The first symptoms of lupus will not be the same for everyone, as the disease has different symptoms and usually manifests itself differently in different people. However, there is a group of symptoms that may or may not be a sign of lupus. It is worth paying close attention to them, because the sooner lupus is diagnosed, the better the prognosis. What should worry you? What symptoms could indicate lupus?
The first symptoms of lupusmay resemble symptoms of other diseases. This is because systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease. The immune system then produces antibodies against its own cells. As a result, inflammatory processes and damage to various tissues and organs - including the kidneys, joints, and skin - occur.
The first symptoms of lupus are easy to overlook, especially if the onset is relatively mild. Lupus can manifest itself in both general and systemic or organ system symptoms. Some of the symptoms are attributed to other medical conditions or fatigue associated with a busy lifestyle, as well as a viral disease. Diagnosis is made even more difficult by the fact that few people have the full range of possible symptoms of lupus, and that they occur with varying degrees of severity.
Lupus first symptoms - fatigue
One of the first symptoms of lupus can be chronic fatigue. This ailment occurs in almost 90 percent. people with lupus. It is most often caused by problems with sleep at night, which result in a lack of energy during the day and force patients to take frequent naps.
In many cases, lupus sufferers also get tired easily, and some experience extreme fatigue and weakness so much that it is difficult for them to deal with their daily activities.
Lupus first symptoms - low fever or fever
Unexplained low-grade fever is also one of the first symptoms of lupus. The temperature usually fluctuates between 37-37.5 degrees Celsius and appears without the accompanying symptoms of infection. Some people with lupus also have a regular fever (over 38.5 degrees C) without signs of inflammation or infection.
Lupus first symptoms - enlarged lymph nodes
Enlarged lymph nodes or lymphadenopathy in the course of lupus even affectshalf of the sick - it is related to the high activity of the immune system.
The most common are the cervical lymph nodes, as well as the lymph nodes in the armpits and groin. This symptom should also prompt you to consult a doctor, especially if the enlarged lymph nodes are not accompanied by fever or symptoms of infection.
Lupus first symptoms - joint pain and swelling
Joint pain - usually in the hands or feet - and joint swelling is another possible early symptom of lupus. Usually, pain in the small joints (e.g. fingers) appears first, followed by pain in the larger joints, e.g. the elbow and knee.
There is swelling and stiffness over time, especially in the morning. Characteristic of lupus arthritis is that pain medications do not relieve the pain. Joint pain and swelling due to lupus are sometimes confused with rheumatoid arthritis.
Lupus first symptoms - rash and erythema
One of the first and most visible symptoms of lupus can also be a butterfly-shaped erythema, which covers part of the face - both cheeks and a piece of skin over the bridge of the nose, sometimes also the forehead, décolleté, and neck. Butterfly-shaped erythema is close to 80 percent. people with lupus.
The rash may appear for no apparent reason but tends to worsen after exposure to sunlight. In some people the rash may itch, and sometimes the skin also has tiny spots and discoloration. Butterfly-shaped erythema may be accompanied by other erythematous changes, e.g. on the shoulders or the nape of the neck.
Lupus first symptoms - hair loss
Thinning or hair loss is rarely associated with lupus, but it may also be the first symptom of this condition. Hair loss in the course of lupus is the result of inflammatory processes in the skin.
Hair thinning slowly, and additionally, it can become much more delicate and brittle. Interestingly, not only the hair on the head falls out - in men the beard is additionally thinned. Some people also experience thinning of their eyebrows, and the loss of hair in other parts of the body is also characteristic - e.g. on the calves.
Lupus first symptoms - pain on inhalation and shortness of breath
One of the first symptoms of lupus can be chest pain with deep breaths, and shortness of breath. These symptoms may indicate inflammation of the tissues around the heart (pericarditis) or inflammation of the tissues around the lungs (pleurisy). They should not be underestimated as they can increase over time, leading to changes in these organs.
First symptomslupus - weight loss
Losing weight can be a symptom of many diseases, including cancer, is also one of the possible first symptoms of lupus. Sudden weight loss that is not related to diet or exercise should always be a concern and a reason to see a doctor. because it has a negative effect on the entire body.
First Lupus Symptoms - Important Rapid Diagnosis
Rapid diagnosis of lupus is extremely important as it allows the disease to be treated before serious, irreversible changes in internal organs occur. Lupus is diagnosed and treated by a rheumatologist. To confirm or rule out lupus, the doctor carries out a thorough interview and also orders specialist tests. This includes blood counts, screening tests for antibodies, as well as tests assessing blood clotting or the condition and function of the kidneys and liver.