A high-residual diet, also known as a high-fiber diet, contains more dietary fiber than a traditional diet. It is a therapeutic diet, recommended, among others, by in the fight against constipation and in the prevention of intestinal diseases, including irritable bowel syndrome and colon cancer. In addition, a high-residual diet prevents the development of atherosclerosis, diabetes and obesity. What are the principles of a high-fiber diet?
High-residual diet , otherwisehigh-fiber diet , contains more than the traditional diet of non-digestible plant polysaccharides (fiber, hemicellulose , lignin, pectin, gum). According to the recommendations of doctors and nutritionists, 30-40 grams of polysaccharides should be included in the basic diet of a he althy person. A high-residual diet assumes that you should provide the body with 50-70 grams of these substances every day.
High residual diet - rules. What is a high-fiber diet?
- The basis of the menu are products rich in fiber
When composing the menu, you should choose primarily products that contain a higher content of dietary fiber. These are both thick groats, dark bread, brown rice, as well as dried fruit (especially dried plums). It is recommended that groats or pasta (as well as vegetables) should never be cooked to the end, only half-hard. The cooking process causes the loss of at least some of the valuable ingredients they contain, including fiber.
A rich source of fiber are also raw fruits and vegetables, as well as legumes, which, due to the extremely high content of polysaccharides and low caloric content, should be consumed in an amount of about 1 kg per day.
To products on the traditional menu, add those rich in fiber, e.g. oatmeal can be combined with milk, yoghurt or salads. In turn, wheat bran is an ideal addition to potatoes, and even juices, both fruit and vegetable.
- Elimination of high-fat products
You should eliminate high-fat foods from your menu. Only every now and then you can afford small amounts of low-fat products. For example, a slice of cheese or cottage cheese can be combinedwith wholemeal or rye bread. Do not eat too much eggs. It is also forbidden to eat any fried or baked fat. Lean meats, recommended in a high-residual diet, can be cooked, stewed or fried without fat.
- Exclusion from the sweets menu
Additionally, when following a high-fiber diet, you should give up sugar and sweets, as well as highly processed products, because they have no residual ingredients and are very caloric.
- Herbal teas will aid digestion
It is also not recommended to drink strong tea. It is best to replace it with herbal infusions that have a positive effect on the digestive process.
ImportantA high-residual diet should be introduced gradually, so that the digestive tract can get used to more and more fiber. This way you will avoid side effects such as gas, colic or diarrhea.

High-residual diet - in the prevention and treatment of which diseases a high-fiber diet is used?
A high-residual diet is used in the prevention of irritable bowel syndrome, diverticular disease and colorectal cancer, because polysaccharides absorb carcinogens formed in the intestine from the breakdown of bile acids and additionally accelerate their excretion. A high-fiber diet prevents the development of atherosclerosis, gallstone disease, diabetes and obesity, because fiber reduces cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose. It is also a proven method for constipation, especially habitual ones, as plant polysaccharides increase the amount of water in the intestinal contents.
High-residual diet - recommended products- low-mill wheat and rye flour
- stale bread - wholemeal, rye, mixed, bran, crispy
- groats - buckwheat, millet, barley, oatmeal
- dairy products: milk, yogurt, low-fat kefir, cottage cheese and skimmed white cheeses (fresh butter and cream - low fat - in small amounts)
- egg whites (up to 2 yolks per week)
- lean meats
- lean fish - redfish, cod, zander, pike, bream, tench
- soybean oil, peanut oil, olive oil in limited amounts
- potatoes (only boiled), unlimited fruit and vegetables and products made from them, i.e. salads, juices, as well as soups and sauces with vegetable stock, fruit soups
- weak tea
- grain coffee
- herbal infusions
- mild and spicy spices in small amounts
- sweets: limited amounts of low-sugar jams

Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreHigh residual diet - who cannot use it?
A high-residual diet can not be used primarily by people suffering from inflammation of the stomach, pancreas, bile ducts and intestines, as well as people with gastroenteritis and peptic ulcer disease of the stomach or duodenum.
The use of a high-residual diet in children is controversial. Some experts believe that fiber limits the absorption of vitamins, so in the case of children and adolescents, where vitamins and other nutrients play a key role in their development, the introduction of large amounts of fiber should be well thought out and preferably preceded by a medical consultation. The same should be done in the case of elderly people.
This will be useful to youHigh-residual diet - prohibited products
- white flour: high-mill corn, potato and wheat flour (as well as pancakes, dumplings, dumplings and puff pastry made on its basis)
- white bread
- white rice, semolina, corn porridge
- dairy products: fatty milk, milk drinks, fatty cheeses, s alted or fresh butter, fatty cream,
- animal fats (e.g. lard)
- meat: fatty meats and cold cuts, pates, game, giblets, geese, ducks, wild birds, fatty fish (as well as soups made on them)
- cocoa
- coffee, strong tea
- alcoholic beverages
- bigos, pork knuckle
- sweets (from chocolate, jams and preserves to cookies with ker, cakes to ice cream)