We can use many food products that are placed in our kitchen and thrown into the garbage, giving them a chance for a second life. Masks, shoe polisher - these are just a few ideas for … a banana peel that usually ends up in the garbage can. The next time you eat a banana, don't throw the peel away, just use it. Check out the 8 uses for banana peel.

Are you throwing a banana peel? You are making a big mistake. It turns out that banana peel has many uses. It can be used, for example, for care purposes and more. You can also eat it. However, it is best to dry the skins beforehand and add them later, for example, to dips. Banana peel can also be boiled or fried. It is not recommended to eat a raw banana peel. This can be used for non-culinary purposes.

1. Less wrinkles thanks to the banana peel

Banana peel acts as an anti-aging lotion. Of course, the rejuvenating effect will not be immediate, it will not appear after the first treatment, but regular face compresses with banana peel may inhibit the process of wrinkles formation. All thanks to the fact that the banana peel is abundant, incl. in potassium, iron, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin C and B vitamins, which help to renew the skin.

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2. Banana peel is a proven moisturizing cream

The homemade cream consists of half a banana peel, half a fresh green cucumber, half an avocado and 3 tablespoons of water. We blend everything together. As a result, we should get a relatively thick substance, which then needs to be applied to the face. After a quarter of an hour, rinse it with lukewarm water, and repeat the entire treatment about 3 times a week to see a specific effect of improving the condition of dry skin.

3. Do you want whiter teeth? Rub them with a banana peel

Banana peel is a natural form of teeth whitening. In this case, you don't need to combine the banana peel withother ingredients. Just rub the teeth with the inside of the cuticle. Many people confirm the whitening effect.

4. How to polish shoes to a mirror shine? Preferably with a banana peel

Give shine to old shoes! If the banana peel is not yet completely disintegrating, try it on your shoes. Just with the outer part of the leather you will rub your shoes and you will quickly see that it is a good alternative to polishing agents.

Of course, this option works only for the few materials from which the shoes are made. Works best with leather-like material. Suede or other materials are out of the question.

Additionally, you have to remember not to rub with all your might. The skin should not rub off or delaminate. It is only supposed to shine with a rhythmic and relatively gentle rubbing.

5. How to clean silver? Banana peel will help

Thanks to the banana peel, you can polish your silver jewelry. However, in this case, rubbing the outer part of the peel is not enough. Banana peel should be blended in a blender and finally add a little water to form a toothpaste consistency. Then, apply the resulting paste to your jewelry and rub it with a soft cloth until the discoloration disappears.

6. Banana peel is an ideal ingredient for compost, fertilizers for other plants

Gardening is your passion or at least you like to surround yourself with beautiful flowers at home? Use banana peels. You have 2 options. You can use them to create a liquid flower food or transform the skin into compost, which is then placed under the plants, e.g. in the garden.

The first option requires just pouring water over the banana peels and waiting for a day. After that, the plants need to be watered with the resulting substance. The second variant assumes that you have a composter into which you throw natural waste. These are then converted into a total organic fertilizer.

7. Banana peel - a decoy for beautiful birds and butterflies?

Do you prefer spending your free time, especially in summer, outdoors? You can try to make relaxation more attractive by looking for unusual solutions. How do you invite beautiful birds or butterflies to your garden so that you can admire them?

A banana peel may be helpful. It has a sweet aroma and is therefore a perfect lure for birds and butterflies. They will come to at least check if the person has inadvertently left outside with tasty things that may be food for them.

However, be careful with insects such as wasps, for which the sweetness of bananas is also theredecoy.
