Lung cleansing after quitting smoking is a long-term process and depends on the amount of toxins in the lungs and impaired function of the cilia, which are responsible for their cleansing. Fortunately, there are many natural methods you can use to speed up this process. Find out what cleansing your lungs after quitting smoking is and how long after the last cigarette has been smoked, the risk of lung cancer decreases.
Tobacco smoke poisons not only the lungs, but also the whole body, thereforethe process of lung cleansing after quitting smokingshould be started with detoxification of the body. Therefore, you should change your eating habits and follow a cleansing diet that will improve the intestinal microflora, support the liver in the process of cleansing the blood of harmful substances, regulate metabolism and activate probiotic bacteria, which will facilitate the removal of water-insoluble toxins. In the menu of a smoker and a person stopping the addiction, the main role is played by products that regenerate the cilia, which are responsible for cleansing the lungs, and thus accelerate their detoxification.
Diet for smokers - what to eat to speed up lung cleansing
- rosemary - rosemary has warming properties, thanks to which it helps to cleanse the lungs of phlegm and toxic substances. In addition, it increases air circulation in the lungs and relaxes shrunken bronchial tubules, thus improving the condition of the respiratory tract. In addition, this herb is a powerful antioxidant, thus preventing the development of lung cancer.
- thyme - thyme oil, thanks to the thymol it contains, has an expectorant and diastolic effect, which allows the expectoration of harmful substances from the lungs.
- cayenne pepper - capsaicin contained in it is a strong antioxidant, neutralizing toxic compounds from cigarettes. Thanks to this, cayenne pepper helps to remove poisonous substances from the lungs, improves their blood supply and oxygenates them more effectively;
- ginger - the essential oils contained in ginger warm the lungs, thin the mucus and stimulate its secretion, thanks to which the body removes pathogenic substances faster;
- horseradish - synigrin contained in horseradish, which gives it a pungent taste, effectively fights bacterial infections of the respiratory tract;
- pineapple - in pineapplethere is bromelain - an enzyme from the group of proteases, extracted from pineapple milk juice. Bromelain absorbs toxic substances and diseased cells found in the lungs. It also supports the breakdown of proteins into amino acids that are used to build new cells.
- avocado is a treasure trove of antioxidants that cleanse the lungs.
- dried apricots and peaches contain a lot of beta-carotene, which supports the work of the respiratory system.
Thesmoker detox dietshould also include: lemon, grapefruit, garlic, artichokes, as well as detoxifying herbs such as: nettle, St. John's wort, mint, dandelion (root ), fennel. It is also important to drink about 8 glasses of water a day. Non-carbonated mineral water causes nicotine to be excreted from the body faster. Thanks to the cleansing diet, you will feel better as early as two days after smoking your last cigarette and notice that your ability to smell and taste is enhanced.
ImportantAvoid carbon monoxide exposure while cleansing your lungs. Remember that secondhand smoke contributes as much to your lungs as inhaling cigarette smoke.
Breathing exercises - a way to clear your lungs after quitting smoking
After quitting, start exercising, especially endurance training. Thanks to them, you will systematically increase the capacity of your lungs and you will get rid of harmful substances in a natural way. Performing special breathing exercises will also improve the functioning of the lungs and, additionally, the nervous system.
Breathing exercise example:
- sit on your heels and straighten your back,
- inhale as much air as possible into your lungs,
- hold your breath for a few seconds,
- purse your lips as for whistling. Breathe out some air and hold your breath again. Repeat this step until you have released all the air.
Do you quit smoking? Check at home the condition of your lungs with a simple test.
How long does lung cleansing take?
- 8 hours after the last cigarette, carbon monoxide levels drop and blood oxygen levels return to normal;
- 24 hours after quitting the addiction, the risk of a heart attack drops by several percent.
- 3 months after smoking the last cigarette, a functioning circulatory system improves lung function and the risk of a heart attack is reduced by 30 percent.
- 9 months - this is how long it takes for the cilia to regenerate and cleanse the lungs. After this period, the lung cleansing process is more efficient, which reduces the risk of upper diseasesairways.
- One year after quitting smoking, the risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker.
- 5 years after quitting smoking, the risk of stroke is reduced by several dozen percent.
- 10 years after quitting smoking, the risk of developing cancer of the lung, mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas drops by 50 percent.
- 15-20 years - so many years after quitting smoking, the lungs are cleared and the risk of lung cancer is 1%. The risk of developing coronary heart disease is also reduced.