Painful erections statistically affect 2 out of 100 men. This embarrassing ailment is priapism, also called long-term erection or pulling. With this problem, it is necessary to visit a urologist, because if left untreated, you may end up with impotence or even penis amputation.

Painful erection( priapism , ample ) is a condition unpleasant for a man, because an erection lasts for 4-6 hours, sometimes even several days. It is independent of sexual arousal or stimulation. Urologists distinguish 2 types of priapism: high blood flow (high-flow priapism) and low flow (ischemic, low-flow priapism). The second form of the disease is more common and is associated with a decreased outflow of venous blood from the penis. This causes tissue ischemia and always pain in the penis. The situation requires urological help. High-flow priapism usually develops following an injury. Sometimes it accompanies sickle cell anemia. The essence of this form of the disease is to increase the blood supply to the penis. There is no pain and no risk of ischemia, but the patient requires specialist assistance.

Painful erection - diagnosis

Correct diagnosis is of utmost importance as treatments for the two forms of the disease are fundamentally different. Statistical data show that 1/3 of the cases of the disease do not have a strictly defined cause, 21% are the result of taking medications (e.g. for hypertension, psychotropic drugs) and alcohol abuse, in 12% Persistent erection is caused by injuries of the perineum, and in 11% of sickle cell anemia.

Painful erection - treatment

The aim of low-flow priapism treatment is to eliminate penile corpora cavernosa ischemia and to prevent tissue necrosis. Neglecting ischemia can lead to impotence and, in extreme cases, even penile amputation. When the patient is hospitalized, the doctor may administer strong antispasmodics or rinse the corpus cavernosum with saline. Surgical procedures are performed as a last resort when other methods fail.
However, in the case of hyperemic erection, which occurs as a result of an injury and the formation of a fistula, after observation, a procedure consisting in closing the damaged artery is performed

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