Mirabelki are one of the most underrated fruits. Mirabelles can be found mainly as wild trees, which is a pity, because they have unusual taste and healing properties, which it is a sin not to take advantage of. What is the use of mirabelles in the kitchen and in natural medicine?

Mirabelka( Prunus domesticasubsp. Syriaca) is a variety ofdomestic plumderived fromAsia . It is a shrub or small tree that grows up to3-6 meterstall. A few dozen years ago, mirabelle plots were planted in home gardens, today it is rather overgrown with wastelands, parks and road edges. It is an undemanding plant, it needs only a sunny position to grow.

Mirabelle history

Mirabells were brought to Europe around13th century , when the French Count René-le-Bon started growing seedlings from Asia in Lorraine. Mirabelle fruits from the place conqueredLorraineand were hailedregional treasure . A few centuries later (in the middle of the 20th century),80%of the world's production of this fruit came from Lorraine.

Mirabelki in Poland

Mirabelki became popular in Poland several hundred years ago. Our great-grandmothers used them to cook delicious compotes and make original preserves.

Today we can meet two varieties of mirabelles in Poland:

  • mirabelle from Nancy- an old variety originally from Lorraine. Its fruits are golden yellow with a characteristic red blush. They are collected at the turn of July and August.
  • Flotowa mirabelle- this variety was brought to Poland from Austria, it is most common in the south of Poland. It has small yellow fruits with an intense whitish coating that are sweet and sour in taste and not too juicy. They are collected in mid-August.

When mirabelles bear fruit

Mirabellas bloom inApril or May , they are covered with fragrant white flowers, but bear fruit - depending on the variety - at the turn ofJuly and Augustorin late August . They have characteristic, not very large, oval fruits in golden-yellow color, about 1.5 cm in diameter. Mirabelle plum trees can bear fruit even30 years !

When collecting mirabellesremember that the fleshseparates easily from the stone- then we can be sure that the fruit is fully ripe. Mirabelle kernels - like apricots, cherries, peaches or other varieties of plums - are poisonous because they containamygdalin .

See the gallery of 8 photos

Mirabelki - nutritional values ​​

Nutritional values ​​of 100 g of mirabelles:

Energy value - 60-120 kcal (depending on variety)
Total protein - 0.7 g
Fat - 0.2 g
Carbohydrates - 13 g
Fiber - 2.4 g

Mirabelles also contain many vitamins and minerals:

  • vitamin A
  • B vitamins (vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B9)
  • vitamin C and E
  • phosphor
  • magnesium
  • potassium
  • calcium
  • iron
  • copper
  • tannins
  • beta-carotene
  • polyphenols

Data Source:USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

Mirabelki - properties

Mirabelles, like other varieties of plums, contain pectin and sorbitol, which is alcohol that has a laxative effect, so you shouldn't eat too many of them at once. People with diabetes should also consume them in moderation, because mirabelles contain a lot of carbohydrates (mainly fructose and glucose), and their glycemic index - like other plums - is35 . Dried mirabelles have an even larger index.

Mirabells are recommended for people of all ages due to their properties:

  • counteract constipation - regulate digestion and intestinal function
  • support weight loss
  • counteract atherosclerosis
  • improve blood circulation
  • soothe inflammation in the body
  • they lower blood pressure and the level of bad cholesterol
  • reduce allergic reactions to pollen from trees
  • counteract anemia and osteoporosis
  • they have a good effect on the eyes and skin (they are a common ingredient in anti-wrinkle creams)
  • destroy free radicals, protect against cancer and delay the aging process of the body
  • chlorogenic acid in mirabelles can protect the body against Alzheimer's disease or depression.

Wild mirabelles

Mirabelles are usually grown in the wild near roads. Unfortunately, we should avoid such fruits - they contain heavy metals that come from car exhaust fumes. Mirabelle plum trees growing far from roads will be much he althier - preferably in orchards or home gardens.

Mirabelle preparations

Mirabells are great for all kindspreserves, especially since they spoil quickly. You can make them:

  • compotes
  • plum jam
  • jams
  • tinctures
  • juices
  • syrups
  • marinades,
  • liqueurs, tinctures and wine
  • they also work well as an addition to cakes and meat.

Interestingly, in Romania, sour soup is prepared from unripe, still green mirabelles. In other countries they are an ingredient of sour sauces.

Similar to mirabelki

Interestingly, there are several trees that are commonly mistaken for a mirabelle. They are:

  • ałycza , also known ascherry plum- it is slightly larger (it grows up to 6-10 meters) and has smaller red fruit . The fruit of the alchemy is sweeter than the mirabelle plum, but it is not as good as the stone. They are perfect for homemade preserves such as mousses, jams and preserves;
  • Lubaszka plum , otherwise known as Damascus, in turn bears small purple fruit.
  • Ratafia (season ticket) - the queen of liqueurs. How to make it?
  • Polish superfruits - what is worth eating in the summer?
