Itchy, chapped skin, often covered with tiny pimples that coalesce to form painful patches. Atopic dermatitis (AD), usually worsening in winter and spring, is now manageable. You just need to know what causes an exacerbation of the disease and how to care for the sick skin.
Atopic dermatitisaffects children most often, but adults also suffer. Severe itching, eczema, redness and small wounds are typical symptoms of this disease. Its cause is abnormal lipid metabolism in the epidermis. For this reason,skinis devoid of a natural protective barrier.AZSis not a contagious disease, so no one can get infected from you, for example by using the same dishes, cutlery, touching, hugging or kissing. The disease is the most troublesome for you because it imposes certain restrictions on your diet and requires you to take care of your skin every day and very carefully. So what should you do in order not to feel overwhelmed by your illness?
Atopic dermatitis: choose the right care
Proper care of atopic skin requires regularity (a care routine is necessary regardless of whether we are in the phase of exacerbation or reemission of the disease). Taking care of the skin should begin with a gentle cleansing that will not affect its protective barrier (e.g. with mild oils, without drying soap). What we clean our skin with is just as important as what we lubricate it with. Both in cleansing and care, it is worth focusing on mild dermocosmetics specially designed for dry and atopic skin, preferably from the first day of life.
Atopic dermatitis: choose the right diet
There is no miracle diet that can be recommended to people suffering from AD. In some people, itching and skin pain may worsen after eating certain foods. Choosing the right diet is based on constant experimentation. So eat what you like and watch your body. If you are okay, it means that this product does not sensitize you. Skin tests can extend your knowledge of allergenic substances. However, you must remember that when performing tests, the most common allergens are used, which may not be harmful to you. Therefore, even after testing, do not forget to carefully add new ingredients to your daily menu. DownFoods most often sensitizing people suffering from AD include cow's milk (you can replace it with goat's milk, but it has a specific taste), peanuts, fish and seafood, soybeans, small-grain vegetables, citrus and small-seed fruits. However, remember that your diet must be rich in vitamins and microelements that have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. If you have a choice, go for foods that are mainly organic. You must remember that food that is free of preservatives, artificial colors, and enhancers is he althier and safer for you.
Atopic dermatitis: choose probiotics
These live microbes have a beneficial effect on the gut and the immune system, so they can be of great help in relieving the skin problems associated with AD. Certain probiotic strains (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Lactobacillus rhamnosus 19070-2, Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 122460, Lactobacillus fermentum VRI- -003 PCC, Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12) have a positive effect on the course of the disease, reducing the severity of skin lesions and symptoms, such as itching and sleep disturbances. Probiotics stimulate the body to produce antibodies that can capture allergens from the surface of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, which may provoke the intensification of skin ailments.
Atopic dermatitis: seek help from a psychologist
Red, rash-covered and scaly skin can be a source of great stress. The more you get nervous, the more your symptoms get worse. Anyway, for you, no kind of stress is advisable. If you cannot cope with everyday problems, seek support from a psychologist or learn the relaxation technique that is most enjoyable for you. In many clinics with contracts with the National He alth Fund, you can already take advantage of such advice. But it is worth spending money on a private visit, because - as it has been proven - skillful dealing with everyday problems allows you to achieve a significant improvement in well-being. If you manage your daily worries well, you suffer less and there are fewer flare-ups.
Atopic dermatitis: desensitizing drugs and steroids
AD is a skin disease with periods of exacerbation of symptoms. Treatment depends on which of them are the most troublesome. If the only problem is itching of the skin, it is enough to take antihistamines to reduce allergic reactions. Although it's hard to hold back, don't scratch. Even a slight injury to the skin can lead to its superinfection, and then an antibiotic is needed. In severe itching and the appearance of additional symptoms, e.g. small pimples, the ointment is applied to the skinwith anti-inflammatory properties. Strong steroid preparations should be used always after a doctor's recommendation - generally the shorter the better and on the smallest possible surface of the skin. Specifics containing calcineurin inhibitors work similarly, but do not damage the skin like classic steroids. However, both calcineurin inhibitors and steroids can be used from a certain age. But even despite your young age, you can effectively deal with itching by choosing emollients with antipruritic properties or steroid-free preparations that soothe itching and can be used from the first day of life. Sometimes the doctor may also recommend UV radiation.
Atopic Dermatitis: Smart Self-Healing
Atopic dermatitis doesn't always heal well. Therefore, patients tired of failures often turn to natural methods. And here you need to be very careful not to worsen the condition of the skin. You can bathe in starch or jelly prepared from linseed with impunity. The cooked starch should be poured into a bathtub with warm water, and after a 5-minute bath, gently dry the body. A thin protective layer will form on the skin to reduce touch sensitivity and soothe itching.
Atopic Dermatitis: Thinking About the Future
If you have a child suffering from atopic dermatitis or you are a young person who has not yet chosen your career path, guide your education so that you do not come into contact with substances that may aggravate the ailments in the future. The list of the most unfavorable occupations includes, among others hairdresser, beautician, car mechanic, doctor, surgeon, baker, chemist.
What is the everyday life and experience of a parent of a child with AD?
Water is our element - says Dorota, mother of 2-year-old Ignas - I am with my son every week at the swimming pool. And we're not going to give it up, even though we both have atopic dermatitis. Ignaś was diagnosed quickly because it is known what rough skin and eczema can mean in a child with atopic dermatitis. Since the mental state of the patient is important in the treatment of AD, I care about a good mood. Ignaś relaxes wonderfully in the water. But before we started "hydrotherapy", I asked the doctor if I would not hurt him - the water dries up after all. He told me to grease the skin well and see how the little one reacts. I greased Ignas so thickly that it was slipping from my hands, I put it in a circle and hop into the (ozonated!) Water. It worked and Ignaś feels like a happy seal in the water.
Atopic dermatitis in children - diagnosis and treatment
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a lifelong disease. Most often it appears in newborns orbetween 6 and 7 years old … Diagnostics is quite complex, especially for the smallest children. How is atopic dermatitis diagnosed? Is There An Effective Cure For Atopic Dermatitis? Listen to our expert - pediatrician Andrzej Mierzecki from the ENEL MED clinic.
Atopic dermatitis in children - symptoms
The most characteristic symptoms of atopic dermatitis are severe itching, dryness and irritation, red, varnished-looking skin, and pimples in the bends of the legs and arms. How else can atopic dermatitis manifest itself? Listen to our expert - pediatrician Andrzej Mierzecki from the ENEL MED clinic.
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