Skin diseases such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis (AD), eczema, common acne or dandruff are dermatological diseases that are strongly related to the mental state. At least 30 percent patients with skin problems or diseases also have mental problems.

Doctors confirm therelationship between the state of the skin and the psyche . However, the answer to the question of whether the skin condition affects the mental state or vice versa is not so simple. Most often, the situation resembles a vicious circle. Skin diseases cause problems with the psyche, and these deteriorate the condition of the skin.

- It's an anatomical level relationship. The skin and nervous system arise from the ecoderm - the first germ layer. That is why the skin is highly innervated - explains Dr. Adam Reich, a dermatologist, explains the genesis of the relationship between the skin and the psyche.

Leather protects and is our intermediary with the world. Thanks to it, we can feel, for example, warmth and cold, touch, texture. Nerves play a modulating role, i.e. substances that act on skin cells are released from the nerve endings, which can lead to e.g. neurogenic (nerve-induced) dermatitis. Moreover, it turns out that in people withatopic dermatitis(AD) orpsoriasisthe substances secreted by the skin stimulate the nerve endings to develop even more. Their network is denser than in he althy people and therefore the skin of the sick person is consequently more sensitive to stimuli, and the symptoms of the disease can be caused by even a weak factor. Inflammation keeps the person constantly irritated. His skin itches, burns, so he starts to scratch. The more it scratches, the uglier the skin becomes, the more itchy, and the more it cracks and hurts. The nervous system is constantly tense, which is why patients get nervous easily. Simply put, a little thing can throw them off balance. The joy of life disappears somewhere, just like in the case of a preschooler whom his mother told him to put on thick, "biting" tights.

Depression affects the condition of the skin

Psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema, common acne or dandruff are dermatological diseases that are strongly related to the mental state. At least 30 percent patients who come to the doctor with problems or dermatological diseases also have problems withpsyche. These people have a much harder time coping with stressful situations. Skin diseases are often accompanied by depression and anxiety disorders. In clinical trials it was found that about 20% of people suffer from depression. people with psoriasis. It is also certain that severe stress, tension, nervousness, depression cause the development of the disease or its relapse and aggravate the symptoms.

Skin diseases cannot be hidden, you can see them with the naked eye. Patients are often stigmatized and rejected by the environment - explains prof. Jacek Szepietowski, dermatologist. - That is why they are ashamed to make contacts with other people. Nobody wants to touch them, and they themselves cannot be touched, which results in depressive disorders, loneliness, isolation.

- The comforting thing is that as a rule, when we remove the cause, the mood improves, says Dr. Reich. - But if dermatological treatment does not improve the condition of the skin, the patient needs contact with a psychologist.

Acne can cause depression

Studies show that depressive disorders, especially in the group of patients with severe and moderately severe acne, are quite common. Moreover, there are even suicide attempts. - There is no pattern here, one patient copes with the disease, another does not - admits prof. Szepietowski. He mentions the case of two brothers with an acne problem. One was severe, treated with oral retinoids, drugs that are the last resort. And the other was light, which did not require such treatment. This slight acne made him reluctant to leave home and neglect his studies. Parents reported that the son did not go out during the day, if it was not necessary, and if he did - then in the evening, when it was dark.

Acne cannot be underestimated and dismissed with the simple statement that it grows out of it. This is not just a cosmetic problem. It is worth referring a teenager to a doctor, realizing that thanks to drugs the disease will be milder and that it takes time to heal it. Fortunately, most of the preparations used now are invisible, and if so, they are used at night. If acne is associated with a very high mental burden, it is better to ask your doctor for a time off while using them.

According to an expertAdam Reich, dermatologist

A psychodermatologist can deal with skin diseases

In the treatment of skin diseases, the mental condition of the patient is very important. Therefore, the approach of a dermatologist is extremely important, as he should be able to establish a bond with the patient, give hope for a cure and make people aware that there is "something" to be done about the disease and he will do it! This attitude has a positive effect on the patient and progress intreatment of skin lesions. If we do not find it at our doctor, it is better to change him to another, otherwise the treatment will come down to trying new preparations for us. Unfortunately, psychodermatology is still in its infancy in Poland, and dermatologists cannot cope with this problem and usually treat skin lesions symptomatically, without looking for their deeper basis. This can render the therapy ineffective.

Only a psychiatrist will help with skin problems of some patients

Apart from strictly dermatological conditions influenced by the psoriasis (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, urticaria, itching of the skin, possibly lichen planus), there is also a second group in which the relationship between the psyche and skin condition is very strong. These are psychiatric conditions, such as parasitic delusions. The patient comes to the doctor because he is convinced that he has something in his skin. Such a patient already requires psychiatric help. This group of diseases also includes obsessive-compulsive disorders, e.g. trichotillomania (the urge to pull one's hair out), as well as the lack of acceptance of one's own body or some part of it, e.g. the patient is convinced that something is burning on the skin, although objectively does not differ from the norm.

Dandruff worsens when we're nervous

We fight dandruff with various preparations, but - as doctors admit - we have little influence on its appearance. There are several types of dandruff, but most often it is the result of seborrheic dermatitis. The disease has many causes, including hormones, a pathological reaction to microbes that parasitize all of us, but the psychological factor is also very important - dandruff increases when we are stressed. Unfortunately, although dandruff can be cured, it cannot be eliminated, because we can easily become infected with yeast from others. It is only possible to get rid of it for a while and we have to take into account the recurrence of the disease, so we have to systematically use prophylactic anti-dandruff preparations. And don't get stressed!

The sick person should take care of themselves, relax, comfort and rest. The basis are good, dermatologically tested cosmetics that do not irritate the skin. You have to give up soap in favor of delicate washing liquids - you can choose them at the pharmacy. It is best to replace the regular powder with the one intended for allergic children. The affected areas should be covered so as not to aggravate wounds or inflammations. Use unscented barrier creams. You need to ask your family or hire someone to help with cleaning. Also the sun, which basically harms he althy skin, has a positive effect in most inflammations, it has a positive effecton the psyche and gives energy to life.


How to help people with skin problems?

For the psyche of patients, the reaction of the environment and the support of relatives are also important. Social stigmatization of people with skin diseases is a problem that is difficult to deal with alone. And you should know that most skin diseases are non-contagious. - Do not be afraid that when I touch a sick person, I will have this disease - emphasizes Dr. Adam Reich. And patients with skin diseases are afraid that someone else will abhor touching them or that their touch will be associated with pain. And touch plays an important role in communication between people. In the vast majority of cases, we subconsciously like to touch and be touched. This is important for your mental he alth. Spreading the ointment over the skin, a gentle touch that does not cause pain, but gives pleasure, helps adults - just like a massage combined with the distribution of preparations soothes a crying child with atopic dermatitis. It is a signal of tenderness, love and acceptance, and yet there are few things in the world that help, such as knowing that we are loved and that someone cares for us.

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