Your diet during pregnancy must be properly thought out. After all, what you eat is also fed to the developing fetus, and you want your baby to be as he althy as possible. Check which products are rich in substances valuable for pregnancy and which you should avoid as a caring mother-to-be.
The diet during pregnancyshould be well thought out, he althy and varied, and contain all the nutrients to avoid nutrient deficiencies that may cause anemia or osteoporosis, for example. When talking aboutpregnant nutrition , it is worth recalling three important rules
- Eat for two, not for two. In the first half of pregnancy, it is enough to eat 300 kcal more during the day than before (i.e. a total of about 2500 kcal per day), and in the second - another 200 kcal more (i.e. about 2700 kcal). How much you should eat also depends on your lifestyle, physical activity, pre-pregnancy weight, etc., so check the caloric content of your diet with your doctor. Normal weight gain in pregnancy is 12-14 kg.
- Eat more often, but not too heavy meals, preferably 5-6 times a day. Food does not remain in the stomach then, nutrients are absorbed faster, and the blood glucose level is balanced, so you do not experience hunger pangs.
- Avoid unfamiliar foods. This is not a good time for culinary experiments, because, for example, many exotic fruits or spices can cause allergies.
Diet in pregnancy: eggs
They are a valuable source of vitamin A, essential for the development and functioning of the eyes, skin, cartilage and bones. It also influences the synthesis of proteins and hormones (especially the thyroid gland). Eggs also provide valuable protein, iron and vitamin B12 . Other sources of vitamin A: carrots, yellow fruits and vegetables, liver, milk and its products, butter.
Diet in pregnancy: olive oil
Provides vitamin E - a strong antioxidant, i.e. a substance that prevents oxidants from damaging cells and tissues. Vitamin E protects the eyes, skin, liver, muscles and red blood cells. Olive oil also contains valuable fatty acids: oleic, linoleic and alpha-linolenic. Other sources of vitamin E: nuts, coarse-grain bread, vegetable oils (sunflower, rapeseed and soybean), egg yolk, broccoli,Brussels sprouts, spinach.
Diet in pregnancy: liver
Provides vitamin B12 , which is responsible for cell division and the production of the main building material of cells and organs, which is protein. The liver also has a lot of vitamins A and D, there are other B vitamins, iron, calcium and protein. Other sources of vitamin B12: meat (beef and pork), kidneys, eggs, milk and its products.
Diet in pregnancy: coffee. Can you drink it?
Diet in pregnancy: spinach
It is a rich source offolic acid , essential in pregnancy. It plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells, reduces the risk of malformations in the fetus. Spinach also provides a lot of iron, beta-carotene and vitamin C. It has one downside: it makes it difficult to absorb calcium. So let's season it with cream or cheese. Other sources of folic acid: liver, asparagus, lettuce, broccoli, beets, beans, yolks.
Diet in pregnancy: yogurt
Provides beneficial probiotic bacteria that colonize the intestines, support the absorption of food and prevent the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. They also produce B vitamins. Yogurt is rich in protein, vitamins E and D, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. Other sources of probiotics: cottage cheese enriched with probiotic bacteria.
Diet during pregnancy: sea fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna)
They are a good source of Vitamin D. It helps to absorb calcium and phosphorus, important for bones and teeth. Fish provides B vitamins, magnesium and iron. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, skin, brain cells and important for the development of a child's eyes. Other sources of vitamin D: milk, egg yolk.
Diet in pregnancy: brewer's yeast
They contain large amounts of vitamin B6 , which is essential for the production of proteins, sugars and fats. It is also responsible for the proper functioning of red blood cells and the body's immunity. Brewer's yeast also provides other B vitamins, as well as protein, amino acids and a lot of iron. Other sources of vitamin B6 : wheat germ, wheat bran, liver, kidney, cabbage, paddy rice, walnuts.
Diet in pregnancy: avocado
It is a great source of plant protein, which, together with animal protein, is the basic building block of cells. Avocados are also extremely rich in folic acid, B vitamins, especially B6 , and also in vitamin C, magnesium and iron. Other vegetable protein sources: chickpeas, beans, soybeans and soy products such as tofu.
Diet in pregnancy: poultry
It is a valuable source of animal protein - the building material of cells and tissues. It is also rich in vitamins of the groupB, vitamin C, iron, magnesium, zinc and potassium. Other sources of animal protein: fish, eggs, milk and its products.
Diet in pregnancy: pumpkin seeds
They are rich in zinc which is involved in the growth and development of the body. It has significant effects on the immune system, skeletal and brain development, as well as blood pressure and heart rate. The seeds also contain a lot of iron. Other sources of zinc: seafood, canned sardines, liver, eggs, full-fat yogurt, wheat grains, and grain bread.
Diet in pregnancy: buckwheat
It is a very valuable source of magnesium. This element is involved in the activity of nearly 300 enzymes in the body. It regulates circulation and blood pressure, it is also necessary for the synthesis of proteins, the transformation of fats and carbohydrates, and for the proper functioning of the nervous system. The groats also contain fiber, as well as a lot of folic acid and iron. Other sources of magnesium: oatmeal, wheat bran, soybeans, beans, cocoa, dark chocolate, nuts, dried fruit.
Diet in pregnancy: milk
It is primarily calcium, which is the basic building block of bones and teeth. It also regulates the blood clotting process, it is necessary for the transmission of signals through nerve receptors and for the proper functioning of muscles. It regulates blood pressure and prevents hypertension during pregnancy. Milk also provides protein, vitamin D, vitamin B12 , folate, and potassium. Other sources of calcium: cheese, whole wheat bread, nuts, orange juice, cabbage, broccoli.
Diet in pregnancy: beef
It contains a lot of iron, necessary both for building the muscle mass of the placenta and increased production of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen to cells and tissues. Meat provides valuable protein, B vitamins (especially vitamin B12 ) and zinc. Other sources of iron: liver, egg yolks, oatmeal, nuts, beans, spinach, beetroot.
Diet in pregnancy: tomatoes
They have a lot of potassium, which ensures the proper functioning of muscles and the nervous system. It also regulates blood pressure and heart rate, and (along with sodium and chlorine) maintains the fluid balance in the body. Tomatoes are also rich in fiber, vitamin C, folic acid and lycopene, which protects cells. Other sources of potassium: avocados, dried figs, bananas, melon, apples, fresh orange juice, skim milk.
Diet in pregnancy: coarse grain bread
It is a source of fiber that improves the digestive process and prevents constipation - a common ailment during pregnancy. Whole grain bread is also rich in magnesium, B vitamins and zinc. Other sources of fiber: wheat bran, unshelledrice, coarse-grained groats, vegetables and fruits.
Diet in pregnancy: fresh juices
Vegetables and fruit provide vitamins and minerals. Carrot is rich in beta-carotene, beetroot - in iron, celery - in magnesium, phosphorus and B vitamins. Tomato is a great source of potassium. Fruit juices, especially citrus juices, are high in vitamin C. It is important to drink freshly pressed juices, not from carton. If you are short on time, you can use bottled juices called. day ones. Other sources of vitamin C: paprika, parsley.
Diet in pregnancy: sprouts
They are a treasury of all nutrients - they contain much more of them than adult plants. They are abundant in high-quality proteins and enzymes, which make them easy to digest. They are rich in a vitamin complex and most minerals - most of them are in alfalfa sprouts. They also contain a large amount of chlorophyll, which stimulates the tissue growth process, supports metabolism and respiration.
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