How to lower blood pressure without medication? It turns out there are ways to do this. Sometimes a small change in lifestyle is enough to lower blood pressure. It is worth introducing them to avoid the need to systematically take medications for hypertension. If you do not change your diet and habits, you will be at risk of arteriosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.
Few people knowthat it is possibleto lower blood pressure without medication .The ideal pressure is 120/80 mmHg, because when the heart is pumping blood with such force, all organs function best. 139/89 mmHg is still allowed. If any of these values (even one) is constantly higher - you may suspect you have hypertension. Go to the doctor to see what's going on. If he finds nothing dangerous, he will recommend a lifestyle change. Do not underestimate it, because hypertension accelerates the development of atherosclerosis, increases the risk of a heart attack, may cause a stroke, leads to kidney failure, and damages eyesight.
Obesity promotes high blood pressure
Lose weight because obesity promotes hypertension. Losing 1 kg causes a pressure drop of 2-3 mmHg, and 10 kg by as much as 20-30 mmHg. For an adult who does not work physically, 2000-2500 kcal per day is enough. To lose weight, limit yourself to 1500 kcal. Eat 4-5 times a day, but little. Give up sweets, fatty meat and cold cuts.
ImportantSymptoms of high pressure:
- frequent headaches, especially after waking up
- spots in front of eyes
- insomnia
- explosiveness
- palpitations
- sweating
- tinnitus
- shortness of breath
- dizziness
- constant fatigue
Vitamin deficiency increases blood pressure
Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, which provide vitamin C. The constant deficiency of this vitamin can cause persistent vasoconstriction. Therefore, introduce citrus fruits, black currants, chokeberry and cranberries (also frozen) to your daily diet. Vitamin D deficiency also increases blood pressure. Its synthesis in the body is stimulated by the sun. So take advantage of every moment to go out into the fresh air.
You must do it- Quit smoking- nicotine constricts vessels, blood pushes through arteries with increasing difficulty, so pressure rises, plaque build-up acceleratesatherosclerosis, and the risk of cardiovascular disease increases threefold.
- Alcoholraises blood pressure, but drinking small amounts of alcohol (especially red wine) slows the development of atherosclerosis. Too much alcohol perpetuates hypertension, may lead to muscle atrophy and limb paresis. You can have 1-2 drinks, 2-3 glasses of wine or 0.5 liters of beer with impunity.
- Coffeeincreases blood pressure somewhat, but recently published scientific research shows that drinking up to three small cups of coffee on a regular basis may reduce the risk of having a heart attack.
- Watch out for medications- even seemingly harmless medications, such as flu, can be dangerous for people prone to high blood pressure. Pay attention to those that contain ephedrine as they can significantly increase blood pressure.
S alt raises blood pressure
Limit your s alt intake to half a teaspoon a day (about 4-5 g) - this will allow you to lower your blood pressure by 10 mmHg within a few weeks. A person daily requires 1 g of s alt for the body to function efficiently. Instead of s alt, use cumin, marjoram, lovage, thyme, oregano, basil, or other fresh and dried herbs.
People who cannot imagine life without s alty taste can save themselves from the so-called dietary s alt, i.e. potassium chloride. It is as s alty as sodium chloride, but it does not raise the pressure. But this advice is only for those in whom hypertension has not yet become permanent, which means that it has not become a disease. It's also worth remembering that most processed foods and pre-packaged meats and cold cuts contain significant amounts of s alt. For example, a tablespoon of canned green peas has the same amount of s alt (1 g) as 5 g of matias herring, a glass of milk or one bite of a hamburger.
Gymnastics and swimming will help reduce blood pressure
Moderate exercise can reduce your upper blood pressure by up to 10 mmHg and lower blood pressure by 5 mmHg. Exercise every day, preferably a quarter of an hour in the morning with the window open. Start by bending, swinging, and a few squats. In the beginning, practice as much as you can. Gradually increase the effort. If you cannot bring yourself to exercise regularly, walk at a faster pace. You will lose unnecessary calories by walking 3-4 kilometers each day. These are just two city bus stops.
Swim and go on bike rides. These are sports that are safe for people who have moderate hypertension. Water gymnastics is especially recommended. It is easier then to exercise and lose weight.
Stress and nerves contribute to pressure increase
We usually forget that we need stress, just like water, food or air. Thanks to it, the body mobilizes strengthto fight against adversity. But long-term tension causes a constant increase in hormone levels, which causes the pressure to rise. Unnecessary stress is a factor causing the so-called essential hypertension, i.e. hypertension whose cause is difficult to establish. Learn to make decisions on important matters without rushing. If you distance yourself from what you cannot change - you will be he althier. To control stress, learn relaxation techniques. A simple exercise will help - close your eyes, cover your ears with your hands, bend your elbows to the sides and take five deep breaths. Lower your arms and let your muscles relax. Repeat the exercise twice. After a few weeks of training, we will be able to achieve deep relaxation in just one minute.
A stay at the seaside is good for people with heart disease
Overloading with daily chores adversely affects blood pressure. It is as dangerous as poor diet or smoking. Do not share your vacation: it is not conducive to true relaxation and rejuvenation. In order to have a good rest, you need a minimum of two weeks of vacation. Leave the rest in reserve, so that you can take a few days off to attend without upsetting important household matters or getting ready for the holidays. If you have heart trouble, go to the seaside, not to the mountains. In the mountains, the feeling of well-being deteriorates due to the lower amount of oxygen in the atmosphere. Usually the pressure rises and the heart has to work harder to oxygenate the whole body. Staying at the seaside is good for heartbeats. Only people suffering from hypertension caused by hyperthyroidism should resign from the trip - an excess of iodine may wake up the thyroid, which is dormant with drugs.
He althy sleep reduces blood pressure
A good, he althy sleep is one of the elements of heart disease prevention. Do not underestimate the problems with falling asleep every day, because they can be a signal of more serious ailments, e.g. depression. Remember that sleeping medications taken without consulting your doctor, even over-the-counter medications, can have a negative effect on blood pressure. If you have to, drink a glass of lemon balm, warm milk, or take a melatonin tablet an hour before bedtime. Switch off: don't take the hassle of the day into the bedroom. Don't watch TV in bed, make sure you have the right temperature (16-18 ° C), good shading of the windows, a comfortable mattress and natural fiber bedding.
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