Gray mold and the rapid fermentation of strawberries are a major concern when storing fruit. In order to preserve their aroma and properties, you need to learn how to deal with them properly. Did you know that strawberries are only stalked after washing? Thanks to this, they will not absorb water. Check what else to do so that the strawberries do not spoil after a few hours after buying.
Gray mold. Why does he attack strawberries?
The most commonly grown strawberries in Poland are the senga sengana variety. They are rich in nutritional values, tempt with taste and aroma, but have a short shelf life. In addition to its many advantages, this variety is very susceptible to gray mold, caused by Botryotinia fuckeliana. The growth of fungi is stimulated by temperature and an increase in humidity. Therefore, long and heavy rains negatively affect the quality of strawberries. The raid occurs already on the bushes, attacking the inflorescences first and causing them to die off gradually. Infected fruit dries or rots.
Gray mold prevention consists in timely protection with chemical agents, even in the early stage of breeding (before the strawberries grow and mature). Another type of mold is the one that appears on beautiful ripe strawberries after you buy them. It is the same type of mushroom that often attacks other fruits as well. Unfortunately, strawberries are very susceptible to gray mold. The first symptoms of deterioration sometimes appear several hours after purchase.
What to look for when buying strawberries?
Choose strawberries that are dry, uncrushed and he althy. Those that have been harvested in the rain will ferment and become moldy faster. It's also best to wait for the full season to buy fruit. Then you can be sure that the strawberries have ripened under natural conditions. Fruits from overseas or from Spain, although they tempt with colors in March, after one day in the refrigerator they will become hard and dry.
Why is it worth eating strawberries?
How to store strawberries to keep them from molding?
1. Strawberries in the refrigerator should not be stored for more than 2 days.
2. Strawberries do not like water very much, so wash them just before eating to remove chemicals from fertilizers.
3. Soaked strawberries lose their flavor and aroma, so wash them under running water.
4. Strawberries come out quicklythey spoil and ferment. Divide them into good and slightly battered ones and store them separately. He althy fruit may lie for a few days, and prepare a strawberry mousse or smoothie from the crumpled ones. One moldy fruit is enough for the fungus to spread to the rest, so you need to sort it out at the beginning.
5. The fruit is not kept in plastic bags because they will become moldy faster. It is best to put the unwashed ones on a plate or in a bowl and put them at the bottom of the fridge. Wash them only after taking them out of the refrigerator.
6. Remove the stalks of strawberries only after washing the fruit, thanks to which they will absorb less water.
ImportantFun fact: Scientists have developed a method that allows the fruit to be kept fresh even for many days without the need to use preservatives. The experiments were carried out on the fruit, which was divided into two parts. One was put in refrigerators with no light and the other in refrigerators with enhanced lighting. The LED lighting was modified so that the LEDs produced ultraviolet rays. Constant monitoring of strawberries showed that LED lighting stopped molding for 9 consecutive days (2 times longer than strawberries that had not been lit).
Strawberries often cause allergic reactions
Be careful when introducing strawberries to your child's menu, as they are a common cause of allergic relationships. Strawberry allergy is characterized by itching in the mouth, swelling of the throat and tongue.