Mosquitoes, wasps, bees and flies can be disgusting on the most pleasant trip outside the city - especially for people prone to allergies. How to protect yourself against biting insects and what should you pay attention to? How to reduce pain and swelling after a bite?
There are over 100,000 people living in the Polish climate zone. speciesinsectsthat bite, sting, and bite. But only two families - waspes and bees - can threaten our lives. Their venom has strong allergenic properties. It is especially dangerous for people prone toallergies , although it can also cause reactions that are dangerous to he alth in others. The stings of these insects are made of two bristles that dig into the body.
The structure of the bee's stinger causes that it stays at the site of the bite (wasps only "inject" it) along with the stinging apparatus, the venom gland and the ganglion. The insect dies. However, from the poison sac left in the body, the toxic substance may be injected for a few more minutes as a result of regular contractions of the prickly apparatus. That is why it is so important to remove the sting quickly. During one sting, the bee injects 50-100 µg (micrograms), and the wasp injects 2-10 µg of the venom.
Why is the venom of small insects so dangerous to humans?
The best known is bee venom. It contains cytotoxic peptides: mellitin and apamine, as well as a mast cell degranulating peptide. Bumblebee venom is similar in composition to bee venom. The venom of the wasps is less known. It is known that, in addition to biogenic amines, it contains allergenic enzymes. Allergic reactions to bites are likely caused by kinin activity. Hornet venom has a similar composition. All these substances are highly toxic and sensitizing.

Do all people react equally strongly to insect venom?
No. The normal reaction to a sting is a painful, itchy blister several centimeters in diameter. It should be gone after a few hours. How can I reduce the risk of being stung? When you spot a bee or wasp, sit still. Don't make any sudden movements, as it will perceive it as an attack and will defend itself. If possible, enter a dark room. These insects do not like the dark and will stay outside.Be especially vigilant when someone nearby has already been stung. Other insects may come to help their cousin. Therefore, in such a situation, you must take the children to a place at least 50 meters away.
What to do in case of bites by mosquitoes and black flies?
The venom of these insects is not dangerous, although the effects of bites can be as unpleasant as in the case of bees and wasps. If we are bitten by mosquitoes, the wounds should be disinfected with salicylic alcohol. To reduce itching, use, for example, Fenistil gel, Autanu or Sarnol - anesthetic and cooling effect, or the homeopathic Dapis gel. Moustidose cooling and soothing gel can also be used on babies. If we scratch itchy spots, it's best to apply gentian on them to prevent infection.
How to protect yourself from mosquitoes?
It is worth using special repellent creams or sprays. Only check the label if it does not contain substances that sensitize you. Pregnant women should exercise particular caution. Note: these preparations should not be used immediately after sunbathing and before going out into the bright sun. Make it difficult for mosquitoes to access the body in all ways: wear appropriate clothing, palm trees, scented candles and special lamps, cover the windows with a net (it can be easily attached with adhesive tape). The more security, the better! Herbs that repel mosquitoes, e.g. purges, will also work.
Don't do thatInsects attracted:
- colorful, patterned clothing
- yellow and orange
- smell of food and sweaty body
- carbon dioxide from carbonated drinks
How to reduce pain and swelling after an insect bite?
When you have been stung by a bee, after removing the sting, put a paste of baking soda and water on the wound. And when the perpetrator of the misfortune was a wasp, a cold compress of diluted vinegar. An ice pack or a sliced onion will also bring relief. When a bee or wasp stings its tongue or lip, take an ice cube in your mouth. Should the swelling continue to increase, medical attention must be sought. A badly swollen tongue will make breathing difficult. If he is bitten by an allergy sufferer, he may develop anaphylactic shock.
Stinging insects in action
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