Pine nuts (pine nuts), like other nuts, have many properties and nutritional values. However, compared to them, they are distinguished by a large content of zinc, which has a positive effect on male fertility. This is why pine nuts are considered an aphrodisiac. In addition, scientists argue that pine nuts should be included in a slimming diet. Check what other properties pine nuts have.
Pine nuts(pine nuts) are edible seeds of several types of pine - in Europe the most commonpine pine( Pinus pinea L. ), which grows on the northern Mediterranean coast, from Spain to Cyprus, and on the southern Black Sea coast.
In Russia, Korea, China and Japan, other - usually cheaper - varieties of pine nuts are grown, including from Korean pine ( Pinus koraiensis ).
Pine nuts, like othersnuts , have numerousnutritional values andhealing properties. However, compared to them, they are distinguished by the content of several nutrients.
First of all, pine nuts are a rich source of vitamin K (34.1 µg / 100 g), which many nuts do not have at all or in small amounts (the exception is cashew nuts, which have the same amount of vitamin K as pine nuts).
In alternative medicine, pine nuts are used to treat dizziness, dry cough, rheumatism and constipation.
Vitamin K is responsible for the proper blood clotting process, and also reduces excessive menstrual bleeding, inhibits the growth of cancer and calcifies bones, which protects against osteoporosis.
Pine nuts also contain niacin (4.387 mg / 100 g), which has a positive effect not only on the nervous system, but also on the condition of the skin (its deficiency increases the risk of skin diseases and hair loss), and lowers blood pressure arterial potassium (597 mg / 100 g).
In addition, of all nuts, pine nuts contain the most fertility-enhancing zinc (6.45 mg / 100 g), which is why they are considered an aphrodisiac.
Pine nuts (pine nuts) for male fertility
Contained in pine nutszincis particularly importantin a man's dietas it plays an important role in testosterone production, sperm formation andextending the lifespan of sperm.
Even a short-term deficiency of this micronutrient reduces testosterone levels and the volume of male sperm. Studies conducted among he althy men have shown that the volume of semen drops by up to 30 percent. if the concentration of zinc in the body is too low.
In addition, it was shown that the dietary supplementation of men with reduced fertility, 66 mg of zinc sulfate (i.e. about 27 mg of zinc) resulted in a significant increase in sperm count.
Nutritional values of pine nuts (per 100 g)
Energy value - 673 kcal
- Total protein - 13.69 g
- Fat - 68.39 g
- Carbohydrates - 13.08 g (including simple sugars 3.59)
- Fiber - 3.7 g
- Vitamin C - 0.8 mg
- Thiamine - 0.364 mg
- Riboflavin - 0.227 mg
- Niacin - 4.387 mg
- Vitamin B6 - 0.094 mg
- Folic acid - 34 µg
- Vitamin A - 29 IU
- Vitamin E - 0.90 mg
- Vitamin K - 34.1 µg
- Calcium - 16 mg
- Iron - 5.53 mg
- Magnesium - 251 mg
- Phosphorus - 575 mg
- Potassium - 597 mg
- Sodium - 2 mg
- Zinc - 6.45 mg
Fatty acids
- saturated - 4.899 g
- monounsaturated - 18.764 g
- polyunsaturated - 34.071 g
Data Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Pine nuts (pine nuts) can extend life?
Pine nuts (as well as other nuts), eaten regularly, can extend life by reducing the risk of dying from various diseases.
This is the result of a study by scientists from Boston (USA), published in the New England Journal of Medicine, who argued that eating nuts reduces the risk of dying from heart disease by 19 percent, and cancer - by 11 percent
In addition, it has been shown that nuts (including pine nuts) can prevent type 2 diabetes, gallstones and help lower cholesterol.
Pinioles can protect against liver cancer?
Pine nuts, as well as almonds, peanuts, and dried apricots, can reduce the risk of developing liver cancer. All thanks to the content of vitamin E, argue scientists from the Shanghai Cancer Institute.
Researchers compared the menu of 267 people with liver cancer to the menu of people who did not regret snacks rich in vitamin E.
In their opinion, the relationship between the intake of vitamin E from these products and a reduced risk of liver cancer isunambiguous.
Pine nuts (pine nuts) for weight loss
According to research published in 2014 in the "Food Technology" magazine, pine nuts should be included in a slimming diet.
Extracted pinolenic acid (one of the polyunsaturated acids) helps to control body weight by suppressing the appetite and ensuring a feeling of fullness.
This is another research which clearly shows that eating nuts (not only pine nuts) contributes to a slim figure.
GOOD TO KNOW>>Nuts to help you lose weight
Pine nuts are currentlyone of the most expensive nuts in the world . A small package costs up to 5-7 euros. The price per kilogram is 80-100 euro. For this reason, in Italy (where the noblest varieties come from), they are stolen more and more often, and then they end up on the black market. There are even gangs specializing in stealing these dried fruit. Therefore, in some Italian supermarkets, bags with peanuts are equipped with special security - the same as in the case of champagne, caviar or expensive wines. In Poland, the price of 100 g of pine nuts is about PLN 25. However, these are varieties from Korea or China - available in larger hypermarkets. You have to pay much more for pine nuts from warm European countries, and you also have to look for them, because you can buy them only in selected stores. Pine nuts are light cream, soft and delicate in taste, and additionally very aromatic - after chewing them you can clearly feel the scent of pine. Pine nuts quickly go rancid, so it is not worth buying them in advance. Alternatively, they can be frozen Pine nuts are an important ingredient in Italian cuisine. Without them, you won't make pesto-the famous Italian sauce, which also consists of basil, parmesan, olive oil and garlic. They also taste good in other sauces served with pasta dishes. They are also an interesting combination with lamb and mild cheeses. They can also be added to cakes and desserts. In addition, on their basis,oilandpine honey are produced.Pine nuts - where to buy? What is their price?
Pine nuts (pine nuts, pine nuts) - use in the kitchen