Is it possible to eat bananas with brown spots? Most of us avoid them, but it turns out that ripe bananas covered with brown dots are he althier than perfectly yellow bananas. They find that the more spots, the better for he alth.
Many of us, while in the store, choose ripe bananas, often those with brown spots, with the hope of finding perfectly yellow fruits. According to a study conducted at the Gdańsk University of Technology, among people who regularly buy bananas, only 9% of this group will reach for a fruit with clearly brown spots, and 14% will eat fruit that looks like this at home. All the rest, according to their declarations, will throw the banana with brown spots into the trash. Meanwhile, such fruits are very he althy.
Do brown spots on the skin mean it is broken?
Brown stains on a banana do not mean that the fruit is unfit for consumption. They appear in the process of fruit ripening, which is something natural. The fruits are picked when they are green in color. Then their skin is rich in chlorophyll.
With the passage of consecutive days, when they are transported to specific countries, this component is transformed into carotene. It is thanks to him that the hard fruit slowly turns into one with a soft, yellow skin that is easy to separate.
Modern appliances are equipped with refrigerators to delay this process as much as possible, but after buying bananas even after 2 days at room temperature, it may turn brown. This does not mean that it needs to be thrown away.
Why eat bananas with brown spots?
Bananas with brown spots are fruits with completely different properties than those that have a green color and are still at a different stage of maturity. Japanese scientists conducted experiments to carefully study the effect of human consumption of very ripe bananas. Their result confirmed the hypothesis that throwing bananas with numerous brown dots was a mistake.
When dark spots are already formed on bananas, they produce the Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF), which when translated into Polish means Cancer Necrosis Factor. According to research, the more darker spots a banana has, the more TNF level in the fruit increases.
They have a positive effect on human he alth. TNF fights abnormal cellscancerous that can arise in the body of each of us. This does not mean, however, that eating bananas with brown dots is a guarantee of complete protection against cancer, but it is certainly worth introducing this fruit into your diet as a preventive measure.
Bananas with brown spots good for athletes
People who actively engage in physical activity, e.g. go to the gym several times a week, can certainly afford to pack a ripe banana into a training bag and eat it immediately after exercise.
It will definitely satisfy your hunger. Right behind oatmeal, eggs and cheese, the satiety index of ripe bananas is one of the highest. Due to the abundance of potassium in this product, speckled bananas can also help to reduce the occurrence of muscle spasms in very active people.
Ripe bananas not for everyone
By eating a very ripe banana, we are able to feel that it is much sweeter than its green or even yellow version. It is thanks to enzymes that, as they mature, convert complex sugars, i.e. starch, into glucose and fructose, i.e. simple sugars.
This fruit also has a change in the glycemic index. With maturation, this indicator increases. It must be remembered that, for example, people with diabetes must avoid eating food with a high glycemic index. In the case of bananas, it can even be>70. Diabetes unfortunately should exclude bananas from the diet, especially those with brown spots, so as not to unnecessarily provoke spikes in blood sugar levels.
Bananas are approximately 75% water. The rest are mainly carbohydrates in the form of the above-mentioned starch, sucrose, glucose, fructose. Therefore, when using a slimming diet, during which we carefully monitor the number of calories provided, we can reach for other snacks. This decision may be motivated by the fact that we focus on lighter snacks during a slimming diet.