NanoKnife IRE is a method of treating cancer. It is based on the use of an alternating electric field flowing through the target area. This process leads to cell death. This biophysical phenomenon is known as irreversible electroporation (IRE).

NanoKnifeis a device that uses a unique form of biological effect known as irreversible electroporation (IRE) .¹ Irreversible electroporation is a new, non-thermal ablation method that involves the passage of short electrical pulses through tissue, causing irreversible holes (pores) to form in the cell membrane, leading to increased permeability and ultimately cell death .¹

- Irreversible electroporation (IRE) is a relatively new, non-thermal ablation method designed for the precise and effective destruction of cancer cells, explains Dr. n. med. Ryszard Wierzbicki, oncologist surgeon, Żagiel Med hospital

NanoKnife IRE - what is the operation?

The operation consists in introducing electrodes within the area of ​​the cancerous tumor, which emit electrical impulses of very high voltage (up to 3000V) precisely aimed at the cancer cells at microsecond intervals. This leads to the destruction of cancer cell membranes, while the adjacent cells and tissues of other organs are completely safe. The entire procedure is performed under general anesthesia and practically does not burden the patient, who can leave the surgical ward after a few days.

Thanks to the NanoKnife method, cancer cells are attacked with a nano-knife and die. They are then cleared by the patient's immune system.

Experts point out that the NanoKnife IRE method is extremely precise. - The use of the IRE procedure allows the local destruction of primary unresectable neoplastic tumors, then the use of chemotherapy increases the chance of extending life in patients with the so-called incurable tumors, explains Dr. Ryszard Wierzbicki.

NanoKnife IRE - advantages

- The obvious advantage of the NanoKnife technique, compared to e.g. radiotherapy, is the possibility of repeating the treatments if necessary. Speed ​​and are other advantagesprecision and minimal pain for the patient. Another advantage of NanoKnife is the lack of thermal impact on the treated tissues, which reduces the risk of undesirable damage - adds Dr. Ryszard Wierzbicki.

The cost of the procedure is approximately PLN 45,000. Currently, it is not possible to reimburse the procedure by the National He alth Fund.

NanoKnife IRE - indications

The "percutaneous" method is used when the neoplastic process is not disseminated, in the case of synchronous metastatic changes in the liver or other abdominal organs, the IRA procedure is used along with simultaneous microwave thermal ablation "through open abdomen" and other surgical methods . In both cases, general anesthesia is required. Patients without the above-mentioned surgery cannot undergo chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or any other surgical intervention, e.g. due to a tumor located near large blood vessels.

This method involves neoplastic changes concerning the pancreas, liver, kidneys and lungs. The Nano Knife method is also a particularly minimally invasive and safe method of treating prostate cancer. It is also possible to treat recurrences of neoplasms within the lymph nodes and local recurrences after surgical treatment of colorectal cancer, gastric cancer or bile duct cancer.

A contraindication to the use of this method is the presence of a pacemaker. - Qualification for the procedure is based on the analysis of the provided medical documentation and examination of the patient - explains Dr. Ryszard Wierzbicki.

NanoKnife IRE - after surgery

After the surgery, its effects and the patient's condition are assessed using the NanoKnife technique. Depending on the type of cancer, it is decided on the types of tests - assessment of the level of tumor markers or procedures for radiological techniques allowing to determine the size of the tumor or its reduction.


1. Wronczewski A., Siekiera J., Studniarek M., NanoKnife - irreversible electroporation: a new hope in the treatment of patients with prostate cancer ?, "Przegląd Urologiczny" 2013, No. 2

2. press materials of the Żagiel Med hospital


Source: Medicine
