Raspberry leaf tea has been known and appreciated for a long time due to its he alth-promoting properties. It is most often used in home antipyretic treatments. Raspberry leaf tea is best drunk during the period of infection, because it is perfect for sweating a fever. What is its uniqueness?
Raspberry leaf teaIt is ahome-made diaphoreticthat helps reduce fever. By stimulating the action of the sweat glands,induces profuse secretion of sweat(0.5-1 hour after drinking). In addition to the diaphoretic effect of raspberry leaves, they also haveastringent, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.Thanks to this, the infusion of raspberry leavesis used to treat colds and flu. Due to the content of vitamin C and mineral s alts, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system.
Raspberry tea: composition and properties
Raspberry leaves are considereda remedy for many ailmentsin folk medicine due to its rich composition. Includes, among others:
- resins
- tannins
- mineral s alts
- organic acids
- vitamin C
- iron
- potassium
- calcium
- magnesium
In addition, raspberry leaves area valuable source of antioxidants (flavonoids)whichprevent the development of many diseases and protect against premature aging . Flavonoids have a detoxifying and diuretic effect on the body. Raspberry leaf tea is recommended inthe treatment of inflammation of the urinary tract . On the other hand, the water extract of raspberry leaves shows choleretic, astringent and anti-diarrheal properties.
Raspberry leaf infusion is also perfect for washing the skin in order tosoothe blemishes.Raspberry leaf tea also works as arinse for greasy hair and as a homemade lotion that reduces irritation, burning and stinging of the intimate area.
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Raspberry leaf tea: how to prepare?
Raspberry leaf tea is effective and costs less than conventional preparations. It is true that it is freely available for sale in the herbal store and pharmacies inin dried form and in sachets. Nevertheless,it is worth preparing an infusion of raspberry leavesat home, but before that, you need to take care of the basics of the ingredient.
In summer we should collectyoung, fresh raspberry leaves,and then dry them in a ventilated and shaded place at room temperature. Remember not todo it in the sun , because then raspberry leaves will turn brown and lose their valuable healing substances. As a rule,drying takes from one to two weeks.The dried raspberry leaves should be stored in a tightly closed glass jar or in a can. Place the container with its contents in a shaded place.
Raspberry leaf infusion iseasy to prepare , namely:
- First, add one tablespoon of dried raspberry leaves.
- Pour boiling water over them, and thenbrew them covered for 15 minutes .
- Pour a little raspberry juice.
We can drink raspberry tea prepared in this way 2-3 times a day.
Raspberry leaf tea: contraindications
Raspberry leaf teashould not be consumed by women who are at risk of pregnancy.It is also not recommended during multiple pregnancies or before a planned caesarean section. Drinking raspberry leaf teashould be avoided by people suffering from hypertensionand those with an increased risk of ovarian cancer, breast fibroids or endometriosis.