interestingly, people who only partially complied with the recommendations had by 35 percent lower risk of falling ill. At the same time, during the entire observation period, the progression of the disease was found only in 144 out of nearly 1000 examined people. The authors of the research emphasize that this is just the beginning of work on the possibilities of using a diet inAlzheimer's disease, however, the results are promising.
Read also: 10 Myths About Alzheimer's Disease: We refute false information
MIND diet good for the brain
Studies conducted by scientists from Chicago are not the only ones that indicate the beneficial effect of MIND diet components on the state of mind. Two previous large studies in the United States found that people who ate at least 2 servings of vegetables a day had slower progression of cognitive decline.The effect was further enhanced by eating at least 6 servings of green vegetables a week . Animal studies show that eating blueberries has a positive effect on memory, and population studies suggest eating one fish meal a week is correlated with the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
MIND diet and stress
The MIND diet can be used not only in the case of neurodegenerative diseases.It will work for all people who work long and live under stress , with a lot of mental effort. Eating a diet rich in ingredients beneficial to the work of the brain improves memory and concentration and allows you to feel the effects of prolonged nervous tension less acutely. In addition, the MIND diet contains foods that improve the functioning of the circulatory system, lower blood cholesterol and prolong the feeling of fullness after a meal, which allows you to eat less. Lots of antioxidants from fruits and green vegetables help the body defend itself against cancer, as well as anti-aging and improve the condition of skin cells.
Read also: Stress: how to overcome it? Causes, symptoms and effects of stress
Does the MIND diet lose weight?
The MIND diet is not intended for people who are slimming.It does not assume a daily calorie limit, but its authors emphasize that maintaining a he althy body weight and moderate physical activity every day are very important for he alth. You can lose weight on the MIND diet because it limits the products that are unfavorable for the brain's work, which at the same time promote weight gain, such as:
- sweets,
- fried dishes,
- fast food,
- full-fat dairy.
If you follow the MIND diet with a calorie deficitlosing weight will be effective and he althyand will not be bothersome even in a long time.
MIND diet: sample menu
Day 1
- wholemeal bread with high-quality poultry sausage and vegetables
- a handfulalmonds
- buckwheat,
- grilled chicken breast,
- cooked broccoli salad with carrots with olive oil sauce
Afternoon tea:
- tomatoes with mozzarella and arugula with the addition of olive oil
- salad of any vegetables with tuna and millet
Day 2
- wholemeal bread with mackerel paste, lettuce and paprika
- bowl of blueberries,
- kefir
- wholemeal spaghetti with roasted salmon and stewed spinach with olive oil
Afternoon tea:
- a handful of walnuts
- chickpea salad with red onion, cucumber and sun-dried tomatoes
Day 3
- oatmeal with pumpkin and sunflower seeds
- a few plums
- natural yogurt
- baked in tomatoes cod with brown rice and green string beans
Afternoon tea:
- a handful of hazelnuts
- cream soup of green peas, broccoli and zucchini topped with olive oil
- slice of whole wheat bread

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