Pancytopenia is a condition in which there is a shortage of red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), and platelets (thrombocytes). Then a range of symptoms develops that may indicate many different diseases. What are the causes and symptoms of pancytopenia? What is the treatment?
Pancytopeniais a condition in which there is a deficiency of all morphotic elements of the blood, i.e. red blood cells (erythrocytes) and white cells (leukocytes), as well as platelets (thrombocytes) , most often as a result of bone marrow damage due to various reasons. In medical terminology, pancytopenia is not a disease entity, but a set of laboratory features that may have multiple causes.
Pancytopenia - causes
Pancytopenia can be congenital (most often Fanconi syndrome) or acquired. In the latter case, the following may be responsible for the development of pancytopenia:
- severe bacterial infections (sepsis, bacterial endocarditis, typhoid fever)
- tuberculosis
- protozoal infections (e.g. malaria)
- severe viral infections (flu, viral hepatitis)
- haematopoietic system hyperplastic syndromes (including acute leukemias, myelodysplastic syndromes, bone marrow fibrosis)
- tumors that occupy the myeloid tissue
- Addison-Biermer disease
- collagenosis
- nocturnal paroxysmal hemoglobinuria
- chronic osteitis
- cirrhosis of the liver
- so-called hypersplenism (overactive spleen)
- certain drugs (e.g. anti-cancer drugs)
30-50 percent cases are spontaneous pancytopenia, i.e. those for which the cause is unknown.
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Pancytopenia - symptoms
The symptoms of pancytopenia result from:
1. deficiency of red blood cells (erythrocytopenia) . Then symptoms of anemia (anemia) appear:
- pallor
- fatigue
- weakness
- dizziness
- headaches
- problems with memory and concentration
2. deficiency of white blood cells (leukopenia) , which are responsible for the body's immunity:
- susceptibility to the development of infections
- extendedduration of infections
3. deficiency of platelets (thrombocytopenia) , which are responsible for blood clotting:
- minor ecchymoses on the skin and mucous membranes
- increased bleeding from small wounds and scratches
- nose bleeds, gums
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- hematuria
- heavy periods in women
This is accompanied by the symptoms of the disease that is responsible for the development of pancytopenia.
Pancytopenia - diagnosis
If pancytopenia is suspected, a complete blood count is performed. The results show decreased hemoglobin levels, hematocrit index, and red blood cell counts. Leukopenia (decreased number of white blood cells), granulocytopenia (decreased number of granulocytes, a type of white blood cell) and thrombocytopenia (decrease in blood platelets) can often be very severe.
In addition, a bone marrow test is performed. Bone marrow aplasia or hypolasia is usually seen with pancytopenia, although sometimes (depending on the cause of pancytopenia) the marrow may be normal or rich in cell.
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Pancytopenia - treatment
The therapy consists in treating the disease that caused pancytopenia, as well as relieving the above-mentioned symptoms, such as blood or platelet concentrate transfusion. Your doctor may also decide to give you growth factors for your blood cells or erythropoietin (a hormone that stimulates red blood cell production).