The chemistry of love makes everyone love differently, and the love of love makes unequal. Some act furiously, others do not feel so emotionally aroused. Where do these differences come from? Find out exactly what changes take place in your body when you fall in love.

The chemistry of love makes each of us produce different doses of love hormones, and that is why we react to love so differently. The concentration and cooperation of hormones also change as we experience the ups and downs of love.

Chemistry of love: hormones and pheromones

Thanks to "love hormones" you have flushed cheeks, smooth skin, shiny eyes and larger pupils. It happens that you meet someone by chance and you already know that it's this (this) or no (none). There are those who believe they are pheromones - odorless signals sent and received beyond our consciousness. Others say it's a sixth sense or believe that love is a divine gift.

Scientists know one thing for sure - love - the eternal inspiration of poets - is only a game of hormones. The state of being in love is caused by chemicals that act on the brain (not the heart!) Like a drug. That is why there is a lot of truth in the old saying that when love awakens, reason falls asleep.

The chemistry of love: a storm in the brain

The birth of love is a real shock for the body. The heart beats faster, the blood pressure rises, the hands tremble and they sweat - it means that we have caught our eye. Now everything happens at lightning speed. When there is a spark between two people, a chemical storm occurs in their brain.

The production of certain neurotransmitters (these are hormones responsible for transmitting signals between nerve cells) begins. Some of the brains did not produce at all before, others it produced, but, for example, in a smaller amount. Hormonal tuning takes us to a higher and higher level of love and makes us behave as if we are possessed. Let's take a closer look at the perpetrators of this confusion.

You are able to move mountains. You feel that the whole world belongs to you. You don't see problems that until recently seemed impossible to solve. A person in love is full of happiness, he wants to live - to dance, sing, shout for joy! Feels like "high". You owe this state of euphoria to phenylethylamine (vabbreviation PEA).

It works like a drug but is not harmful to the body, and some physiologists consider its composition to be the chemical formula of love. All you need to do is look at the person you love, touch, or even just think about the object of your feelings, and you get a new plot of the drug. Thanks to this, you can stay awake all night long, and the next day you do not feel tired, even have more vitality than usual.


Chemistry of love: aphrodisiac or illusion?

We know that pheromones influence the sexual behavior of animals. The smell of the opposite sex becomes a stimulus for the increased production of sex hormones, which in turn increase the desire for sex. But do they have a similar effect on humans? It is not known. The fact is that we are attracted to some people and not to others. But why this is so remains a mystery. And it will remain so until scientists manage to produce the body's natural scent, which is the strongest aphrodisiac for lovers. Doctors argue that perfumes containing pheromones are a marketing gimmick. But faith works miracles …

Chemistry of love: pink glasses

In time, you can't take your mind off your loved one. When she is not with you, you feel a painful longing. You want to spend every free moment together, looking into each other's eyes, holding hands and kissing. It is an increase in the level of dopamine, a hormone related to amphetamine, in the brain that makes you look at the object of your feelings uncritically, and its flaws seem adorable.

You discover the similarities, you want the same. You go to the pool with him, even though you can't swim and you are afraid of the water. You accompany her in shopping, although you hate it. The surge of activity, insomnia, loss of appetite, trembling hands, palpitations, rapid breathing, ecstasy, but also anxiety and fear of losing a loved one are also influenced by dopamine.

Chemistry of love: happy

Another hormone that plays an important role in awakening love is norepinephrine. It works similarly to adrenaline and, like adrenaline, it is a kind of doping agent. It causes euphoria and an unusual surge of energy. It makes you walk like a little kick. It is thanks to her that you remember the smallest details of the behavior of a loved one and the moments spent together.

The chemistry of love: from euphoria to despair

If a loved one calls you regularly, sends you text messages or spends a lot of time with you, the world is beautiful. But it is enough to be late, and in an instant you will be overcome by apathy, depression, you cannot concentrate on anything. You are immersed in black thoughts. Maybe he doesn't love me anymore? You worry until you hear wthe earpiece of the beloved voice. Then you feel very happy again. The variety of moods and obsessive thoughts about a loved one are caused by a sharp drop in serotonin levels in the brain, which causes total chaos in nerve cell communication. Less serotonin is more anxiety. And when things go wrong, you get depressed.

Chemistry of love: when does it stop working?

After 1.5-4 years the narcotic substances stop working. It means the end of passion, the end of madness, and the end of great love. Those who have become addicted to it are looking for a new feeling object - that's why after 2-3 years many couples fall apart.

However, most people can build a lasting relationship after falling in love. Endorphins, which act similarly to morphine, help in this. They evoke a feeling of happiness, peace and security, the presence of a partner is enough. If the level of endorphins does not increase, we become indifferent to our loved one. There is also oxytocin, thanks to which we need tenderness, closeness and warmth of our partner. It appears during sex and … breastfeeding, is responsible for pleasure and strengthens the maternal instinct. Its level decreases when we live under stress, sadness and when we argue.

Chemistry of love: appetite for sex

During a hormonal storm, the production of sex hormones - male testosterone and female estrogens - is at its peak in the brain. They decide how much we can give and how much we can get from intimate contact, which is why we have a constant appetite for sex during the period of the greatest ecstasy and we would rather not get out of bed.

When your hormones return to balance, your bodies' frenzy is also calmed down. But sex still plays an important role in a relationship because it cements closeness. And the degree of this closeness affects the quality of intimate close-ups. That is why many couples, who have already passed the time of their first raptures, still felt passionate about each other. How do they do it? They avoid routine that is fatal to their relationship and passion, but they keep rediscovering themselves.

You must do it

6 tips for a happy love

  • Keep a balance in giving and taking. Sacrifice, submission, submission, and exaggerated kindness will not earn your partner's love. Sooner or later, one will rebel and the other will get bored.
  • Don't treat yourself as property. The words "you are mine" do not mean "you must do what I want". People who feel inferior or oversensitive about themselves have such a tendency. They self-esteem themselves by controlling their partner.
  • Accept your hobby. It is worth showing at least a little interest in your partner's horse. It is also good to have at least one activity together, because nothing strengthens the bond so much,like common interests.
  • Cultivate feeling. Stepped on slippers and curlers are murder for love. However, it is supported by compliments, memories of birthdays, a flower with no occasion, a tender note, a romantic evening by candlelight. Praise such as: "you look beautiful" or "you have made a good decision" put you in a great mood and evoke mutual kindness, especially in the presence of third parties.
  • Make sure the bedroom is attractive. Flannel pajamas are good for trips to the mountains, at home, replace them with silk or cotton. Do you remember how exciting it is to undress each other? How you ignite your senses depends on your creativity. Getting to know new things is exciting. A couple who play with each other have a chance to experience intoxicating moments.
  • Talk to each other because silence is dangerous. It's better to be open about our expectations or what bothers us than to have our thoughts guessed and hold a grudge against us. A man in particular needs specific information. He is unlikely to guess what you mean.

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